THE U. OF Mi. DAILY. 0OYe MKDI1S'! /1/i;; ;o; bc a ou illl /7 3 hroneo wei atdil sell/ I o nlhr SO g to theO T TT S it Hats and 511085. BO DS & ATSN-taetet OO~E & J Q~NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ____________________________________________ AND STATE ST,, CORNER OF WILLIAM. .1 ) I 7 IND . - ( l1- . I IEI)I \4.'7AND SEi'TS 01'F IOKS.- J,\a W~Y. GOOtinriW, i i (.ttia itio N//.,tt/-irtitsi'y-./ / 5, it//i liii ti/i .Anan Arbor Savings Bank ( 'anieti Sutticl it-aer,ithe ee er;rl ili//S I't //~ati ttion. ~t/Sfty- / i /oxes5to/rent. 01fi// /t: i Ci/tiat lacki Prs.; . D HZ OIrrmn ie NOW ('er. . ivck a si- M11J./ilAst Csietrl.i $1.50. U(NIPIElESENTi /$1.i0. Laie' re/sta irrssinaaS At/DA ANN A(,l,] ////tprI. pc1ll. C apl, l,'rSi//iS. t/////ti StdandI/. i///. eA/i talSt' I tag sit , an i urin/ta -cat aced/I twa/ca/pI rft t done. ain ttttI5. ~ e4 p'ahr.BtMt,1-4. ..TroaEow'kSoNash-/eC OANN ARBR E.ACPe. S. SERVISS ~, anager. { .w_ k ____ r ..'tjP, .R NA/SI.o .6....LD _ sa Z1= =_ (V iii//i rt t//iit/door///1//ofttalltt/ii/i. Plus 1//to[ iIt// /be t I i ) lo i//I/i/i I rroe,< b"(/ it Us/5U/il U/ FiM./FLAG (//ir sapu ti/a//iit ilrlt/t/a 1///// 5/////t/ttt/ / ti// li ///i / i etfnlt i n Wil let- - ris - e~t ol I11.l.A liZOL1), J/ iii /i/ 44 South Main Street. 0- (4f-WAr --- - Ann Arbor, MicheEAliOM A Y lL//ia S i UNIVERSITY NO 1'ES. Prof. II. C. \dantsitsavs netia\/ Us ' 'I 4I C/i N. Ci e~et/i.Bv- S UI I///it/r '/5f/iiv t we/ueak fttr Johs Hopikinis, wthire lie - rc'' trntto college ths car- i 1vl1e-/r1li1iI///. I tt hI'J ufiS ;IIII1 f/bii1C~l4f-/ i hl a ont r n r.his absnetegnrlforeo ~etre//nI t'nolt i/SI e i/t44ell~d~i A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tt~tr ? it -ibtnt r // ~-1C e /tIt/0/4 i]IIt~ tttrt. ili/t l I171tt/I ;t, 1I -. A. Sobfer. at' Madisott, Sis., t iits tta. t/<+ /1? .,a /i///s . It/ Pias it/- i/ic' cui zs , itt c//t/f it hei lasft I - i I. / itt/i ii iti f/lyil/t r/at ii safid o s/c/fe/Msn eidncft e i/ il a1iw ~ /I/c/ iswl ery tl/artioon a/s/Iturta/ ebensit;ias prEa s /c/ t//l t 1/ Mrs.dIrelxt fwila/a/lt shpew1aes1I/c//k./ iifh f/S//or odi ska/i, idra//syrg p3reseaf. srsIcc:eaiId )I - ei r' Nkedlnesday aeenag, Jan. t17. Prof. ID. S. Us/fla/t will reaid 5 NO I AR/E THE BEST. .trof. 1Mec//enlhaslprelpared/listf /pap/e 0/I"ConsantiCur/ren~t Closedl CIGARETTE SMOKtRS w'iaeill-t'//t of igt a yill litIitie iioreithioui /t i- pae oftwo / hun t/tdredvandt/IIwlent/y-fiveCoil IDytnamos before thI/a. I 5lia chaa/raedfotueIicl-irditaiyti aelCigtrttt/ qt//ions fruse i r- ewn teifgSocie/y /1/is eeninsg/'a/ t So'clock, ni//tans TI/IS BRANDsauperita/sa /sajc/o/Gils nth etrero o h llse h ihmn t aig t/itao,. I". G. S/mith/,nmedlic- '9 is prac- Ishaoratory. mlro. Carhatstoant- C1OG e1/1'LE tiigI/is fprofeaion in Somoerville, sid~erean/sat/f/yony /t/hetteotry aifavor/,t-iadtehigttcost GOLDui //ItAi/ /i~i//l I it i/thgrot /il ia/i a/Iti OD L /M1ass.5We heasr /ta/tle is nmee/iagans/ldc'esigns of I/irec/tlrrent is auattVtNl- wi/li goodcacess. ci/t/s. 'tite same aper/C was reacd tt a t/itiae of /i ithe ////1fta/ai -. WS. Pinse, '9-1, atnId55.1T. l/hif- tiutritng Itae hlidays bef/orea uScien- ba/swit s aa a/sty packagta. lips, '95. a//andaed thta .e//a tsi tilic soaiety at lthiladelfphia,and/l was Toie H8, 4ity ozNb5scc() Convren/iontta/I/I/sea, New Sfork, vail recaivaed. i%10 RANCH ',I/ctianos0iOGI~i/a Janiuary -thl and 6/t. D1y re//uast, lI es. 1-1 isa R. Siut- Prof. Hitsndale a'ns ona of /te derland twill repeat at tae Uni/ariasn T=T leadintg spiri/s in tae disaussiots of church nax/ Sunday evening Ite adt- sthletics at /lie S/aaeTeaschers'dreans whsiclhshte gave before /te The Leading association, and ably represented Worlds Parliamuent of Religions 15 the U. of 1S. Chicago, on "The Value of a Cons- -.- +.tTAILOR[ The committee on Il/a inter-aol- parative Study of Religions,"/ and legiate dehate is corresponding wilh on the following Sunday evening ChiagoandNorhweter unveri- er ddrss ive intheWoman's Ras th/' newest Fall and Wi//terawoitensn/id Chicgo nd Nrthestrn uivesi-her ddrss ivenin helargest ntoak io the cety. Yau can get /ll- ties. rThe, former is willing to de- building of the World's Fair on seletioynu ace lookl/tg Iar- hate, hut wish the contest to occur "tThe Influence of the Higher Edu- COME AND SEE US. next year in order to have ample, cation of Women on Domestic time for preparation. Life.,/" 2 E. Washington St., near Main.