0.i nthing ttwo, (llease ux 1ox1or yo1r fe cChoclnlesora, Kodak. 1: s1al11binatfyour'place in afew days to ,.et nalIox or (Agars for (him(. Thanking youlfor your mny last 34 So Sate(tCStreet. THE U. OF M. DAILY. \iI2 FFTIE SAL E- CO)MMENCING AT, 9:30 SATUEI)AV, IDEC. 9, ANID CONTINCTING EIGHTI DAVS. °J AT THE OUTFITTERS, LOTIPISI{L- MATTESON, 3283. STAT. JV\I-EOOIRoE & W7ErWJrAOI:J, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. [NVITE ATTENTION TO ThEE B C I1L 1(( trlutOl((n 01(1K, ALi ItS 1 11S, , ;(IIIIISTiANID~n, CALE'S OARSt, It$ lic r ofrda rie;iysittetms _ - ,_('ALL AND) SEE1O1URE'X'11CIYP.I)JA1S AN- ) Ma.l'S OL 00. 1ie(((anlnual llOIDIAlYBOOK LIE You aIre %((cne 1w(1(ethler'9yo1it by-oreCot.. ISm n d e 011'w lhatf is (((((in the(iC1teary world. We he ((alte (I iCNewe Ho~liday Ilaclo ccf the year. Swepiaa redclioasand(ld lisouna( t::(to al pulrchaaer(0fromn pol(Irs'((lices Nto hale1l0 beatlful Art Gift 1Boh'.at ne SHEEAN&Co. Ill olesulI and (fetai I I ~elee'. STATEgSTREET. 7.' 1 5Q# s $1.50. UNPRECEDENTED. $1.50. iBHE' u .OF lA."],D0AILY (I the1(1collegeIYaol (110.50) $UB3$CRI1BE NOW ++ 1)bnn 1(1(1c/ale the oilS. 1)01it0of ke1ffc/dnoojns. ((s0nolid.1(odo/1r. (riv cpar~le (C/lfe lig/t. 1DelireClprompl. SGiven ?/byf Def/an, 001SCof(/f (Viill'et I)y lprice m tde olloil. 44 South Main Street. FII ,A DEA.N & COMPANY. Ann Arbor, Mich. FIRST CLASS IrAMLOM, - U. OF M. FLAGS. 0 trlin-' 511(1, en ll(eledl in Sorcatch pin. trie.$540. TIV . 1AlNOLI), l.Jele f1. FLOWE69s, ff OWZRS }}FR VRYHNGAD VRYOY 2 . OSISHiA, ~iiYiTelephone 115'. t9 heralers' mid fdcllicsj'3mi f'apitnf, 0(1,010. linrpflu ansd Prc~ofit$7,0(0._ Does 0 olnerll f1(111kin--Ibuinrta. Fayn infer- es, il Saving11((0lDeponita. ((as Safely UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'Fhie Oracle was (fut on le/c1/1/ mnorning. Miss Hassardl, '91 mefdic, is con- [filled to her rooni. Prof. Taylor holtefi several of his c/asses Tfhursd/ay and Fida/y. 'I/i Choral ion concert tonmor- row w/i beg/n at 7:3o o'clock sharp. (fat of 1,200 co/pis ssed by the Oracle, 950 have already hero sold. L.. N.'iorrry, lit 'go, who lives at Grand Rapi/s, was niarr/ed recently. All enterta/nment /in tableaux was g/vens at Hlarris hall, Saturday evens- lng. Carl IBarnett, lit '91, /s engaged in the lunmher business at Cleveland, Thne Cal/al/all wvll place a box /n the ma/n ball to receive all grinds intended for thlat ptublicatiotn. Thle machinery of thle engineer- ing roll/bit at thle Wovlcd's Fair camie backc somiewliat thle worse for werar. At DAILY OF/ICE Opera Hlose It/h. Ohio. ne at STOFFLE'"S News Stand. J. Miller, '92 lit, and brothler, of _____________________________Port tiuron, are visiting friends in Ladies' ArtisticeHairdressng Parlors. this city. LADTFS' hido(5si1(0, manicurling. fily If 175 tickets can be so/cl the stll- I ':.hon. I It 'Troj(anvsl, 30 E. Wis- dent rate to Chicigo and retuirn ie/ll ii;tnt. N, over 1(barrhop. be $5.oo. FIRS N AlIONAL BANK' Many of our students will attensc (OF ANN ARBORS. the Patti concert in TDetroit tomor- Clapital, $50,000. ;Surpi lusad Crofits,$30.000. row nighlt. Tran~sacts a genaeralhbnkinglbusianess. Far- Revival aervices wvil be held at eigaehage bought and nold. Letters4 of creitppocr fr raees abroad. the M. E. Church every evening tis ~.. ~.f t~YAEKSN, l~nher.week except Saturday. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP w..)Mr. Zeitz spent Sunday in De- And Bath ERooms. W. x. OWEN, I r"-, troll where he took pr in a con- No. 4 East Horon St.. (Opposite (ort'par Rouse. Rot, Coltd and Sea Salt dBaths. For- Tcert given Friday night. celain labs. Carronas, a new parlor game, ia -ANN ARBOR - furnishing amusenment to the fre- quentersA UND1RY , quenters of Newberry hal. 111 IuIA V The class in Aesthetics has been 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. given werk in a number of personal E. S. SEstrSSs, - Managerr.1 experiments in imagination. 'Vacation commnces Friday 1i/ht/It 'It. EE',li. . F. 0.flL.SIO, caslder. andl~ ank openraIturda~yevening. ill the Idental clepartmlent,anno 'I'lfrsc/av as swas at first tunderstood. L.ast wee/k sas ocr of bolts. Pro/s. ~ Adams, 'lay/or an~d H-empl, and Pres. An~gell being among tegit onv all /probability tle gufte engineers will go to T1olecdo this week ST A1 ARE THE BEST. to hlep teat 3'oledo's tswenty million CIGARETTE SMOKERS 0110 are will- in' In pay a litle more than(1 the price gallo pump chaged for the erdinary tlae igaerettes, Hlinkey has beenl unauniousls re- iiidTIBRNsueortalhr. elected captain of the Tale eleven The Richmond Straight Cut No.1I for next year. Ku/pr has been CIGARhETT S ore made from the rightest, most delicate chosen cap/a/n of Pennsylvania. in flaor, aod higestl cosl SOLD LEAF Six tudnts romAfria ae re- gbowa in Virginila. Six tudntsfro Afrca re eg- BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and obsere istered in the medical and dental that Ike name of 1110emaufacers asn(( dlepartmlents. Four are in the med-. elw is on every pacekage. cal and two in the dental depart- TOPr' !'i 8c.GiA4 5RIR, OAaCn e0 Vnnt. RANCH ' , secesena VIRGINIA Ames, I/lair, Hay/er and Starrett, senior engineers, spent four days of last week at Grand Rapids, helping to make the official trials of the The Lseading new ten million gallon pumping en-% gine. .4oae+TAI LO0R Alpha Nu, tired of the many post- ponenments of meetings on account of concerts and lectures, has decided Hlrge etneoek in the city. You eongeet anyd to hold its meeting at 3 o'clock on setlein yoa are looking (or. Saturday afternoon when entertain- COME AND SEE US. menits conflict with the meeting ap. pointed for Saturday night. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. '1 A