THE U. OF M.- DAILY. SIR. ~ ~~RANGING IN PRICE PROM $x'2.00 T10''8.50"1I 0-rG i u'ls l 11of rod n h prices are rigitt )sell them.e 61L. frC s 1ruy .~~ra nt ~ouy We'll sell you ,L1Op ooifyo 20 ecet.Of orCahon FrdayQSturay 1ndMnay ICalkins' Pharmacy 34 SU. STATE STREET. BOW DISH{ & MATTESON, - State Street. 2J-AO OI?LEJ& RWIZ[OIz NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. HavIe a Full Assortmlent of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all king., of STUTDEIiNTS' SUPPLIES, which tthey ofler at tile Lowest Prices. THlEUSIUAL DISCO UiNTS GIVEN: TO STUDENTS. SECONID HAND P s)i. lsliP (11, I N(I I NG-CD. O.ARESDS E AJVED =N 2ThINFK ZS='-2'=,S- JAY C. TAYLOR, T, .M J:' _ .AMVJES I_ AMZBjS_ --r>0Ox 05LI1 EV-- Bilsllant Bhoner Los 0 wl Porcelain Nic-kel Plot-d Miller Lamp, No. ,cnter t-TT V1 NTh 0 eliPlatdsod a ap o.0 etrNickel PlastesdRoshestere In t, No.2, ceter L 2 - 1 TE VO1I drftol Rya tol N. desle fot,.2,5R. ~ IDONickel1 Platssi Tale Lanmp,Nos. 1, censteNickei Plaiesd GermanStoslesitLamop,Em- ________________1____S___ NicklPatd Yale Lasp1 No. '3, center Nickel PkItl oesman Student Loosp, Pee- drf, 10. lestica 5:1;.05. 0. K BARBER SHOP. Nisket-Plated isunoamssp, tNs. 2, center Nisckel slated Geesosa SitadsenctLams, Priss- drat , I- . cee-, S"3.0 In em cn:FneSower iathsssewors- clitus 30 btsf 150 . Lsssies' Hasir tansd sssss, BrcelLampt,ns i ary Laps~p,ttstssiquel L ts,Piaon Lampss. New styles DrsigPronpsairssnd asloser pries--tanlast sezi-oa. E-s-siine rs toclkcfcseisssyin;,ans-s-essmoney. .T .Itollo a , 30E. asltissstons5t. 4 South Main Street,DE N&C M A Y PATEON: I'CE OWE NS BORfTllltt ORIlAnn Arbor, Much. E N &C M A Y No tIssE5lst losonssn treeLt. ____________________________________ UNIVERSITY NOTES. Manager Baird atsd others were Richard Wagners Ark Work. PTe Ilindser wiili be ilitediott sale at ol lochebooie stores today. TiletenRosis 0courtI s wibesutppliesi wit enes eslts ii soon a.: sossile. Mlr. J or iass lalster, jr, '93 lilie is soib l iors e t" (sits, Ieroit, Muichsan. at the atihietic fseid yesterday-, get-j tistg tinlgs it shsape for Saitursi sy'a Esvcry mus'sicai stusdetk ansi esisee- gas t. iaily thtose woDIave read of te arti N itt--six, is kilOfist class to calli sork esf Ricihardt Wagnser asndhis silt foostbali casndiidites. Vesterdlay "Musicif thte lutisre as 1 it li-is thsey pirscticeo 0tee igalls sireet betscalleii, swi lie gratified to campuiss. loat-siciithe ilisttrateel lecture ess late seemis to be aailist te 1I. - agner's ''Nicbeiist0ens Risig,"s to Chsase 15s1loped I 01211 as a su~re A. C. footbail teami, tswonsen beitsg gs-inner of thie ercoh giale tesisis injured assd otte of thseir sstndbys tournamntt. lix-Suist. 1V. A. Morse, of te Au Sable scitools, iters tite U. of Mi. thtis year. Carpentters are busy in thse gymo- riasiutm, puettinog rdownitileflioor of the running track, 'Te Inland L~eague has issuedl a neat annunteenlt of tihe couse itey wiii glee thsis seasson. James 1'. iBird, lit '93 is teaschinsg langsuage aod geometry in thte St. Albans Ssll sol, Knoxville, Illinois. Hh-Is J. II ralsaat, a fsrnmer grad- sate ssf the U . sf AL., will supserin- tend te Ontotiagon schools tlhis year. I.IW. lHoghes, formerly of te U. of M., will teacht Mathematics in the Birmintgham snchools this year. G. H. Chapman, '96 lit, will be missed from among the track men this year and it even possible that Kenton will not enter in the sprints. With these two men out of it, the field is open to all new-comers who are ambitions to become sprinters. being unable to play. 