THE LI. OF M. DAILY. ORGNIED168. NCRPOATD U.8 OF M. CALENDAR. cling incandescent lig hts ililmmisati ng THE CHEQUAlVEGON ORCHESTRA.___ the gorgeous terrace scene. The rev- DO 'T R E I EW H. (1,EMENT Mo ec. 18.-Lecture by Prof. Sialeyonthie els 1in the Fairy Queen's Grotto in N iF R E 51 So. Masa ~zST. i orecor and Mac acer. ilieniahat FriezeceorialI Hal:: p. no. which a large numnber of lair Faigsi- E CLIRLAUNDRY Mon., Decc. 5.-Rev. Craven, an rt-ty club laniites .attiredl in the most beautiful ]X E SO n ot pae aeprwl e t os hto n fe e '20 EAST IOHURON STREET. canrse. Subject: (owlt. es iseieo etal iagnlne Toen., fea, s9t-Second Choral Onion Conceitsn cn fOina anfcne h and deliceredi. A. F. COVERT, Prop. -Th, Messiah.- legas oneso hesaeyAo-Clle Good ork oatateed Gosi coled oerTes., fDec. 05.Paliti, Auditorionm,SDet roil. t onis arrayed arolfrom head to foot in glit- OlPR~So h g vi olds ears in tihe ButsiniesS. ~ Wool., Ooc.20.-tiraduaiion exercisen of :Traina- tro ro.elpsin g anoy thiiog proe- wonders of the X or'ld's Fair s T1T~~v i "School tar Noises. Chiaplc,sop. m. aously attempted in artistic ahnti liar- L1 . u .VR~o Fri, leDe. 25-Cliristmon ovaaionlbegins. monliocis stage manoeuvres. The cast will 1)e on exhibition at M. M. Seabolt, No. 4.N. Fourth Ave. will include the names of a large nusns- Haarrvar'der fCo-Engmeucplittirtits .ishero , ofUR leadingTHTHE-Emcatropoppemeitan epes artistsentc an; glley, KEEP TU ACCOJ'WITH 1THE b from Europe, io thin persos of Miller, +$TATE $AVlflG$ BAJ2K+ Harvard hau not adopted co-edu- Fauvette, Coquelicot, Laslabloise, Gan- Call and see theno. toe. Mat ansi Waahiagton Streie. Wmn= ,,y ,]Jan, adthe famous quari-ette Of A . L. NOBLE, Pres. losn ~Plaiieo,Casher. cation. Wme ae 'otaditedFrenclo QnadrilleIDanscers, whose re- no classes witho men in the uiniver- markcahie agile performasnce ha BUS N ESS LOCALS. STAR STEAM L&UNDRY lily, even ino thc graduate depart- snain everywhere created rise mosot startlinsg 'lisa trothoers tixford, from Pldsotrno1re.2 Liie otwork-anddeieool rol ind iiuastcciio mint. IThe peietof IHarvarolthe Circus lisiioelli. St. leeternhsr0 saldstireet. Mis.LJ. Cockett. 64-fT roc oS andTelepor o~e s Oo ignsthedpreesidt iestethrclever lperformers will takle par5t JIEtPeltier, the renownseidhair innthhiproducti10:1-No exlions tasecudegreesoasDdtaffiesatheeatedeth Hlarvard seal sinmply to shioovthat bintheparoedistio makoe "Theise l ole oosIeriha endfo ----N 0 T I 0 E ! been Cpared tousnaberTerosIlac andsfurfooh- We are here to1say. We iti-e p repooced toHamvard alppreciates tile effort of tflo ae siaspecclaltrcnuipsla rsn tenee gatshap. xesndao si orssa. coo llas f orte tiicde oeerisorcety anoex-orIfaoliffe coilego-, as it iefore the bi.Will lappealr at heooroil invitaion oofr all tao visit Iis unqae cyay oe o iloc lo eveoillonctd 7ool nlic.ce' (once anodlnot ecel lod by zao iy Os'aior n 0niilcodoiob te l ieGroaoolOpera sI house. Wedneosoday, Ii 0e,% io Ameicansd ail rtovereldi ly nosdioor- wl eceot21 ald h t. 1100 reodoceod rate tiekets to Oh(lioo, iereol.sooica fromi 500.lloo clt o r o l i any . . - - wyo et\ i te l a onsa pyt prico oloic ed. oioruieaco T ailoio 11 b oyyilgivnog coifegisoc ilasirrtilinse tNaaoo ~o a.iait s~ o toiomn.Radlcliffe college is raeosoaleso.irewodcice 1g. 