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December 16, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-16

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THEU._OFM._DAILY. ________
5t o ~i o LF601.LEEN, haage. t , . . b.L. .v. C'to rlo. V'o LACK ('000K T T Eo'11 1 nt-a11MAI S1101 >1 FOIt ofed Maager
deist. Te mangement of te Grad I
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY st Dec, 1-1 1a ls meeting,.H1orn A 1tOpera111)11cc annonce a special at- it, b)oysthat on and after Do.
2EAST hUtTON STORET. Io o traction for X ededo De. 2, swen
Good Wokay eoed GoscildfrTev DTee. 15. Seconsd ICol Unio Cocert, the g' rand spectacular play, T'Ele Blck ese dti,1ooSo te
and dlisered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. "Tile O"Crok'wil e recildly. lrg
z~~ Yearn ii the ~ Te., (Du,. rir)Pai olAdior iuotol, )lt. cii0ai~iv representing fthe originalwo er ottlXolds ar
za weay iu heBScsiness.""' Pri. Eve.. De. tl-fhriotmos acaton 1)00)0. cot during the remarkably sccesflwodroftiW rls ar
CITY LAUNDRY, An' E4;h k- m year's revival of te play at te Acadwl e o xiiin a
An Enteprfsir Firm. esy of Mnic, NessYork. Tree nig- Wl ) t sllln a
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. ____siicent ballets ave been secilly ar- 1
KEEP Yorrt SACCONrwITRh THE If energy and tat are elements of ronged by the famous M. Bertranm, one Gibson1 & Molrgansger.
+$TATC $AVIP2G$ BAflK+ success,tbe firm of Blowdisb & Mat- the etire company being attired in Call andl see them.
Cosr. Moin sod Washingon streets. teson, the popular outfittrs, is sur gorgeossiew costumes in costly silks,
A. E. NiinErs.nPss osoefous ~ra,sihr. satins and velvets. Elaborate iew ___________________
to succed. Thiis firm, locatd in scenery ha been paiitcid by leading ---
Metropolitan artist of sote, ani bril- BUSINESS LOCALS.
STAR STEAM Lt UN DRY the midst of the stdnt portion of liait artistic effects in iluminatting' the
Osns p1ac so he 1-15). tiromp'; it,1geting11tbe city, as succeeded ii securing varios animateid scenes if contlcos .1. E. Peltier, the renownilhaor
oilt so) d ehsering.O1110,1)1ht (iti- clrdelectric light . There will enS. e1hn s.alre tdn raet'hchte oordeeticlgtb batflcttesfrom -Detroit, has leased fthe
cooSi Tlsehns 5. lrg strlnttrdetowbcbtlcygrasd soee eddly thebastfCook lloisc barber 00h oilnd irnish-
--Noro catr. If tere :is any class o meisnjad sttely fairAnmazons clad il doe- sl it in elcgoiit shap. 11lecextnds av
-vi s zoetr o ~ I n.ling armor and amnig the iiiiiis1 cordial ivittion fsr all to visit h'is
w5oe 5)re 51 to r 5v --re lo-rd ho a ue r okeep ls ne le artises of 1Enopeatnn reptatiosn en- '5 )05.i
ivs 0crao 001,Mork to the tradis e 1001inhss 'sty the nater Of dress ad personal ais-ggd to costribte secilties.swil lorded sIirsstoOdi
loeelooled by aoi)hershose eers-ioted ts111155ilii'Ft l F(sclQ~l- oct Vi-114 d a. icket aptolOhto;
anye (si111' -Id1 liy 1-Tilriillaraiire, it is tie student class. rilsc laaieardfrOlo tValoriiIntoua-pply to
me r rlIl 1i pr )N.11)l: 11 dIk o10) or rile11110 sie-or thOres-Illie
joe-si Sils11-at00)1, il~ly111 O.) 11 110 W li il t (r~eio odIIT ietct Agt. T ld
5s-1 sIicsi 110 21101aol Isli 110 VIc tbe 01)1sayisig tat dress ulates llrgrre, iles. F alvte,(osuinlico.-Ln o.ct oti Mirli
the illesil is lt folvnttil Gll) 5tilgtIit asl blooc 1111d1(an 05. 1110)1the lBrotl ~. s
l~~ ~ ~ ~ 1-o s lRexford IroiIl-tieC rlloO isiiicli, 0)111tu Cot) 10 I t i theC igroar, liti
3' is certal 11y indiativie of a alf-truth11 . l 11101slug. It is pomiosd thtIt he l 1 &1' . O 1 t l Sto5115.
