e . o .de, ot. I -N . i UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, J ANUTARY 13, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. IN HONOR OF ILLINOIS, support a crew this spring. Accord-j The S. C A. Give a Reception to the leg to the Commodore's statement,, Stud-:nts from the World's the navy starts the seasos fourteen Fair State. hundred diollars in debtwstll no lios tie SI. . hs iiaserepIloslpect of ]liquidatioo except by the pprobllemlto(1 iowintoc prov-ie more the diirect support and cosnribtions of the et l, tdns oo e studlents. M 1r. Brvown goes covoon tiesay:sit tanteasted nid ei- will dent, who seas p resent at liast ttoay 'Intskdnlc- r tc-l petted to manttage te crewcs ill a liusii ws u t V lirc il II liii W i le I l :inc at tpm non U) ajoytlii ci -iii I Theoigr& oie icwit te ness like scarse'cure rasees liar tierit and idoiaiihuntdred ansi oneiiotthet SL ime. 1 iiiii cirtailt anth N Swtectoa.sume ttu1debtri)m5.i 3 a-r shicIiili e tsp ce to Nov wit bu I t .a simall atnut( clc SIcn atilat it ciiwioli e utocce .toisttt thec rectr5alnivc5andti itt. siensf- thiatsee tannotsmseet, nilItis debti A SUMMER SCHOOL. Arrangeements Are Being Made Cur a Summer School at the U. of M. this Year. Thlonittg-felt ccant of t siirtrsier scihool is to lbe supptliedl. ITe hoard of Regents at its last mreetinig aui- thrizued t"e formuation of suchita schel and1111o1111 tsters are assasmt- SUMe iiertu il l Cr i Nvxiii ll i iii 11v ot . A r I ralgeiic~i ~ iiia ciii I 'it 'e5,01 c'11 si h cie c sa n t(, it- anclte andi moeri.il i ais-a ol crc wholiii ait i i IIpo siblc ito atteind To !Give Aslaig irtihy ocivic it earil [oi-rthemii We at " t ecY ur Ytr ti um-(St toUaru c tiieliur stocAk ill r0 I r.i B. E. Jly&C. 5 tt t s5 ;ei t s s - l l tic i ait- o :Miss iMet'tlet poetit uptiiihe r --tel1 Wih 15'l ti iii 1ic i it ~ c a o lil it t I W icc- hlc e "cs i it it -v-lu t-e )n th po s !, is e sheoret. ingio e e ws i tI lite excellet facuilities tiof'-riebI litis iiitetretcrc si Ste raes tioturliibracry, laiboratories, eli.,ccill cery ci l.st.\ileeCutritoitiiiti rtt( akce Ann .\rbatr a cvertcdesir-aible nutally'oliy-to see te sitenccsub- 'Ilth- heart ta utllacrcltcccal ttac lcthecpuiet mneuths ice ridur. if ctcti tle de T h'etaball has cusi beetn set tollitng,1 ilt-tease: it is tush attestint5itt tle ctt ct etle i -eieiI ti ica d iif c-cou cectticibuttttrvitile sc s- I~oc I fcot mr o ttendi-icentunt heli i1 lubI siuet1tr iliit it~cec icc un ofa 'tr )rise i h li t ire tire. i tiiofthe tdebt, sot ccocil Se ilt l lif of flt. f. itisals ishiiearite iing tto () - Westevr Football SOr-cifa liiiere is noi~tt a iaa er (>f - I I - tletic-s in theic' ountiiyct-is .eari'T hIle fllnticin - - i i Sblts e leil ( ii Ic's notIlfeel tat eli dii stit ' as forii So i as Itti it arranied- fcci-by (_=rtiel l 5 coamttioo e. T l -act alit ijte WI.. . 