THE U. OF M. DAILY. '' C.of f ar . will be nmade in the subscription hastily summoned and by vigorousA ~.C f ~ '~price as the year progresses. The effort succeeded in forcing tbe doormotiersngptonfthco-Iadlbaigteipioedt- PbihdDiy(ulasecpe)drniotitrstn otosoaiecl-adlbrtigteiprsndah PuiiicdOnymadyseeete)daigiee rrmis and tbere is no lete. He fell from the closet in a Ii1 tsen{calese year, by earremins THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION reason hav yolg any student diyshsoulda notre fainting condition, but was resusci- r joeeLE~ Subscription prcyr$250S per yeaivatiabiryruarkasl-y low price. leave your part of the frightened spectators an iadvanc ingle cos ents. Sebacnip-ore at once at thme DAwiy office or no serious results are aniiptd I h LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS CLons may be leet at tbe oftice at the DhsLY, with Stofflet, the newsdealer, andl At the time of going to press I Mr. ad SHORTHAND. Diagiuctrteet beuiding; attn at teitet's, with ary f the edlters or teechere; large attendatne; goodt discipline; saper authorized solacitors. you will receive your paper regularly Stagg was again able to partially ioror; el sppied reading ruom; daily lectars- tammunicatiossahould reach tbe office bySaafter tvnire ecnptins;opan the eatire yeae o'lcbys t hyar aaperth terteholidays. attend to his professional duties, al- ' creputtoar cilties tor placing studects in pcsi- a o'loc P.Ai.if tey re o apearthenex tine-shothandegraduatestguranteerdithen. Lnrg Jay. Address all matter intended tar publica-s- though still showing traces of the exaenscecsi 2to$.75 per naek in prevain eamilies,. tion o th Man ag dito. Al busiessa Fortern Ctalogue, addreesa tntateMngigdia.Albsns Tousslant L Ouverturn. shock he experienced at finding him P. R. CLEARY, PaES. comrmunications shauldt be sent en the Busi- ness Maaer. (Cantinued tratafirstrpage.) self seemingly hopelessly imprisoned THE U. of M. DAILY, general. The French soon perceiv- and consigned to a lingering death.T EO Ann Arbor, iclh. ed his phenonmenal ability and gave r.Sag nd t nvriyae epc A 4 1' Al (opynmutbe at rthefce iclrcurcr himn high .rank in their service dur--to. bet cong ratteLulated on the happy ^> ing terblino h sad outcome of what promised to be a The Editors daosntraid teelv-nrresre They offered bins second place whenl frteoiosortamentso ors genuine tragedy in our midst. 11i poadrata, appyering in the UIts, virtually he already held the first versity of Chicago Weekly. TirecTawik in-e;. tl rit .n;;,;. -~ -.. -.~ ..Trains ieare Ann;; i-lrby Ci- l ^^^ place. Hie soon espoiusted the cause _______________________tll; ;ilrrl TO;;;.e of the rebels, and having raised aiiil':1ria.Ie n:5it n TUAUAPLIMNHOS, drilled a large army of slaves,'lie afirt4:15;;i. m.r; ria 00an1A . en T successfully resisted in tarisy of 3*tate [1.1 ew(knf niv n Tld Pitubaes moot; to run ahuand urc stit 1111 x iraetlins d vily ii idy colegAtveit-treei stini-awsr.Onlyl5;;;A- zatet-he huadic etI.S i1LW0J gnsa r.rdaily, and e metst therefore insist against tim by Napoleon. lie svas W. H. IEN OT,G.P1 A.Toe. upon all unpaid subscriptions being soon msade governor aiii comumandl- - j Ann Arbor Savings Ban>7k Ann;rbo~trc. 1Stud;. Carrpitl su; t;o ,5,00 paid at once so that accounts may er its chief aisd givene the posver of ACI7 p 1 atesur-pln tlu. lt; be posted to date. HrfrsAdlPopae o tnziwaeth ennitinln Ta appointing all officers anid also his of It his Mtel. itel, ;-sdoit , I. . 1 ared cells cxci ;;tr olt iiira 0irrr ol;;;rorrfrthei~ Tii Christmas issue of tire Ilaily successor,-a dictator, lint not a ti y~- at ntelstatet. Drftcashed uponI r en roper tx Diyrant. otCletvean gre-ieitificationrtl;;d ler;5.1. Cadnlcnor ih vty a t Hemaintained 1mis1position OF1T.r a sinMil us:w ) C ria co tiseg tpages Hwithrrrman Sirc Pre.; t lr;;. 