OYeMEDICS! I) liz on in Ic !.'our (/111.01/ Iakis Pharmacy THE U. OF "As DAUSY.______ ON- FOUT H OF F SL E, ALL AIIOI ,SI IAJTS 121 DIFU RAJ81lAG.S' O N1 L'OU JI TII Ol* Silveraian' IHt, eul.,n~o w0 $3. liothersin propotin gl O ~LOQJE~E~ & wI~FcxE2E~, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. i N FBIfiAEA'N'T'ION rTA) 1fN Tchi ,(( S II;"S )illAN}, zL:IAR: "t 8' .L AO 5)11 01 11Nt'Ci)15.1'IA'4ANI) SET,18 OF1" (As'). Jo. 1 Obt. la IvyIstreet, 1 ot 01)00011 I I;L. jtashin: o ostree Auu Arbor Savings Bank 5ii 180)'r. Micb. Clap)itl Mock, $50,0.81 Surl)lpt)o, 11o8,001. .llOrrr;ize(1 under thO l11i01'0t Ialin; Lavin1)0' of tis iSttI'. oiv s)deoits05),Obuys land se'll ella-e on the )princlipl cit11' ies o th Iltoll states1. [Draits cashed upon01proper1 idenifition111. 11) lo1y (1posit1boxe. to rent. IllollolO). Vi't re. I 1)0). I is 8010).Ca- shir-11 1.'rtt Asst.(Casher. p $150! K S1.50. U.NPRLULDEMTLD, 1.50. " ' tiOF li U"AII" of Hie 1Cnollee a or o$I.15. UWW Rl1E NOW +a At DAILY OFICE I Opera h0 Iouse 111k. CDC at 4Slt9I 1F.T'S News Stand. Ladies' Artistic Hairdreiiing lors,1110 FIRSTIN 'IIONAL B ANK lOF ANN ARBOR)1. Capitlt, Y518,100. Surplus (lid Profits, h 0t0011. Ir:>loc0O1 aigeneral bilslllilllnrins t or- eign ) 10011)) 01 boughtaci~d sold. Letersof cred11t1(1000010)1 io ralers i1. bowl'. P.B0.11l, Prlio. S. i1.CLAIIKSON, Cas0100r PALACE + BARBER + SHOP t. Aud IBath 1Rollon. W. H. OWE N, loron.. NO. 4 East Huron St.. Oppositeourt Ho1010. Hot, ('11111a1011 00))SaIliBaths. Por- celinOtubs. ANN ARBOR- IilJ{JA hj L~UND1RY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVISS, - Manager. .-l-iNvll~ W M ntI FULDEl vk tftat r. i ..r " , ors1, tug1((0 )( 01.)1)0 .1(11 01)10101 (t110)01151rrc?,,. 5 U. OF M. FLAGS. 1110to Il )1,581b . G'(bn)ImIjtt toite i t/t.n((1~00.( 0 .11 I l' 1 44 Sooth Maiu StrooM, Ann .Arbor, Mich. DEAN & CO3MPANY. f LO VEii.i V+~1 UNIVERSITY NOTES. There must1).~t hveben six to elight COMM j- S.i o1v.11 A I,___M t H5 IL lot. 1 ~ Telephone 110. llt reeols 1)00 Welleday hundllredl people coi the toe aboveo the ~"I. Mtliss M.Louise Smith, '97, isvcry 101 auriyaI 00 Sota l~11lf)0 111 hrii1i~ sick at Iher 1h0rde in Jackson. t \)~lll~t~I I) tl 1) i . a~ in~g w01 i )be qu ized 010. 1 clolib to- . t si~omit u rforot logs swore 545 co ih)) 01;74 10010 II.8 ))0 101 Y 8'.Id. Ill .11 C 1ra.liter, The Glee andlt) 1)1110clubs silw t)ill ll))10 ie 0)08S 000 _________________________ 1 exactly coveredlby h e til bscriptions gic their 1co1cer) ill IDetroit, 0oil ..,r~lia~ ~ .d11 jall. 21.+ Mhiss Woodwardl, ass') librarian of0 theo State Normal,51wa0 0 visitor last Saturday. P~rof. Thomopson atddressedI the Young People's vesiiers at St. An- trew's yesterday. Ilat. Frank Gunsaulus will deo- liter tile next lecture in the S. L. . cohirse, Friday night. President Aligoll returned Sat- A cindter 1(a))h is btiing 1made01)1 the campus Iron)the nmedlica.l build- ing to Nor0th l Iitersity- aver)sito, j Ist swest ctf tile gym)nasitum, directly across the baseball grounds. 'The mildness (If the wveatheior n Saturdtay remlindd one11 of a sptrinlg day. A felt tennlis 1300110segot out thleir rackets, rtlldl tht~e couirts o1n the cam~pus, andi onjoyed a lay's sp~ort. t ARE THlE BEST. / CIGARETTE SMOKERS wo ar000wilt- wtill lnd tHIS BRAND 0superto0lOlther&l The Richmond Straight Cut No, I 000 0)1(10 11)1)) t)e brigillestim1)11)d1liat)) e At the last iooetintg of the S.C. he delivered an address. BE ' lWARt OF IMITATIONS, ac oiuI 0e011 , before thei o ltid'ats. ittRaS 1111)1 the nae f1)e i .1 t manuf0100acer 1a R et. 1). FrMlsthelae bdedtousesho ' blolt is ou1e11r15packa. 1badecidedatetuseolihtassociation mis- sco10 lr ot1)0k ta to ionary fiuods to assist in tihe eroc - acc 4& cIYPc ojr1csa iii q0 eln) conductiog metoeings at Prioce-; Lion ot a M I. C. A1. building It ? BAN" Ren0[/1CNA toll. Madras, India. Secretary Wade htas given asslur- J g olylcue ''edy0 ~ I 2 ance thlat the gymnasiumm will be anod Thursday to the course in In- ready for the tennis men intwP~odstil1tsoy0) If Th J..ed weeks. in Room A, at 11.30. iMvr. Post of T e L a ing Ninety volumes of Teubner's New York, lectures 01n the 23d, (on iU Gre lsishv enrcnl h igTx Tadded to thae library, also 'Toreau's Seventy-five books devoted to complete works. mteaisadscectt r'Has. tenewest 5Fal11and 1winter 'oolens and A general social and supper of ceedings of the Vienna Acadenmy of selectioyou are lookinug tor. all the church societies of the Uni- Science, have been received at the COME AND SEE US. tarian church will be held in the library' also seventy books treating church this evening., 1 of language, philosophy and history. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.