1 - i tVcst are alike afiec tell, andii it ac Kansasc cs. In ic-c -IowactCite, I I .t I I Hi ss (ar; ie 5-ittu c- uzi2 7N lx entertal i teauiecettlba iic iti.5 the mantiy oi~ionsii of liar friendis is Stt ertilaity." 'ToPvol.iKeisey seas accorded te lacs tumb11r, sdit n tta ipeechbimrt fliitli chumorand icgotodwill, lie shicocedi twlaStbearinig lobbies ileavcnI upndual riitlittesaintoldi hocrth ie "hlobies'' of she ocal,i -otiantsis-rc- cuill tice sei'llthroeciout u I .Ilc~ci. lie iprt IIcls iii a xc ,., afte whcr cchil~ the ttninttii'tof tii e~eliii -v i;a,, ciaIinicrencewi-ng; uilui A' .1laealhour ti ctheucers''.tai- iornedifeeliig..iprocude.ritict eveer cit clii I litois. Cornell Navy Hard Upa. 1iWt+.+L\. t.+" +. vi tt ctJ i it tY It \.i1LY bi-an a conustartit cruggle itr keepia ti) Nicc . college athlietic organizatittic. Wea Missouri vs. ebt.,ictrac a.Cute exitndour symrp~athcy- toa-r. lirowni. NO1Vc. 1Artistic Phohographter, f E. HURON ST. D.Lombard's New Course- ass> i . ~t'e~,Nv I nt tait;.kt rt'-HOT LI..NCLIES, A nw ctcs, kown atorse I Ioa M.c't. Clubia, iiNov. r,. LownYeys (hocolctcs, aiis offetedl ly- Dr. Lonmbardin l r op. a1- ass . o. , Ki- ansas city,--:T._. tioat prait ctic al wccciin iilabotraci ite. CiNov - 2. ' UTTLE'S woirkin pyiology.11 Th 1its coursecis Ixwa is. 'ccii, Itiicha, 'NOc. 29.ii. '148 S. STAlL\TE St. cpei'ito jun1111110 ialiistudenits, c uA iintttc ccas rarriedt htitontil literaits studtrianittiotes cwitorevery icther yea'ir Nebiraska ad a _HIhaesifcoil cmptdatbalwdtc hieofling icc'.i TID 0 InKvcSmT I l cxl il t n smestersrk515iiii i P[i - Kacnsas ('ity, ticn 'I'ihandcs ivs l ay 11 Ii its'v ir ooling sitthc - is irf te IENaTIREti c ct:icO Th li tuutocer tahuingth ie coturse ! hiirksgiviig game s.HO DA B OK wte l cirtnitedi to tirtly andIaret o *4- St..._ Io lie duividedlus follwinto 1sdthree Harvard Yacht Club. AND FANCY GOODS sectiotus: 1,Jan.i o to lab. 3 I, eb ) o Hr ; I. prl t A ahcuha utbenogn7 lead rnfo-ilarv'rirl kiarti t a usli ot gasuia- YW0 1rn lY . ' " f-rfr N lay iifive afternoons a sweek, I -eunee land arwint .c are 1 e Atbietics raf all kinds, at Cortuel :si- 0,Ter ilb atvrn :43 to 3:45. All students dasiring jsi f3. 1hr ilb cieai this year seeti tic Sate an up till associate mcenmbers, mren ocwning to take the course should notify Dr.1 litte of it. 'lie football team wasIbombard of teir intentiorn. I boats alone being allowed So enter a failore atidnowtr tnless the stu- --, _ -as active menmbers. Cruises will be dents generously respond 1o an ap- On account of the S. 1.. A. lecture made in Boston harbor during She peal made by Chss. hL. Brown, the Shin evening, the M. A. C. associa- spring term and an annual cruise of comumodore of her navy, it will be tion will not meet ill one week from a week will slart from New London very doubtful if she will be able So tonight. te day after the Harvard-Yale race. vWAHR'S UNVJJRSIT.YBOOSTORE cOWNI TOWN, MAINUSTREET.