THDE U. OF M. DAILY. ORANZD 88. INOPOATD186 U. 01 M. (ALENLDAR. Rev.. T. Sunderland. The pro- WHEN YOU WISH YOUR THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA.__ tE5VW H. CLEMENST, -is.11 ant ~sciS-olo gram to be presented is as follows: 51 So. Al AsI ST. tDirectnrortnd MaCi pidet.guta,,,t~ MusicSo'clock, FriezerMenorial HIl. Itsrnealnd[jJ'f EXCELSOR LA NDRY it . .I2.-S. C, A. receCion to Illinois banjo) Gerner and Koch. II I Frt.EAST. SliJltON 'STREET CntesttDe- Debate: "Resolved, that Labor Good Work OGuaranteed.Gonods coulledofori ,-Jon.y5:?,edcalllatiroottoGClneryt and-youCicalbe ad deliveCred. A. F. COVERT, Prop. l bat, itoom 4.,8 1). in. Unions are a benefit to the Nation." trGleh n nilb Sat ,tan.15-Apha N stotentdrbnt. - : o in the o-.oal artistic manner. Sittings 22 'Wearsasin thae iusiues! .'l SatJan. 1-ta a in S. L. A. coare. Silos Affirniative, L.. Htsbbarsl, R. II. nyI ts :aytm CITY LAUNDR3Y, Funan B. Anthony. Whittent, Josiahs Dearborn; INega- t r. an. 19.-Seveothsetort- of S. L. A. Thoman,- ak.o by Mr. Gibsott, its tote for tho Ill- M. 31. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. oure, by Bee. Fratnk, W. Gutnsaulus. tive, J. F. Ilsonsas, R-. C. Camp- tt eaon i .tnnOti- S. C. A. reeptionnto students of bell, F. W. Newton. ecmnsas. KeEIp YOUst AcOJSINT WITHnTHEF CI thMidle lstottets. +STAT SAVI2G~ IAlK Sat. Jan.0a7. S. C. A. ecrp liontlosttudentsofi Instrumental dinet, erner stnd I'o'a i~ +$iATEWeanIstntet.+Rock. M r a ip n Cat. Stain ansi Wahingtotn tetnt,--..- A. L. NoULs. Pres. Eostntte Sn riit-s Casnht-- ---- A Pinked Team. 'CATARRH4 HAVE YOU GOT IT? S RST A LA N RJ-INTER-COLLEGIATE. If sn, TRY my MIEDICtNE. I It innasntCestre. Try it and be consvitned TA TA4LU DR I The AaerSport departmenst - yo ill neererretit. Sentbynmail toany Finest wous to tie, ty. rnipt itettin-r dres.Anc~satelaruJr I. i RA ot wand d5511lvciglt5 Offticll ta-ilstI- of Harper's Weekly, conducted by "There are twenty-eighit Protestant 11CMa:SIt ., tiino, Illintis. Sendl ior cir- tCaspar MV. Whlitney, gives the fol- theological sensinaries in Insdia with --_________________ CRON sPEN Ca. J rnnFONTN ANDeanO lowinsg as thse sake-uip of the Aill- 350 students. B3USiNESS LOCALS. nHInAnO. Atierica teanm, ass isiaginsary elevets A new msagaczine has been startedl selected froms the astroisgest players in the Univ. of Penin. It is called of l eii ,en .rlie eiin rt fo oe C _. AARED -.- Ytine. ndextat ie s furtninshed iyt ssiylisn its/ the various colleges. .,As. Mr. thse'Veterinary Magazitse ansi is pula- the DILtitsts-.l AND ELLPEN WOLD' FAR. hitiiey's ltiwilliogness tos recog- liised by the faculty of that depart- ittsi.