THE U. OFE M. DAILY.______ THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. ]EXCE1LS1 N AUNDRY :20FE.A'"' II I IN SOlI'. Good 1.. 1. (.111 told. IGood Blld. o adcaire. A. F. oGOVEROT, Prop.I CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Saolo, No. 4N. Fourth Ave. KR0.005T01-13 A t1I 1' PVl0ll1 THE +$TATE SAVIMS BAn2K. 01111Mainand ty'ashiO1.'icO 0te.111 1A. 'L ow om,,1rs.H'il"l0117 1111 r111 tii1l ot1117. T1he0f11s1t oteeloinl Ma~rch, ilmlmOdi- ately a1 lerote ~sio n ar11.01covnl 3MJGHIGAN ENT ina etotArs Mcxnwl 'I It Iol'011001I0111000d1)1 l. lllOO n tS 111111001111un er 0t11,11uspi 0es Iofthe S. (C. ,A D . N I~xlress...A:Nci I.. N.Y011.Sp1111110 an 01ib 111111o, 1at Newberry 110111. Atlan0i1' Ex Jess'0 S17 11111 11111I II11 '11E1,10101 t....sil 118,01500 G.0.It'01 00101011 1011111110'3 1.. '111 0ail1and 1111 1111 041081G It Oloal.0Sill .110 N Y.&13cs 1 )1 . 58 +h. N.11 1 II ' x01110 ..1.i 0 managemen0'It is 1in 01111111u1l1corres- .P.&1'. 1Aglt.111can."11 .A n A rbor.01111 uc011a trip owill be far 1mo0e0 sa1i0 THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS factory 11101n0any 111100r1101a01111ld e PRINTING ands;* ---;,PUBLISHING HEO'1J870 Student Work a Specialty Best, WokmenadLow0est1001Prriees i0Ilii0.0.1 GRANGER{'S.- CLASSES IN DANCING wil11 01001a1 fo111ows,. 1Gen10emen, .S1 01-day0mo100n1111101 snd Thursday 0001111100801; Ladies. Saturdaly afternoofn 4. 1,011ieslnd Gentlemenn, ad- vanced c1ass1s, TuesdaylOevenlingsand Sati1n011- dayenin s8lo'cOnlock. (i rd lot (6'Idy 010011001 '00101111 0110 I1.0I1(twele0 0s)5 Pulpilsreceivedat 1any01i11. Headquartoersor11100101s. 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. arranged. A11111)1i0 010111001 debate occ'urred0 110 RoomIII last eveing111. '"T'hbtla- bor u11i10ns 1100beneficial to) 1110n0- ti00,"1 100 a111y0discussed01 11011and 0011 bythoe sir contlestants. 'Tle 1110.1e01w1000 Prof. 1H1dso01, Rev. 101100001001.01111ANr. IHigley. 1. V. Newton 100s giveno first place and Josialh 1)0001)000followved owitlsa close second. Northwestern Satisfied. I N TERl-COLLEG IAT E. S10 of last 1e001s Prinon ba111 se- b)a111te01111000 1110 i11college. C0o1n011 0111 Pennsylv'ania 0100 10 hloldI 0 joint Idebate on April 20. 'There 000 gradulates of fortv-throee colleges at 1110 Mass. Ins~titute of Of the wt-ie 11m ayor10 s1070o(f 11001011thirteen have 1)00en graduates0 of Htarvard. A1 11000literar~y mlagazinle hbe110n started a0111110etl:iversity of Chica~go called thle'"Cailmet." Two 170011active stu~dents 01000101 to ''boom''thoe circlationl of Th'e G food commonissions allowed to r1ig111 parties. Apply at once to IBusiness Manager. Notice. AIrIn Arbor & North Mich,. Good111I 1m'd $2 11pe10 week.. No. 8 'N. j arne0s00r0. RIaine. executIIo). 01illi111110of tAl000le1Inlciti- 00110 110e1 1,1 1111117 i111111.11te11 inthle0c1' learn tha111111 1119 alI~'lplIy is tolbe owrit- 000110is0 1o110 '11110 1f1r1delivery, 111111 we wish01t111 11011111110 with a11reliable, intell eaatbl(slns iema , woo.wi11 Notice. Sloosslialr Daninlg Aeademl~y Deroitl, MichI., I-8-94. Friend l(rnger- Yolur WIIII (xf111dIre'eiv'.l11110 MS. 1111d111'1111111adtoinflorml l71ou1it 00a1 lal instant lt 0111' 5. 1110reis 1100- a Yours 0sincerely, It. A. Stras'oblrn' 1110 disbanding of thee Intercolle- giate Athlletic Association of thle To Roi,.\I.--\Nicely furnished, beat- Northswest will mleet witlh the apl- ed suites of rooms, 73 East 'Wash- proval of all whlo 111100a00 idea of ingiton street. ('all anti see them.