'oel 5 vyn ai y.~seiosrate olepartasocot, anel as susochl fie taeone, the aialaaiSaoiponooos ' 110looa)to'm-o,-rin floe Cigair, tialght it wilremoasin~. I ia tiiona.1yneoarly readyb. It Wilfl . .bg ioe DA CNGaddE / li0Ntie e ons laoooiscothatogas ttr'001ipitsi The0J.1'1'. i ilu too, laise recoled00 o AN" c ndDL FE~asa ho thiristmiais.fIns 0,501)hpages arc ieleIf roecker-thie very latest. MAIRS, #ANNIE WARD FOSTER oie ol fgoltiis- loH tols Iiavesurhotii- oskaeio alt Iasiadtaifi 46 S. Sloae Street oilie.t rIentiarably blilit ciaa chterticfore thelash ofiCithristmias. MONO k hPin.Advncdlastia ils nfaioraceioeoatiatrini=l.l 0 5tiaYl tol^ioeiRthe0--ill nansa in at once. -____ . - i. S. Stno soionzs 'rennis igr. Excursion to the Atiantic Coast. 40 NVashtenaw avc. iTo arties thaat are thikitig of ad triti south to tolunmbous, Ohio, Chiarlestons, GhRANDi OPERAN HOUSE. NV. Va., (Tiftoit Forge, Chartlesville, - Petersbuaig, Itichmnitl Providence High class spectoaculanr platys hatve Fcorge, Williamisbuarg, Newpoit News, ever beein acncordhed a hearty reception Old PointUtCofort, Ntorfoilk, Na., biy the genteran lbody of hlly goers, ando Waisliiiigtoi, 1D. C., low rates for roundia the-xisit of the gorgeous "Black (rook" trip ainnd one wvay tickets. Pleasse op- to Aniniarboir romises its every wasy ply to G~eo. J..Clark, ltass. ad (enersal 10 he the roth letter evettof the thieait .Agenit, fOhio CentralniIi. Ift bot ; ricail seasnsu. Thin magoificost mainier Ol Let Bldog., cornter of Stoiot antd ini wnhicha fle ievivaill otfa thi onar Madtisobnteets, loledot. faorthabenpae forethh "-pbii. hats secuoretd for it geaserail en- students' Christmas Rtates. cltrsemntt as neiofil the greatest stoec- falces pladuphon~ the stlage, anustidlte Fair the accomodilatioos tudthtenlts plaay will he giv(eii withs all thie reimark- cif the t. if M. ainit Ypsilatit Normianl, aible spleindtor aiido cosmpleteinss whicihshoditig proper certificaites, the T. A. mairkcead fle phehntomenalh twnelve A. & N. Nd. IRy. wilt neil holidaytickets iionthsia ruts at floe Acadeiiy If Muisic, to alt poitits ito liehigainl, andtiotsall New York, the protlllcioin maly be an- plointtaxxithin the Central Traflic As- ticipuited to draswy overloinivig houses. sticiastiton territonryat n0 ainsdo one- Thiere will tie thiree granda llhstetsGibe thirtd fair fo~rfloe rouind trip. Tickets iII whichl children exclusively taike part, wilt he issuied D~ec. 21, 22 toil 23, anid leading premieres from the Conti- limited to reftirn utilfi Jaiiuary 0. iental caipitals, inw ind elaborate Come to ticket office early anot ainoid sceiiery it nhich electricity will play floe chiaices of iiot gettitng oine. pais inititrtaoitpt, hundicredls of dat- It, S. Of iiEEN5501i), Agt. b r2:1, 2- n d "1,Oil autm[i Inumrv 1. ait oleX1(oaeth uirdo i"Ire oi fhein timi tofu. If'ieln ii will hie gosoulgofing ;il butt oft salrenomdil'firictourin ontil I aut-, -al _, iteidhe-in S HOE SALE 2O000 ISf OU T ON ALL 0 t I WINTERl RUtSSIA S11OES, WING TItS, (Co)I", So IIEM"uT. TERMS CASH. IO1 7 S.tIN. I