0. Illi-k-t. Ce" a half tone cot of the football teant. agaist the French until captured by able tremiedy" in existence for shier- i1. laFirz A-sit. ahier. Th ~treochmery and carrierd to France to { Thre issue shows comminendable dieyn- tlr preventing indigestion, and re- GR 8D PEll {FI-20SE trprise on thme pirt of thc editors. dibytrue _________Thle aspeaker prresented with great iieving those diseases arising OlNT-. NIG.HT'INL.. ITrsill not be long before the force the circumstanrces of Tons- fosm iodrdsonl WEDNESDAY EVE., DEC. 20th, voice of the orator ewill be theard in Int'sfeatleinaadoldoerlearongstomarch. tlte land, as tlhe various preliminary thre Juras-a ileatli from cold anild r.X; V.G-rfmr T e Ick C oratoriral colntests andrlinter-society lhunger. M<.., uays: "I vtoue it ason ex ccelleterI; i isr;- rr e dir- rodzretiI r at,-slir. debates will begin soon afterte Te'"Bhonapiarte of S;;nioniingo, r r preoverrtatirv orindgestinan apieasantIt ( lr .toSrur;;r'r; u u t th~ce. N; ; S ric holidays. _Ire is by unriversarl 1-onsent the great- aiua~tried rt irnk ehen rirrotry diued hetlv ireer I,1 ). irr it ItrN'l tNi-S. tic- '[1 St; Tn I :matter of closing wvo"1; in the est of his tace. Anman of greal water, anid siretn-cedt.- S t).1.5 TtAPINGIt ,-i -Eli. military accomnplishrmients, be was 3 (lstsmsl '.a-visianufltslet-s, liivrivrr lusiystiillelikewvise a nmster of mnd as wsell as 1sr vsl,_NrV - well considereil by time factulty. A%[es fI:1- el p(ilis considerale nitnlbr of i..body. lie nvas not free frons per- Disrnipiiili ; i;;; hue r een ri; l plt in i ;AIss s 21-plm pw~ii cosdrbenme fstrtr cots 5 _v Sm-PERBIiiAAiTA ill r ; T. sonal ambitiomn, ihout wvhich tihereRufrChmclWks ovdne.I. live too far ristant fronm Alnarbor ' 3 l~en its-Ismiglt'm-esss"iaes-s. to reacit their rdestintionirbef-ore lrouca ith rrel tt ii;e r ;in rrr rr rTr-irre h +trl'ealtiicl-.uurerrcurc umriucrs; Sunday, a111 are obliged to bolt th odo i otry, whl a For Sale by all Druggists. ~--- ;; -ri triassvr. tleT tee p-oleon sacrificed his country to his teien;clrearui lirt ruoti;in;r-unit r re lyinordinate ambition. IHoss different .ee a , eG~,; as ace.lilr. Pac.irtrti ~r- r rc r;-C cumstances would it not be nelfor 78STATE TRE.r 4n PEN AES. Iluticr 5Cr.t n at a vit 11 ie the faculty to grant the petition of ryantihe condition of tire country CHransl stre the students to be submittedl to thenm under Napoleon and that under . sorY--Q ( -AES W-. ulOItiEW. lista. Griwecrrf Tloussaint. While destitution pre- ( J.tRrses C rrrs~tirr anrd Flowrsf-alnm sit oc asking that all work close Thumrsday . WREDTe cty TE l. Flratl ebiget serduairirn crriiotice. inta fFiavailed in France, prosperity reigned COCESIO OAEa WORLDeStAIRau. No.t05csertatrny steets, op. crretler grrte. ________ in San Domingo. Niapoleon's geniuas MANsat FEr Ewahirrira irce7 ATr Harvard the secretary of the will excite our wonder, but it does X r~lCBs.IV;~ ah15~tI~ret university issues an annual circular not surpass that of this illustrious ___________________________________ to seniors and graduate students patriot of the negro state of San asking informiation regarding work Doindgo.N OT cE done in college and what profession A -C---____l fos-r. tTItug or field they expect to enter atter leaving college- All who have no positions in view send in a petition to the faculty and often obtain posi- tions in this mantner. This plan has worked wvell at Harvard and would be an innovation worth try- ing at theta institution. EViEvY student should avail blur- self of the reduction in price of the D)AILY, Absolutely no reduction Atragedy was narrowly averted last M'onday by the prromrpt action- of one of time officials of te ulver- shty.W\hile arranging the gowns in ~-~i one of the wardrobes at the south/ end of the cmain conidor is. Cobb . T r ? Hall, Mr. Stagg was accidentaly shut into the narrow cramped closet, The ky tothe oor as i hisWe ceenCfurnirh nearly -anymeriat Th(eItnhdo asi is aGet Redcdnt. (Call at '1,11v: DAI LY Office. iocket and there was no other key available. The superintendent was A