-1 tr'liiii fronts Mii-higatn C8ii sAUATRES19 lze aliility excelit wvheii found usn tieitt. tlt.N.Ii22-5 ta i;\e iJl .lts site isis t'i ____________________________________ Vale, Princeton, iar Harvard teamss, The stitietntsofthe Chicagco [Tn- k1iotalttgt-ois otli trunk will conifras ____________________________________________- offavti-r tiitpot silsanse tos slove tiC- DANCING and DELSARTE is wvell knownsaisd as his observationts rit have formed a I-Students'stress. ofpaeshas beeis confined tia a Lalirs Compainy," incorptoratedl TelrphoittutoiWtalkers C(oulutuiai MRS, ANNIE wARD FOSTER aoligLvevfo irtclsysric.'Pin 46S.Sat tre. arosy strip alng ihe atlantic iinils icistate latewithi a calpital Not irJ. MONDAY 5 p, tn.Advaediseetitic-areia- coast, it is sot aurprisiisg to fintl thsesltai i000Ftluetttcsitthiisestte- 50551.55-it st i.aite.'dtelaItcie-., list niacde iiientirely .of ~layers Ot 7, Mtt kit 1re TiESis A.Y- ,a-.:s. Os otis rn tltte, .Ice-boating is receiving imitchiat- - lii- M.hDrugstore. IIas rons the thsree big teamis. Its lire- te is tMdsi.Arc iee Seiiors i ill ilepairtmnitstire nenti- 5ACStiA5 lI055 enitentionlttsii a to bigali All-Aiterica teatimii irtii ilssnslsarsti as itilitnntl ttiit~ - iis- testlos binglasthSattrday lsasdthirty-eighst esitries swtrk sit lsittiali's. 2pn. isStitdHe- ttisatinn 1IS caissot, for tlsis reason be admisittedl. FrisiateIt--ai.+Sns l es'dnaiointt 1Iets. bta slciso'earsna ive ntstwo classes, and avas witnessesd by ltic~itoahies lit btuttoms prices. The( bu saslcino ersnaiefifteets hunidred sipectators. . .. i~t5(i JGHIGAN GENTIRAL TimTile (ietvt i s ON-.t1is, is893. 0.E Tr.. tt WEN ST. Sit It. ItM.t. A.M AtslatitlExpis.dit , Mail Exp1.. .5i N. R. Edsi.d...... in0 C E.2 r . M. 0. W. RG EcS 1t3t- W. -Hayes, 0. P. & T. Agi .Cic --i. Agttn Arbtor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and- - PUBLISHING Student Work a Specialty GRAN GER'S. - CLASSES IN DANCING weillsetnas followns:Oientlemtens, ttitday tearntiins1 and Thursdts v eningis 8:00i; Ladies, Satuaitsy afternon-s4. Ladtet asid Gentlemien, asi- vanced cnin-.-.i-n. TsdaseveintgsS. and ail~tr- day esenintgs 515 tosi LGoand fluor. May- isi -sAeet.Tuiiit i etetrins(twevea ml -. Pupiilsnreeived atiny tit. ETC- CTUr Ii Pictusri- i rtaiil ts ea c t. o i s 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. V ale antI Harvard it seeiis to be very lair. The teaii, as msade up by .r. Wh~litnsey, is as follotws: Half W n-BSrrewer, Sti-its I witd Mire ai tt-ti Iitig.(trins~tmit Entds-renchartdsl t riits--tt-, itdiikes-, Sticlt- LetiristitsttittssNestsel lIta- Gimrtit- 55iselt-r,(Prisni-ton suitickotk, Sit-stiue-Idiitit-ttl.utsitI ilt s-Thornes, tilt.WSid-tut incto) Kntipe, (Pein)ss, atid irootlw, ItPisis. [a eitr-Tyllr, Stisseetust). Unity Club. Usilly club will resunse its mieet- logs on nsext M~otsday evening. The entertaisnient will take the form of a social and suipp ,r, for which ar- rangemients are heing made in whlich all of the church organizations will participate. This is wvhat is known as the annual church meeting and supper. E-veryone interested in the church anssiVUnity club is, cordially in vi ted. Adetpht Debate. rise Adeiphi coolest sdebate for the choice of debaters will be held Friday evening in .Roons 4, in