THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGAIZE 180. NCORORAED 886 U.OF N1. CALENDAR. I Tonight at Granger's.THTECEQA GOOR ES A.I ' F R E SE.W H. CLEMEiNTI. Wed., lDvu."20.-(,ieduausiou exercises ofTrain-~ 51'IAZ 18'rAS S. )uretor audia euga Jlr. iii; Schooilior Nurses. Chapel, 8:30 p. m. tstensdissg pupils are invited to come Fri Ee.. Dec 22-Christmasvaction beins. to the class tonight snd get the rules EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Tur..,0D'. 28.-s. C. .A. receptioni toi, esc and figures of the "German.' This is it, bysthat on arid after De- 20bosEAST HlitON STREET. enising in the city. tels etn fteavne ls Go okGaate.Goscle o ntil utter vacatioln, olen a Saturday csoIber B2th,'Photos of tihe anudlWrt0.sAva. OVus Elled Propevening class ewill he organsized, acid - en eiee. A .CVRPo.Tennis Notice. the othuer classes will meet as usual. z2 Years in She I u66$.~' l wondeis of the World's Fail Through the influcncc of the __ __V- __will 1.10 (n0 exhibition at CT LA N R , "Hoard of Control of Athletics"' Hldy oias M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. the use of the gymnasiunm for tennis HoiasHldy. KEPYU ICIN IHTE has heen obtainecd. All those who IPerfsumes is endless variety, Pocket" " Gil)sollc Mol'gan's gallery. ''ST TE 1 Vf2G$B~fK''are nmenihers of the Athletic associa- Books and Card Cases. a fide assort- tiTATandAVIoGdeoire winter practice wsent at loss'pricerssit Brosvn's rug Call ansi see them. ('so. 9Main asdlWWshington Srees. vl Store. A.5. Noose ,Puess orise Ptisr~hs,ci'ssh'r. in tennis, wllplease hand their_______________________ namesis atonce.You canu save money hy huyinsg your STAR STEAM LAUNDRY Bi. S.Sisir, Tennis 'lgr. Htoliday Goods at Browns Drug Store. D IA M ONDS! SToilet sets, manicure sets, aiidsll the As lii prics nstrmonedtoode. Finse'5st= placeusnsthe iy.Isusi uii, esissu40 \Vaslste'55w avc. sepasrate isnstriiuents. llouy (lt-ofrmsNw' orkia oreradse ont wok1 n Teliteusss .Ofic. 1 Est Ht-i ' - C. D CASSIDY. "Dent '04." Soecial Train. ('ill or seiidicld ',siMaynarsiuud St GRAND UOPERA11OUSE. Poua . ustlussi'ssy, D ec'. 21st, it 1.3t)1 lij B sNBS OAS ,Il igh l a 115sis ectiesslsir lly, isise "stsandasrd trinse, thse '1'., .t.N. .___ CnHICAGO. everiseesi sccorsded a:lhesarty nrseltiols Rsilay esill stsart 5a special trsain tsr Jl's' 1ETc'. 'T'ssO suites; isirge,liesit- the_________ l - - y the genseral soily of pilay'goll's, s11sl .'thi isssallo hsleo, tss sceosunoslite sll isi I}y utetl; hlisi ldl d ((1(waster. Fv thei'visit sit th1egcrgeose'lisck ('rook'' stsisessusho wsisisto maskle evessissg iioisles' evilkis rusissiilsipiss. sd iislO AS "f T HE to Asi1i Ar'biiss' is. ses illevery xAsiy tril's east, West sssiilsosuths. iWe re- y it st:eil,- ,a, $eri ~ - 'si ANlELPN o hei'the red iletter vesrt ofi'thse thesat- 1 iii'ci ll hissso s's1 is'e livisets ill sssls lilis's't"0e.00 . )t Isisissivilcii. (is%5_66 MA .