1HE T. 01F N -D AILY.7 s o c o hitasto ra.n a bokfgyr u Coolats ooyost Thakrg 1u or yu mn jps 14 So. StastreStreet. 1- O 0FF oiq All Shoes anjd ats5.- 1Fioe All Silk Umbrellas for Xmas frorm $3 to $5. At'the Outfitters, I3OWDISH & MATT " //rr 1 ! JVE:OI& WJ48z NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. "(o 1-11s4I TX Q larlasi'D Inlil;)I4s, Al.ILUSIS, 11181 ES±, Is(CIKS'A l)S, CAIiN I).blaS, ELca o d . 'J'J1J J. sshics are offered s at r.suril le ist mess. __ X1AIA, XNI) ,SEE ()II .-I NCVI1)lIJEI)IAS AN I) SETS (51OF1B001S. SHEEHAN'S. tvry Studentrisevtd ts siten rslsrr - IIOIJIJAY 11OOk SALE" Yoastre owelcosesowethser yost buy srenot. Cosmessasd se whst isrnessisshllslrssy world. W~e isarr all lbs Nre Holiday Bossks of tbse year. Sweeping redsseliorso and sdisorn1tsrtoall purcasesrorm plsis' trices. SHEEHAN &CO. Wo s a l iansd Itetai llBookkallers, STATE. STREET. $1.50. UNPRECEDENTED. $1.50. THEi Ut WO' I1,IDAILY of th 1 l lieleYeasr forliz. or ,$UJCRIBE NOW +.£. At DAILN IOFFICE Opera Ilouse Ilik. ssr at STOFFLET'S NeNS Stansd. &I adies' ArtisticnHairdreasinlg Parlors. ansalp. lssttnetsdonessssnsthsslatsto Ifabhitttt llrt. . I ttroal s, sO i 55 Nsit- iuttit., olast barbeshopt~. FIRST N~A~TIONAL BANK OF ANN ARHORI. Capiarsl, $50,000. :SurplusoaridPofsito s,$Odd0. T rarsstlos genersal bankingsbusisssFor t- eign s'st'luttgt' bougbt and sold. Iettera of credlit proestred for trtavelers abrosad. tP. B A Cli, Preas. S. W. LASOESON, Cashieir.. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP Assd Bath Roos. W. I. . OWEN, Prot)s., No. 4 East fluron St. Opposite Corst Hsose. Hot, Cotil and Sea, Salk Batas. Sar- eelain tubs. -ANN ARBOR ITEKJIM4 hfUtND1RY CO. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVISS, - Manager. - I F~IRVJ'C1lASSTA O, -Willia tS re t, s ls' I t ttttor Wet o ftStatesi fseet. D) o s/iesartoue Doflos osmatok'se tiaiseys. U. OF M . FLAGOS. litsis obaddr.l ttIzies s assur shiteigist,. istssters "brett Its -bitt cs's oIs earewhite as distilted writes'. osris 'r°nsssl t Itf2jrtsttbts iras it itht smosike or odror. - yellsse sand blu.sick pin Dliet/rrdrl a'salyt. Sstrdooly by Dress & Co. Ior cstcb pist. Price, l-;,0. S\il meetssany price made oil oil. 1PM. ARNOALi, lrertet'. 4SotanAn Arbor, Micha. DEAN & COMPANY. FfLOWERS, F),2-OW 59 UNIVERSITY NOTES. The fruit and flower mission to- COUINS&I HALL, FloristsTl . n~~v.1 Reet ettdya 'lc. queots Christmas offerings from stn- r RGe .ntsmeetday as bocock.dents. A Isox to receive Itsem io ssck the past tlo weeks. conspticuously placed in th anJhl.Gaix, i11OG u 1c ~t 'af 1,(0 The Casialian has islacedi a htigh-sos a trieserssl sssslsnnibssisess. Pays inter- l~ iecratri rini bx ia ue ms~ Regent Lesi liaribour, of D~etroit, rut.ssos Saeissgr Deposits. leas Safely alt.attesidedi the lecture on Constitsi- R. KAIPFIsi ic. t F.S. .IELSEO, cashiier. hall. Ba ope Saturdaty evesning. ithl tonsorrowo's issues is: D.s irs tioniailLaw yesterday mnornisng. After wiii suspendus icjatiosnuntili after the lecttire lie ardrresserdtise sts- tile hloidays. dents briefly. Th atla bor wilme Aneclntusalpgamil lis evening at 6:30 o'clock at 78 E. he resodered iso the Inland L.eague Washiington street. sorios tonight at Chsrist church. A j(HII l J lOA If Therit rst section of tile junior number of seloctions fromsi e orl- dents completes its coarse in Iracti- positions of Rossitor C. Cole wil T ARE THE BEST.. cal histology tomorrow afternoon. he the loading feature. CIGARETTE SMOKERS whso aire sill- ing tI ayea little smore than s he ris e sr Thenex soialintheS. . Atcared forte rdiseelnarytatdstICirttrs, 5fseIt~tsoia i te . . . The :Michigan Central offers to all wsill id THIS RNDuupeiosr toaillu oier. soriensriningugiv ngtee. Sh ostudents presenting certificates of The Richmond Straight Cut No, I stset emiigeain h th mombership from Socretary Wade, a CG 1 'T da'.fate of one and one-third to all ne made from rise beigbtest, most delite JohnM. rnoos, nstrcto inits flar, andihighiest east GOLD LEAF machineosStwa~rstruedtorDin points on the Michigan Contral and prawn in Virginsi. tritlat ssnngbytie iion connecting railroads wihin the BEWARE OF IMITAfIONS, antIosterve troaittlaateanv01ing bttheausevsreurer- ness oafhissmother. I tae.blos is ousver05'k'3Isilagre. Theseoxorcises attendinag thse grdss Thore still be a mteeting of thte' e r'Hge neieOr ation of the Training School for , C'sivorsity I rolsihition club in th RNC osMN~lti1 Nurses will be held this evening at 8:30 o'clock, itnstead of at ight. 1) t. lord loss not boon able to lec- aure upon dental anatonsy the ptast two weeks, and his time is occupied by Dr. Taft utpon dental surgery. '97 nmedics sutmmoned sufficient class spirit last Friday morninig to hold an election of officers. Mr. Brininstool was elected president, Miss Brown, vice-president; Mr. Hamnmett, treasurer; and Miss Smeallie, secretary. raw lecture room this evening at 7:43,1p. s. An address still G a- =- ""lT-==== ho given by C.. IBingham, of Ohio. Election of officers swill followe thespaigT e L adn Thse petitioss asking for thse clos-