'T'eicEngineerinsg Society' meets tonighst its rootm to, etogitteeriog btuilding, at 8 o'clock,.tProf. IDeni- 501n wiiireadt a Ipaper. J. It. Kayo, lit 'g2, cvas recently miarried to Mtiss Itna L. Tracy, of te Slate Normsal. M1r. Kay-c is nosyloeated at Reetd City-. (Only 20 studsents hsase resisteredt ill teIHomeoptathic ndepartmteist thuss far. Te regulatr deptartmtt i registratiots, toswever, exceeds that of last year at tisis tinte, by seven. It. 1i. Cannton, te private secre- tary 1o Assistant Secretary W'illits, of tite Departnment of Agriculture, htas resigned his position and entered the University. He intends to take 1). g. wvork in political economy and history. The chsief of the liberal arts de- partment of the World's Fair has requested Superintendent Fitch, of else Michigan public school ex- ce givent by Air. N. J. Corey, of1 Bloston, before thte InlanditLeague thtis seasotn. Perhsaps io other mtu- sician htas been so mtuchs talked abottt andt yet aboutt notte is so little knsown as Wagner, yet htis theories have influentedct music, ands espec- iallytitat of te oipera nmore titan any other person eser knoswnt. i\r. Corey, by' tmeans of te stereopticats andc nucmerous iiano iltustrtotions, exislainis the moytlhology frontwitich Wagner chtose hsis sutbjects anti illus- trates the close relatiotswhichs ai- isay-s exists betsweentthle music, the text and thse enmotiotn in Wagner' sOperas.It lithuts thrrows a nsew lightt on a subject about whiichs so little is kntown anti nakes wvhat has sented but a noise-msusic of te nmost emotional type. To enjoy' Wagner's music one most know what lie meant to express by it. XWith this knowledge which M~r. Corey gives, his mosic beconses most interesting and satisfactory. W st. ti onir. lies tO bu sies an5d oilenabdtio s llts- tis 5'ts in astslsss-n trst lelarwiiner.sO %lnss.-5s Ist 5it-1,lsssesee Bel i t tii . sl.Lii - 1. 05f-51. bFllPis lice l lisliti Hosne. W/M. ARNOLD, Jeweler'. F+L,OVVCIRfL5,FJNVVtI65 lNtt & 0 HLL pt 056 . is~ir Are. bgN 1 I-s 5 ieleh -e 1.' tsg a.1 5t . 1ut le I it t . i .5aslit15 Itl its It-c mo 1 dtsi t p is-l c Cie . sets aTlin HI IARDEcHE BES luT.nk The Richmond Straight Cut No, I CIGARTTES at-c matteloom t1e10 litlledst out dsiate int llassor, anis ghsest cocltiGOLD LEAF erasesn iginie~a. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, landh ooere thlat thleisanse ofhe c-msttufacturercs aa belowe is as every lpackage. The Leading --4=4T.f] LOR Has ike netow-kFall so'dWsiter Waonssd largest socktSia the city. nY o-ctany selectinyouare loonsghat-. hibit, for a donation of the whole The DAILY is the only COME AND SEE ]US. Or a representative part of tite state College newspaper at the educational exhibit. u. of X. 2 E. Washington St., near !Main.