- esn 'on orn , il helcil rev'isivailgsiof i' th is i o s' i i vss i vi I ~ t.e deiie.1.lie-i's 'ii) BUILDIG 1433.'li l ii ii ii i'isc litii'l'1.8 +1 I> lii5) . ...1, 'i i es .Lawsrence ~'C Oad~ESP-- ilvoise ,isheiPlcdbfrth seiesi Isforis' igeneral ieli- N otice. J. .E. A Pelt ier,,'. I th eios'i'siih Is-is DAN IN an .DLS RT E dIsis sstiis'one of tsi l reatesus sig)eclsctttevri ronet[De5t11 it.2,hiss leasesd the tacOlies iii I esl ill lihe sture, 151111sc he I ~ils wasisut si lurge, weehi hisisilesh, ('oiok I losses ts~siih p nd> urls Iisl- M S. ANNIE WARD FOSTR111Ywl egvl ihaltermake1i neeatsae eetnsa ~ 55 vesi u ithi sill he sissisu i su ,;i11 e tedsh isite sitf5r1oom ssr vii u i hl iue i'etsss 46 . lteyres alslndrai c useens wihesi £rsis l ivita~tioinifosicrill ho visit Iis ?fN W- s . Si ste ntrpeliiiil' issi(isIil'tsii'w £ 1ii'iIsqisisre sat 4f1>osths IONIsSW' 1p . il. luiss' ii 1s s-o livss. liii sit run5115 tiitiii'Acsiseiiiy sit , --- _15(I' ------ Fssredu' edls'v i t'elv tickets tio -Ohio, TUI) lX' 1. i. C 515ims &IieilNewss'Ysis. liiiheliroduction iscy he asi- BExcsrson to Clue Atlantic Coast. %Vest 'Va. sisl Old \-. in.tuiss apply to clss ticlihili h isill-lily 555 erisisi its hoss.c _1'_l. 5. Greuienood, Tieket Agt.,. 'Toledho Si,5'l'lll)051' its. s. Gloi 'uis I los= eesill b hsreehs'u-grsndisalhssslii. oieAnni As'or &Norths Mics. class. Totll' part~seel 1111 pir ie sis cthat sire thiinsg olitipg s[s hsgi luu. liliv'155Seain g Premsieres fr'm's hess his ossti' slti hat ( ssllsnil-is,Ohsios, Chas tosst ''W (" I. citn F re h resilss atth1)1 .111( ru1gl( St' Prvt lsss; ~yapp esy l a1al isehn(-len's'ieiy')sut(1 11111Petesshuri.Itic'himissidPr'ovuidenlce ''le .. .J'. iosiC(i. haveudreceivesd a aimportansts tasrtisuhudre-ssofI'sisi orse, Willisoisbiiug,-N ewuportNetinelieuosievlir Iue very istest. l~ cing isdsiit lights ittsiisisii 011P1isut ICosmfiorit, Norflkf, a, HaveI yisv ihots takens sIsat lIanll'h th[le gosrgeoscterr'csii cees- '11-l e s"eV N ishirlitIolI 1). ('1',his'r-stes forsu- ssxilx sefore lie rishs sofI'lsuistnlass. els ini tislesiry Queel's GIttoill tip andislise 5wasy tickets, leaset- CC uh ic isisge sssnumhser' oi' fsir lr-I Il ly toiGe(.(J.5Clarkssilisc. sandsGesnesal sit'sSi [i (xiushi Issit xes iti st eust LOlio esntrsil IR. ..- Roomissi Studenuts' Christmas Hates. stilyx a1)lli keIli tiart12,IXiillllr£° hsOl I et lii" s'ssn's'. ofisit lililliit vani W I I- 1 sit a sll sce ' ofOsivst:st si1issg t,nilielis 1siisisolfil,'Istsh.e ss1Is t''.o Nl.iinssssis silisnsti Ou lst ! h r n lir litf lthe ci itet' 515 ... i si I st 5. isi ici-li Nissisl zsnsillrayevs1f'oulhiesisto t 5sills-gix- Notice to University Stiudlens, iiiis31.5111i ~lls hs 1.,. t seng is.l s'tc~lsst ssi ic ~rir - W5.. N 51 . il l sto1 ell liy iti'cet; -1 s ateig ted ill il t s. Ic t'hir-I ,'. ii r s istu i i ti e ,l' -11 ls.1-lss tv (dih st ''sSti X is" sit sis-'tisi he is'liilld1E, ~,al' si£i151U15 sssise1 hcS'ilssy x sis s~liaitiiil er l y - Ill 'isloe sinsilone-- I tiiicates issued b SecretaryIWad ii 'illSrthe iii d trill. 'Ticksets ____________________________________ bet'____ ofi si s uhig l;; iiitrl'l litailIrtiits.5 tis ( islllisiC uill sell rund ripsl e5(1 - scli lxibeissuedi e cli. 21, 22 sisish 2t), sasd ('Y-EC T~p'Ix-, Silelells iistie ~l sl rpr seliIis'v talidlit I cu s[i ictets It t ili fli o1w i 111 lw- Iim111sh si 's-I re is'il iis i isssiusu ' . Is xiii I iC ; font lls 151, Ilithis peu'sos of Ixx i lldtt-: ,i i - .ccsi o 111osd to li'ct t siffice oisushy sail aloisd h aissiNlivete ohsussu asbli, :cn liusas ani-eNv'ear's houliday livhetchance'sso t, etigonse. t D N.E pes..54)1,N.Y &.S C Iii _0 everyuwhere--cresteid thle mststarsstling Iteltusris limiit: tUntil IJanuasry )([is, --___-_--______ us st cVp. a) .S imited.i to 3.5 sensations. 