A . 1 5 55 st'll.N'i'. fio pI otio)i~ Isill will 1lipse ll pissvitus t h'els' 1 Jacobii it . .11151' rI's'' 50 sia
ittsny rbt.:t'wet~s at ighs class scalse. fesioie slvctii-the ser-. ltest
DAN CING and 0 ELS ART E Te bsisess sissi cossducteethby -".- - lavour sitottli'- tsioal t t hianl'
MA S. ANNIE WARD FOSTER loveish -Ma.gttesossiswas established O Oracle. s eloste rsh o if thristissts.
46 S. Stolte Stree. Ithree yeais ag isbythesormseier anti -IT Sri' UPwithti got air of shssiis-
MONDAY sop. is.-Advancetso-ias r los- 1'-1 (f -)t -isl, tie titsstal 1))I)115ii11Cdr ibacs.os A brestso t los ries
d-aesIl lloieiel. jocupiid oil y ne-half of the pros- ,Isltibi oslul, is neaorly reissy.issil t sBsown' sg Stoe. .a fewsh io
't tsn.OY -- p. mi.oiis-sst ross esui-. sg eclt siarters, ;,_ S. Sate street. .\r. le)worsisin),lat511 eso ste i ra0ci iiTes t 0c.
ris. -b oue (CiristihloS. Its h-illpige-.ar
s~h'lI).5 5'm iii. 151. tets-os's rltiilI'isO Mattesosn becastie assoiatesd with frishl sf gsssdlttiigs short storie1s, o ~tiW ..11111)sio fr i
- .~.sli 05'.lilll'tsa 0. tbe business April 15 of the lpresentlohems a resatraly bright csarticter Lboiatoy spplis.Dilssectisg eles,
-.c irisd ni ls.sketch of "DSipy' ntihessthe rindsl-.onsandslsesves:--Lo Iflos.
aDs sn. Tados en.svoss1 --. year. loth of tie gentlemsenl have -yes. no eindiof theshilifty p .evsat---
Priessis-ous-ireoo-. l those11rounr.sTo1h00 several years of cexperiensc lat ih ilcsoesal eI)sle inGaners Academy of Dancing.
-the Isrnishing bussiness i in AnA.r-re-d tll'Ortcle wil etsr( a I rsisi
/ bor and are so-cils qialiieid 5o)sit~ ssfehis. lh. uo ti 1nts- tte-. to L-itis etl vsitr-
estr iosli htytthe Oracle forl'tisakelIOtli 11-~it osty.fesii~s
uts andl suppIly the stueints'wantt sf te godlit his llso' theisntsthe and1 Chilreis aie'.\euiction tIs
Q n ° inthieir l ie of g oi.psst his: et isnryse rty ts5illuttra o rmer plils,11 sitsr ha Lbc i sso hch aefllpg. on rm m) lr ilt l- ssonts.~
* hdu']e large tirie that this ims ss Ihiccovse.is rnaetitanust 5ii I-I"'arI~~i sIiI tni ts tess hodncsesfore
l built up sinre their estabismuent Illiii -iis. her ost'ci her. 'lIste botok t 11 o.-ts
ete Iproves liheir popuilarity anooss;t sill Ito iirel or))st i el itt'thebots): - H lot .0 1-.R110- s -v sTa-r . A. &6 N.-p1)
.j' . * the tstents. 'he stiecist sales usitiitllltibtl.Aittltay
/ ___t - gisetnby tetm reensty hase e tses a s' i.atls'ttillrrs.t tt 41 itO ti-I inl N. i 5 li st1.ay
__________________________________ irIls o sving ntsaney ts allsho We,(lneday Evenings sls)"Gman." it' i l mttsiotl litsil DtIoei-
y11131INC~ENT A.L (11t111;d0 Is-sotei_'l i ile, re2a)(soeihid atheirheron
'i Tt atx it ~ t N iii tas futre sses. - iiaii) sil tbs' gisli t) the oslo isies i tieolf sits' Mis oi(tm5t Ttl0l tisfit 110t
