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December 18, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-18

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Vol'. IV.-No. 61.



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THE "PEOPLE'S" ORATORIO. ganization in the country. Other TOUSSAINT L'OUVERTURE.
universities are modeling concertTe ns TO GIfe A i&atJ3
he Messiah Given by the Choral The Genius of the Negro Liberator
Union Tomorrow Night--Emin- organizations after it, so that its Set Forth by Prof. von Hoist in
a SchoomorarlyghLecture'.-Weiv it in iii vleai]Pin cia~
ent Soloists and a Trained future activity should not be im- a.ry trin-e smu toe leaset onivawad
chorus. periled by indifference or lack of An audience of fair proportions ton e ho win c thet.
Mcre tian a century and a haif support at this time. assembled Saturday evening in Uni- We want to see your fae adgi e
co te "Messiah' received its first We all know that money is not versity hall to hear the lecture on .io a chance to see o stolc.
rotan"Messiah"reivedatsfirstplentiful, but remembering that the "Toussaint L'Ouverture" by the
rformance. Written at a white +Yb Y ©Y ' fo
reputation of this series of concerts distinguished writer, Professor von
reflects crecdit upon the University Hoist, of Chicago University. Pro- livver i Misie healers,
ard, the heartscf the peopie. N rather tan upon any individual, let fessor von Hoist's reputation in 51 South Main St.
irk has such a reccrdci, no work is
all conbine to make the prospect America rests' chiefly on works of
ovn ainid loveii b' such a vast for this year all that could be de- history, and his name is especially -
miiber, as this immortal oratorio. . P 7
sired. As heretofore announcedthe familiar to students of this institu-
is pre-eminently the "'teoipie'sprice of extra tickets will be 50 tion by reason of the use, until this
atorio,''fcir it seemst icve all cents. If a goodly number of tickets year, of his works as text books in
it Chiristiias meains to ii. (season) are taken, an extra concert United States history.
ives the snteers of those critics vwill be given to the ticket holders. He chose a subject of much his-
0 have earn-only-forlin w, t- torical interest and treated it in a I
d is without doubt more thor- Freshmen Choose a Yetl. way tiat was designed to instruct
ghly appreciated and loved at the when youwanttheatest etropotitanstyes
g he freshmen held a meeting Sat- rather than merely to entertain. The of $et2, $3$4or t3shoes at5i to 1 a pair less
eettume titan ever before. Titat tiati Aiii Aviisv prives seed inc t'ataingst te
esent teurday morning and selected the fol- speaker entered directly upon the
vork willsunorm a glorious record lowing as a temporary cheer: IHot subject matter of his discourse,which
vorthy of repealed hearing goes tomali, hot tomali, hot totnali, gem; while not purely biographical, fol-
tbout saying, and Ann Arbor is
thutina ingneprospect ois hoo-rah, '97, U. of id. No other lowed in the main the chronoloici- Io, 183--1S vooiwAitmAvF.
tunate in the prospect of its fineb
business was transacted except the cal order of events in Toussaint's TDTIRI, - - MICHIGAN.
rformnance by tine Choral U aon..
.oritn is ibnfieCondition.. appointment of a committee to ar- life. The lecture was read, and
to choruls is in fine condition this d, U 'T a
rang,-e for a class reception. herein the lecturer committed the
son, and the necessity for action, r Received, 400 lbs.of Fine Chocolase
____-t -- serious mistake of attempting to Bon Bons.
account of the financial stringen- To Be a Class Affair. told lne close attention of a larte we waj iive oie i nrc-i iaiiyxsiiv.
brcugbt runt the loyalty so cnar- arthe rest of this moth et know t iii ti
A meeting of the junior class was audience vhie sieaking from man- .i 4 i i its
tent orchestra will assist. The dR. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.
the junior hop. After the question his attention upon manuscript can-
ncert will begin promptly at 7:30
lock, a change which it would be can thoromgihy discussed it vas not hod time ittrest of his heavens
i to beir in mindh. ioted to make the hop this year a as he who bestows his attention upon
ne sciloists are great favorites. class affair. No committes were ap- the audience.
ley are Mrs. Bishop, who consid-pointed but a meeting will be called Mr. von Hoilst spoke with a voice
ey aressr.ihisois wn cnst- for this purpose soon. of much volume but with a pro-
itine Messiahs solos her greatest
portunities.; Mrs. Clements, of ''- - - nounced foreign accent that gave Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
o t s eThe First of Its Kind. his audience much difficulty in
troit, a beautiful alto singer; Mr.
o. J. Parker, the finest tenor in The department of medicine and obtaining what was said. As a re-siTuLUNCHEe
ston, and recognized an the head- surgery will graduate tie first class ult of thi, the auience becae Lowneys hoolates
exponent of oratorio in the East; from the University training school sontewat uneasy. Tie Professor is
d1 Mr. Silas i. Mills, our own for nurses, in the chapel, Wednes- ot a lecturer, mc less a orator,TUTTLES
s. This is an admirable quar day evening at eight o'clock. but he is a deep thinker, a profound 48 S. STATE St.
te, and we are confident will de- The exercises will consist of an scholar and a man of unbounded re-
ht our concert audience. address by President Angell, music, search, who treats the philosophy offl lS
nd in conclusion. The Choral presentation of diplomas, etc. Six history in a way that warrants his
knd in concluion.tTinethenraitetc.fSixstorian. His.
ion is not a money making insti- nurses make up this, the first clans right to te tithe of intorian. Hin
ion; it can never be that, for its to graduate from the school of lecture was not calculated to elicit E(NTIRE SiTO OF
ire income goes into the concerts; nurses. A general invitation is ex- frequent applause, but to present
correlated ideas to a thinking audi- HOLIDAY BOOKS
money is paid to any persons tended to all,ece AND FANCY GOODS
noected with it, everything is --ee. AN-ACouGsain
ne gratuitously; it is a great stu- The laws have secured Congress- -oussaAt LOuverture,-theA-iber-
atergratuitouslyg;, astb-rT-i
t organization as witness the man Jonathan P. Dolliver, of Iowa, ator of San Domingo, was born in
.it rgaizaion s wtnes th ma o' 1846 and his career up to his death FABUOUS * I JEDQ MOM
mbership almost entirely from to deliver the address on Washing- a
togain 1805 was contemporary with that
student community; it has pro- ton's Birthday. From Publishers Prices.
of Napoleon. From the first he
ed the greatest works ever given Yesterday at the S. C. A. the showed his greatness, and rapidly
he state of Michigan; some works subject was "What is my work? roefo saeyt "yly e .& H '
es- given n the best, outside of Miss Phelps, Mr. Van Tassell and was not m-erel a military genius
icago, some works never given Mr. Manoy spoke on the need of he was a broad scholar, a shrewd
re even. It has made a record personal responsibility and personal statesman and an accomplished -AND-
'er equaled by any student or- effort to achieve results. (Continued on second page.) DOWN ToWN, MAIN STREET.


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