AA& u , tI. a~ VOL. TV-NO. 167. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. TO CLOSE AT TWO O'CLOCK. the board of regents considering it THE CASTALIAN'S LOSS, o G~eA aJ appropriate that the norses should Its niqu Grid Bn Ski The Regent's Grant the Gym, for receive them from the hands of a the Light of the Moon,-A Iy iii e the Junior Hops. They Must President All oiadead MeaniTheft Ciose at Two. lady. Peidn ngell___madeI saa aileanCu--Theftswa short address in which he compli- yesterday morning the Castalian t i yai' 1111Who wilteauiifoa thee. mented the young ladies on having hoar madeantinovatineinyto-r fclndvi Th or fRgnsmty ester- scesul passed the reqinired ex- dent appurtenances in the ntain hail isaon ti~i~ealssl =fay afternoon. The first business amnmations and wishing thens every by plaig b ihl eortdgrid 4 "i 'Qi brouht efor th boad ws asuccess in their chosen profession. box on one of the Bulletin boards. communication from the library He also referred to the importance All daeit ws thesubjet of grea committee asking for an aplpropAria- oflthidevent owthethiversibject.ofSouthraintSt do of thi, oventotbetappliedito the - deal of curiosity and omany a freshs-_________________ Regent harbour followed with man got fooled by getting dowen on varouslibaris a folow: $ i150remarks showving that while the art his knee'a, only 1o reail a joke on his for the general library. 2,000 for the ofnrigia odtepoesinfehes muedical, i,000 for the lasv and $250 was ness. Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, The grind box seas shtort lived, for tie dental. The committee dean of the msedical faculty, was however, for last evening wshile the feared that the unexpended funds of called upon and lain rentarks called gautn xrie fteTann the astgrat mghtlape ad tereattention to tihe fact that in the past School for Nurses were itt progress, woutltd be no money on hand to pay two years, the time that thte class itwsflnosynpdb ot for books ordered. The matter was had studied, they had nursed overcuisthnerWh, onttene.ttltattetts lai onristineutertable.u wnA resolutionroplitnwase 3,do h tbe eolto a 000patients. The University or- Thinfmorning3,0$4.or $5Ashoesat 50c to V a pair ten-. introduced by Mr. IBarbour to tecetfrihthehemusicorthe iwereoup ingmtheCastalianeditors thain iiAtbortp011e.send 1fornCatogue to shoud nt lpse chstr funised he usi ofthewer upin rmsand promise sum- efect that the unexpended fundsevng.N l r r o nf effoldentelase.. mory vengeatnce upon the 'vily thief r r . I Thefauly f heDeta cllgeInan Lage. if his personality beconses known to E EU* UU W Tefcly ofhthe ThentaercollegeyIntendtLeague.tt i83-185 SintitnAs> , recommended that the degrees for tem-he-er-usl rsntt e -ROIT, - - MICHIGAN. graduates be conveyed so as to din- 'T'iose who attended the Inland theft, though it in of a minor na- tingoinla them from graduates of League concert last niglht were tore, and not its itself of mucs im- J' UST G other colleges. For a three year treated to an excellent musical pro- portance. R eid.40b. oFneCoolt course thte iegree of master of dets.- gram. Tile tompositions of Ir. Supicon1 tt oacul f we wilil i~e ao the tat-se-Ist;cindys-ale; tal scietnce and for a one year post- Cole swere received wilauith veymelukohi upeec-i-nenei-theo Aniorwinean i getaourpiceis.- graduate course bachelor of dental thusiast. 'rie piano selections bsy wvhom the nigh acha asvere (sand}~i1- li :0:0 isoay Cliiiofrthe citn. surgery. Matter referred to inedi- M\iss Gainner swere exellent. The in the hail during thse exercises in R. E. Jolly & Go., .26 S. State St. cal committee. A consmunication renditiotns by MNrs. Edswards, so chaisel. Tiseir roonms will be visited wvan received from lDr. Uerdman, of lirano, and Miss Cole, msezzo s oda nitta iiige ~Csb the training school for nurses, itrano, were well received. Mdr. stantial reason for sulspicion. reconmmending the nanies of nurses Bilbie, violin, and Mlr. SmithT''he suggestion that any fraternity to receive certificates, approved. 'cello, gave sonic very fitte selec- nsan is guilty of tse petty meanisess A plan for a sunimer terns was re- tions. The following was tine pro- isrhelsinccoPenipobyrthhboar ferredl to the literary committee for grans: who are inclined to throw the blame Atsi htgahr 6 E. HURON SI. a etiedreot.t.Pses i tne el Vointotfor their peculiar loss upon certainLU C E 'tie eot .SiaafrPaoad\iln-bs O he use of the gym was granted threce eovementsc. Scerzos, Aliso mmeso hironfcin Allegro eon moiie The return of the box at otnce to Lowyney('s }t0hoC at for the two junior hops with tine it. ThIee:- lllrelli' Soegs . ____ codtos-Ealiht hud eotRsie lonle,. Cooley any of tine editors mtay obviate on- -AT- by two o'clock a. ni. As the lunch 'ta1>0111 ISc''i."l elpesntcnelecsfrte n cotneY ilaou cokti I I'IlsPasotle Ilc pianil. tend to take active umeasures to 48 S. ST1ATE St. oneiue tl haour forcdactig.IVSerenade-witti 'Ceii lllgo illt. secure repossession of the box. levsaoton orfrdacn. \.TwoCINoelltos. A ior. 0 til;e3oe utyooecW EHKE H9~ fP Train-eedy gnNurses.'l ey At the tFaculty concert to lie held -"O50Summer, Gee lh- i:" in Frieze Memorial mall thsaeven- ,1 Xi titSiT'OCK Ulit The adutnexeciss fr te otilie Mer.a Tegrauaig exrcse to te toeiadc tfle Violin. ing at 8 o'clock, the following pro-HO IA B OK inst class of trained nurses from the Xiii.ild-eI ill the- Foret. 11111'Ni-hi, gram wiii be presented: training school of the U. of M. were Love is a Bird. ADF N YG O3 b IX. ~~~~~~~Allegro MnesissolinmIlododuirac i~i~l fI au arc~p l---.Shrek held last night. Their nae ee o wopao.Ms . Jeani t-fe Loudon.i rose bie Ain S.EoaiAria, "0 GodltHa vceilcy" (iroem SI, AT- I 51111- - --- tetilteisU Ltiti erta Brown, of Ann Arbor; Anna verity be closed today did not come Allegro ion100trlllipo, Itomainza, AndainteFo abices rc. Corrick, of Sarnia, Out.; Ida Saner- hefore the regents at their meeting MrJ reeltiiohS s-a. mann, of Paris, Ont.; Lena Tucker, yesterday. Pres. Angell stated in IV. Aela, "Jernsni-l'lem(ron St. Psol- __. oLayteanAnaHrioof regard fo the matter that after this Mis AlieMN. Baieyinah Richmond, Iod. year the University will close earl'i.er et p i - eienoeU IERSIYO~I/IL Mrs. PresidenttAngehl presented following the exampledofteastern Xllegwnoittto viscee Mrs.Presden Angll peseted olloingthe xampe o easern llMr. HeemnZei.-AD the diplomas to the young ladies, colleges. VI. Len Preludes, ii Sandal --------Liszt Miss Lon ansd Mr. Schuinal. rows T 3'N, MtAiN STREET. .m