cont- nectiotn with the regular program. The judges of thseslebate will be Prof. Hudsnon, Mr. Trowbridge and Illis understood that Priest. Cor- penislunnte, ;liipr, ntte hoosthiasis tiell 's fatuous pitcher fo~r several boosiss bosutais Gt. Sehleedes -bi Stte street. seasots back, Isas at last coJmipleted m)Xi Atv orStam Dye lWoric a- his very extendedh coturse of study at Sit sind,-titasitist elotlncetuesi str tuDy, in.ttliori aitureisInising. teamstnseat season. - (iibotatuul ,O' i isperaveek) atTMirs. --_.., - - --tI gallis, 'i . XX illini stsreet. Wutrsi Notice. satipss a sitetilty. 6-9 i. .heltier, hm ietownedtlhiri _______- stiller ftrttiIDetrslid, hats lesisedlthis Acontvention uniler the atislpices (Cookti~stssia vitr shopuatdtiuti rntsisht- i-siit in s-Is-gui iiishapie. it- extendts a of Michuigans Equial Sitffrage as- etuisitillnis ilttissisfor till Cii visit his sociation will be held its Newberry Dertv i 5hties. i hail Jansuary i-), if anssl 7. D1)- lot ienuesi rate tiecets t lilios, snW i hr Xesk 5tt i dlii Va. sisitaistpsily ito tinguished speakerswilb he. It. S .(Tt-eyutnssus. 'Ticket AgI.. Toledot i-ee. Anna Shsaw, Rev.Carolins Bart- Ann irborui& North Mieh. hell atith:Lucinda 1. Stone, Ph.1s. 5, itaiss stt beii tos I~lesvussilsil- of Kalanmazoo, and others are ex- ltir(isKsit yet. Nesscites antdI evers- psected. M-lany of our most1 callable thinsg ire ?-tate street. M\ichigans somen fronm Detroit, icit~l lBstvii$2 er aveek. Nit. 8IN. Grandl Raptids, hay City,Mtluskegon uSate Slt-eti. Investigate' Sagitiaw, hiattle Creek, etc., wl --"-~-* - -- takce part in the disciissions. Notice. 'There will be afternoots and even ing sessions. Mlany of our owis T r.- -\Nicehy furishsedlseat- citizens will psarticipate in thse dis- end suites of roomsss, 73i East Wash- cussions. This will be the first con- itipton sireet. tall anth see thueni. vetition of the kind held in our city----.F. anid it is hoped large audiences will James G. Blaine. greet those froni nany parts of the Slate. histographiy oh Amttericass gvetaest statesmanss ty (GailiHamnilton, (literary Notice. 0(15 5iristatitly isnterestesd itsteess- ________ meerth e lemlinet staetesmsan, siplto- matist anth oratsor, atnd ill tie glastoti Sts-tsslutgDaninitg Avssdetny l earntshEi-t ]is bortlyi ob rt iDetErit. Minis., i-8l-9I4. - - i sse sssistolesr ten ~hsisis tss-r itilertry execuosir ands Frieindl(rtange- iittsisle i ieuti~(til Ifamiltont.'Thie Yousr Wasltz Oxfortd eeivnesi. havemark is inwstat iv fir tdelivery-, atis tanigist it to my advnie ndass inter- we wishs tioSntgotiates witls a reliablSe, mediate cilass sinsce yost senit. We the iotelligssstt. hssisitess msati, swht owill MS. andi am glad to inform you it was gine exclusivneStie to tu~e bsusittess sif ans instatit sitccess. Theme is isow a epreeett~g us itn Mihigasn. regular demandtts for the datice., Aesrn, Hlilt & Shiermnost, Yours sincerely, 1324iDeatrborni St., I..A. Strassbul-. I ecu . Chicago, 1.1