.,. i. Kep your eye ont their Christ- 'iis is te last issetisg of the claes
AtanftiFss. s is'Mansi 850 tasswindos,whichlswill be artistiral- nsl a sftr tel- holbday ssotis..111 ____________
[at ro t n xit _ +ssi . S 1 .lstlr sl TO II -03, no sasd ish nishi tfter te hissilil s
Ni isilntteir-si 0 ii 1.1.l rrangesd by a special windo '1Tritssicnfe 51). so-lin advisaits515
0. i. hioll . _ ills th-r O t5 nx1- ) 051
5s0 Sha rI 18decoator'. SA-)L0
tirirlMin 1'U ....i sChNN.VSno nt no I cidExpess..1013 BwExcursioesonar toe xtuseo AtlheA ntici CCot
..R EAUssct'-H"A-I AusAyss, agents is Ann Arbor foricoumnanuo'sS HEI
Silirermn's, White's and Rolf's To parties tatitatre thikitgioga sip
TH N RO RU ot oClmuOi lnlsoPRINTING and h ats; Johnson & Murphy's, Wright W. 'a., (liftoniFrrge, Cartlevile, 2O,-1\n
c Richard's,Rue &-l-lnin's shoes, Petersbsrg, lichimsuil, Provideunce
Forge, Williamh~sbulrg. Neport Nsws
- PUBLISHING llolgentn's nackentoshes and have Oliloit(onfort, Nrfolk, Va., -----
--TTOTS M_- constantly on and a full line of Washin~gtllo, 15(51Chslsvrtes for ronid
Student Work a Specalty trip aull 1)n1 way tickets. Plb-ass' al- St.Ol N I
Heo We~ssssus tcse- Oes- II ieOiy.furniohingo of alt kinods at reason- ply to Geo. J C(lrk, Pa1ss. and lceeral
a ble prices. a .gest, Oioi Cetral 1.11t , Rtosm Al0
(y This irm hasONslJetllihg.coruer f simmitad WIh't
GPA. NGEI{S Toofimlasawys been loyal Madisisons streets, '1iledoi. ts
bACNyst tilIis o'advertising it student pulobica- - _ '- rI S I 5110Kb
CLASSES IN DACN'ilme i Stdents Crstmas Rates.
follsossstitosselSa itray mornuins l 0 isitioos ts odesering a liberal or- "N N ru
aod ThlssIss issy I 8IIIII55 IIII adzes. lstssesdiy
vae e oas'r d'i e- - 'uirusleos( e it-t'ioso of the students' trade. As a For the Iccsmhiiidshtillr ofstsudetts f()l K SO JSIM
ftr si1rTard0;- 'm in. 111)0tssrmomter of self po floon te stu- lof te t('.sit N1. sisYpsilanti Nsrmial, s(lShl'
wev 5ek) .Ppl orierdssatsany pohtiuoloisg proer erthicte, the '.A.
ilm. ents should support those who A. & N. IN. It. will sell holidy tiokets TERMS CASH.
F ^ make college journalism a success to all pinuts iiMbihiganu, adtsal loi
B c'- IT.J~ byliberal advertising. oMtwti h enrl1 tr s
spoitsi teiisry, lt sone t-sishone-
o _.._.T, ...._thnd fair o the roud trip. Ticket _5V ___.
i Ho'ut(.f ims)e'head u r trt is 5as.. __nx The Woman'a college ohIalti- limited beto ise creturn .u ntil Jndanary S.
more hoos0a0 ensowment of a million Come to ticket ofice ery ad avoid
25 S. Fourth Ave,, - Ann Arbor. dlollars. (le chances of uiit gettisg oe. 17 S. 3MA IN.
I. S. (iltEEuNssOODt, Agt. I______________________

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