'Ti lieBroithers tixisid ritisui 114,isicluicisv. N. S. Liusilted. ii ii33u->us. the ('isesC('isiuselhi. St. Petershusrg ills1 'eritolry: To'lsul 1poiint'slocal IlnSlinle G. R.II Ep--- 1.?F s stsi Ep. 155 other clever Iperiormeswsill tsaked pat lit Michigsani (entrsal ly. '1o sll lontsI ' 0. W.EeUGTEs, 55.CC' HAxs Crooks" stsind outIpromnluently as shetrip tickets. Q EO SA LE 0. P. & T. At,ciica'o.AC,-rtAnun Arbor.rgreatest spectacular flay sat presenit ia Toleudo; To poinlts sil the L. S. bfrthpulcWilapaatte&MS.esofadicuigCyeTHE ANN ARBOR ARGUS GrandulOllera IHoulse, Wednsesdasy, )11. ansd Sandussky. Ons (. 11. V. & T. Fos.2O 0\0 PRINTING and . _'0torisansid Sosuths. Ohio Central Fos- I sc-ui, and Findlavr anducSouthi. Pennu. -~PUBLISHING KO-TJsE. Student Work a Specialty. Set Wurkmens and Luwest Priceus in the City. GRANGER'S. - CLASSES IN DANCING will mee s follows: 0Gentemeu Sturday mornin-s is and Thiursduay ev'enins 8 :00; Ladies. Saturday afternosos4. Ladies oand Gentlemen, ad- vanced clas,. Tuesdas evenings 5. Grounsd Asr Gc Maynrustreset,.T uiioni.oeeterm twelve wekt)l$5. Psupisreceeuved at soy Tss Pietiure-Fing at uielST'AM-mR.. s-m Heeauiister. ssuorSi-s. 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. Sue IlS'BROTiHERS' 11 \STIS i. Yesteruday's Kingstonu News (Octou- lust 4ths has thse followeisug flatterinug nsotice : It wsi a lsarge anid msichi plesased auidience which attended thue performance of Gusy Brothers' sinis- strels at Martin's operahiiousse last evening. The performnsce was good -funnisy, intensely funsny ini parts-sand o1e goed feature of it wais thast this jokes hdhdusot hisive ans aged odor, most (f thu-m beisig fresh asid origissal. In thse spectaculaur part of the show the performance (If McDonald the flexible statue,' and Everest thse club swinger, Cre especially meritoriosus. Thse tRobin IHood' sceese and several of this specialties introdusced in it were quite pleasing, as wvas salso this stick drill by this Guy brothers. This costumses see handsosne." Will appear at thse Grasid Opera Hlousse on~ Satuurdasv, December 23. lisies West lof 1ittsbuurg; Burgoons, I., antI Est. IX.,A' L. L. Clyde, 0., asnd East. C'. 11. & D., D~eshsler & Fisidlay ande Sotuths. 'To St.hLotuss, ato., Cia Chicagol.. Cestral, ('hicago .G Altosn or Wabash. 'These tickets will be good oss all trainss except "Norths Shore Limited." W~e intesnd to offer rates as low as our competitors andl oust accommodatioss swill hbe tiltsusperiour. I.N.hs-s HoiaRates via T.. A. A.& N. M. Railway. For Christmas and -New Year Iholi- Idsays the T., A. A. &' N. M. Railway will sell excursion tickets on Decem- ber 23, 25 assd 31, and Jasnary 1. at one asid one-third tare fsr this round trip. Tickets will be good goinsg oil date ot sale assu fosr return unstil Janvi- ary 2, inclusive. D)IS(MOUNT OiN ALL GUlIt WINTER RU_'SSIA SHOES, WING TIPS, 'OR SOLES ET('. TERMS CASH. GQODSPKED'S 17 S. MAIN.