'."IiiT U. 0F V. DAILY. lctlltt fitct . - F oij fAllShoes aijfd ats, t e isis[ iny ogthattuuld plr o u sso lsl fr a litrioioo Is peeta brex of your t it hocolaiesra Kodak. = 0=P WOC)L7j T S- .1ssalleaon-soplarcin<, el ays I o net a boxof Cigars for it. Thanskinsg yon for your a n at Fioe All Silk Umbrellas for Xms rom n t$ o $5. Ikindi nes lssA he O tt t er , B WDa & M T T S N Viryropy,_____ j1 So. State Striet. EOOR & W W? cZ I , NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. IN IE v'8 I'I'I<)LoNTO ) rrsIi l H ~ (1jJ4 I~TAT ' £Ot'D$ Inelusdinig Ifl0I S, AILBUMS, 1BIBL1Err, ks)KS'lANDS, CALENDIARS, Etc, .R5I$T -wh ~JkI~,ichsinsreoeredtpiresi t bo it tke limes. ------ - ILL N I)SE U, E ENr% ;(; "LA)L0.1 :)iAS AND StSIi'i()F LO' i E vr irlsinvie o atedii] te HO0121WY BOK SALE Yiou nreiwrlcoeooohetlser ynyiss lnot;si ("once andsee rwh-al is oewrin lie literary world. We saver all Ctse NeiwHolidayIBoosoof the isms. Swneeping redesctionosisd dirssossts tss all isrchsasrs fronspnblioser'pricer. Wehaveselrf ita rtiftlBookrsatrone- SHEEHAN & Co. Whslolesals sde~isslBsellesslrs, STATE STREET. $1,$1.50! ~ $1.50. UNPRECEDENTED. $1.50. T iE UtOF M DAILY %V ill bss seliveresdsatyour roomsss remsir nder of lie Uslleg;r Year fssr $5 50 -" . Z S2'-21-R C=T Dos otssell r.stlerisck. Haiosno bsedi 01or. IJ(50nser en in bs issls- htit ptsr. e abon. Delrvredslpiromllz/. Doe ot Smsokselhinslirr Gives asepsswhi/itlight. Is sas isvsireasrisilled isssiss. G1~t ivs ltwit/sout osokeOsor dsr. Soil osly by Deeri & Co. Niilsi etsay priee mnednioil. 44 south Main Street. DEAN & COMPANY. Ann Arbor, Minh. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Came stsr solle-s ,inedssthe"levess Pkisyedinusone esise WentsoIfaellsrs. -Nrlrraskss Wesleyani. The mlajority of the lairs leave for homse this afterisoons. Dielos L.. Iarker, litbir, sslcic53, is practicing isn letroit. I). \. DeFoe, lit 'gi, is dransatic esditor of the Chicago Tribune. Prof. H-erron, of Grennell, ivill be here for the week beginning Jan. 28. Wsill Dlorrance, Jr., '93 is empiloy- ed with tise Industrial Works at Bay City. The Philological society will hold their regular meeting this evening at 7r:0, in roos E, main building. I. H. Hlinrhmsnss, 'sT. 11. 19") went to Sagisnasw, Monday, to ini- spect four boilers being bisilt for tlse Mlichigan state asylism. :Faculty cosncert of the Issnisersily School of MNusic in I rieze Mlemorial hull tlsis evening at S o'cloce.en eral adlmission, 25 cents. Thse '94 engineers are testing the capacity and efficiency of the cen- trifugal spring donated by Irving 'ats Wie, of Syracuse, N. Y. Trhe senior laws will receive thseir first qluiz on Hoard's crissinal plead- - WM_ R. FULDE,' A-IB(S'rI, CASS TAILORI, Will il Streuts irst dr15 We stiofiState Sreset Msrlin~ Silsisrsssrselled irs Sorecatshspils.aPrice, 1.50. FVM. IJNOLIerer. 'LOV'iICR,, fy12 owN S CUIS & HALL, Floists, T2faihne *1 15 it pt~l~lers' anlz ecllls' anh Caitaill, $srs,srsss Szcp~sssassrrss Psrofits li7,OoO Droes a-e nesal binssslg isinsoi. Paysitr- m isis Sasvings Drposin. Inn Saet- Depiosir Boxss fr yrent. l.b E3015P, 'req. P. H. IIELSEII, Casiier. link OpiSistaisy evsnsng. STRA A RE EBEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS swhoare ill- log tn pay sitluitsore thanistispre cha reed forthisor0dmirissade Cigariettes, wllfind THIS BRAND superior to aullothsers. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1I are made from use brighstest, mst idelicste is lor, andhisghsest cot OSLOLEAF grown in Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, ansd olsirie thsatrise sanse oftshe manufactusrrsse as belowisi on every packsage. ENOOK 9EIG' 0BCOc MU1WRLBE NOW +.£ Ai DAILY (IFFICE Opera llossie Blk. or a1 STOFFLET'S Nests Stand. alLadien' Artistic Hardreslsing Parlors. ADES' hairdressinsg, maiurinsgfssss, andssrenlis ireatmesntotnssssin ltse latest 1*ishsos.ls . Stir t iTrojanoiss, 3 . Virs- isibtonSt.M, oversarbs ho p.lss FIRST N4 AlION AL BANK OF ANN ARBtORI. Capitssl, $50,0001. Surplsansd Profits, l$30f000. rasas sea genersl basnkingsbusinss. lFor- rigs) exrsnnse bought and nold. Letters af vreslit prouredfour trssvelerabroad. P.BA tILPars.S.ii' OLASIESOUN, Cashiesr. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP t,. Ansd usst Rfois. W. I. OWEN, Iron., NO. 4 EasE H4uron St.. Oppoisite Cousrt HouseHot, CliniSea ssSalt iBathso.Por- celain tubs. ANN ARBOR ITF)JfJA 1471UNIDLRY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. F. S. SnEVISSI - Manager. f ., ! Secretary Wade issued student's ing and procedure beginning on certificates for reduced railway rules Tuesday January 9, under Prof. E. this mornsing. F. Johnsons. F. S Red $1 E.'93 i5 nipoy. Prof. M. I:. Cooley hsas just rc- ed by the I~etroit Foundry & Esquip- turned froms Milwaukee, ivhere hse mont Company. has been inspecting the engines be- Thse University of Missouri htas ing hulilt for tire M\ichigan stale asy- recesvedl $n,525,060 fronm the slate legislature since n fg 1. Sansuel F. Haweley, lit '85, is a member of the law firm of Walker, Judd & Hawley, in Chicago. The regular -meeting of thse Micro- scopical club will be heldl in the Hlistological laboratory this evening at 7:30, J. D. Hibbard, M. E. '87, is vice-president and general manager of the John. Davis Company, Chicago. lam at Kalamazoo. A part of the poetical write-up esf the Cornell football leant and its glorious season of '93, which recent- ly appeared in the Wrinkle, is repro- duced in the current nunmber of the Ariel, of Minnesotai. The Leadingj -4 TA1 LOR "American German," especially the Gerusan spknbHeienso a~osh newest Pail and Wissier Wiolens aid e G spoen b resdent Of largrststocsk in the csti. Youncanagetsssy- Ann Arbor, will be the subject of selectian yon are loo~kisg toe. papers by Prof.. Scott and Mr. COME AND SEE US. Roedder at the meeting of the Phil- ological Society, this evening. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.