THE U. OF M. DAILY. '~ir r -yri -~ { lectures. Already two professors Dorimene and is about to marry t .s..Of II" ' * have announced their willingness to her, suddenly learns that she is a furnishs printed lectures to their st- flirt and marries him only for his Published Daily (bunaays exnested) during money, expecting that he will soon the iCslre year, br dents. Wihat is needed most is a die. tle tries to break of the THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENTASCIiO uniformi method of publishing them matcb, but when it ultimately comes _ so that the lectures may he bound. either to fighting a duel or marry-6 So'veriptaotstudent tretsureteverying,lhe tprefers the latter. In the Subcritio prce '.,0 pr yarisvariably Erocryesty stedentatreasuressver Eadv-ante single cetteicen ts. Sutacrip- highly lie lectures which lhe re- cure ifthe play ar s amusing t itts aybeleft at cei yesce froheaDAthYscenes wthgypsies,wiadndi ait Stoitiet's, with any at the editors orat ve daily frmte platform, and betwveen twvo philosophers. The toer authorizedi solitort. ini afteryer these same lectures comedie is dsicl ih and amus- Stel Communicationcs should reach thieofficohby wil be a sourse of grest satisfaction ing throughoutn nteorgnltx jo'clock r. si. it they are to appear the nest Iperfor ace in trhmelforiinltow Jay. Address alsaatter intendedtfor puhliea- to him if tie can preserve them in a pefratc oieehnieft ora tion to the Managing Editor. All husiness maeindet the part of Sganarelle, and Louisha cemmfuniostions should he scat to the Ilasi- permaetadna form. It is to XtV danced in the gypsy ballet; the uess Mlanager. be hoped that some decision may be other parts being taken by menibers THE U. of H. DACLY, arrived at soon, so that the students j of the court-The Crinmson. Ann Arbore. Hiok. ___of this detpartment swiltl know the -----+- -- EDTR.ultimiatuma tf the faculty. It is proposed to erect a menmorial!'cat Mr eebete C .U:io,1<~ <4 Mlnlit dtr tIh ., _ " the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, ISHORTHAND. ltatgnitient builditg;lnstar itees; lare eattenidanee;tootdtditciplitte;supee- wort; wellisuppliedereadiageroom;daiiyiecturest- erday eentingreceeptitos;oaet hetentieyear Oipti.oaitetiltie tfor placiang ttudetes inispost- s-tshothndcgaduaes nntteedithes.MinWti lss$to $2.75iper e ekiapr-ale famailies, Newe cataiogue, addeesa P. R. CLEARY, Pts. TOLEDO Ii. A. Sr. i 110 it. l.'91,Asstzittt 'it:.aiethod ot giving cxanttna- "Cornell atllete who wan drowvned1 .. L. Litti-Lit.'95, Assisatt on u ite coighotirs of the di ngthe nunamer. TimTa letitahiti-s It't Sund,-t y Ni F-. i'Vasrrostis r a~'94. At-tet t ois iuin cosngduin '.rains lto AtnAs r r * etra l J. .A. cty, itt. 96, Attitetic t. tlsat lant clay beftore varatisan, atlopated bhr} 'tatia (ad i d.XV ccias '.0 it. iuls-tMotesc sominsittrutors, is certainly untjulst 1,1 in. arsi. A. _Mitt isLit. '!KtAssit t. siD 15 0a.m Indimapropter. It often lhappenstt5pa. :; p t -tttt iTti.\htt. L W styu btNen n rbradT(1, i, p -. Bi. csatttstts. tti. It. F. al tat students lis-ita tt soitedistarce /d hOtnlyht',stt tai~s It, o. Austn,'9,AlBandtlyti.itsnay i.:ats-tt . totdtlr frm .n5rbor are olliged to leave 14.1 5( .hli tvtioti Acstttttti tttto F. i a dl '9 P L le'9 'I"I. I. tttial e W.o lte5 -i EiN h'T, . Y. 5.Tttttttt Aa"nsci~sry, 9 . ittsinrsi96. o h early traiins Friday, for homse, AnAbrSvnsBn itM -.Iilorder to arrive at Itaeir dctita- Atntt]Xs-ttts-. viits. 'ttstt ata I tft f. F.. Ctonradt, '95. . tG. Jes-otsiA. A.iAbr ic iiH I'Ci. tol eor u d y Th se sn a ui]~~100 All copyliotase beforeolSuiedayore'5:t9,s, il- Iocrsf ord s Acid Phosphate .ttsEttras-ize ndi a ns- t i t1tt3az i~ att at ttte dtcy or pttltittt. dentts are counted abaseitt frot anaaseli.t ce xci t t-conta hs- t cprisii I eittssofanit exanminatioinwvhichi coutld lie Isetd eUnatest SMotes Drafts-.caitishe~sons proprt aIalesnth tsn veka ed tii oste ffective tind agree- tdesstiite ttti. Satfetiepsossst boxs tt rent. K ale ntecoig w e s well oft t-isit 'i-itin Mttct..ies w. ll. Hoyt isa.ict e Pres:C a.ths. iF. idleti-k, Ci - if not better thtan diring the lasti able teioedy~an existence for Eouter'-X11. hFrtz Asst.('o-.shier. -- - - --s -- -hours of the last day. ThinsImethlodtoltd'3i'10.f oipln7su denst emispieXveutting indigestion, and it G 4rD0IA 41-OS (V tsr oug itatet-puerile and fitted niore for a kinder- leving those diseases arising it'll, Nit-Hi tNtL1' tet adriiessth tit o itr artes. than a great university. In , ~sste~lsoici WEDNESDAY EVE., DEC. 20th. 11,,_ . the iaaaie of fairnecss antIjustice to Ott -itt111 t ~hrstoI t ui tts.,stot cliasias ('hosral Ui osi tickets ii- niediatety. i flue student botly let us atapeal toa ite instrtrofrs toafrrantte examnsia- Nosa that the ctonditiona sofite Ititns earlier isa the areek - grountd toa acertaint en st swarrans I it, every effort souldl ie- made to Christian sociology. -lay off thec aclieslttlc oi safer-class Soateir thte ltnlidlaysa flere- willI tootball gamels neits- eef i f ic is-atacleshel iniNewsberry Itall,unuder theI all possible. 'ho be sure, the ptsesent altpices of the S. C. A. and the weather isnota of such~ a kintd as to Disciple's IBible schlool, a sesfiona of arouse the greatest enthlusiasmlandthlde Isstitsite of Chlristian Sociology. sjairit f rivalr, but my his' il wiSuill last for a wceek stud will be opportuitiy to play off flue gamescsonducted~ by Prof. ceo. 1). I lerroia shouttd be token advaiitige of with- f tows college. tirof. Hlerron is, out delay, as postpoinemenit till lbt Prof. Ely and othlers, very at- spring wvoulid detract from the se- tive in this work, and the students sired interest, interested in sociological questions is- order to greatly increase the will have an excelleint opportunity circlaton o th D~ tXwe avefor wvork under a man who is an au- decided to illake the unprecedented toiyo h ujcstetd offer of $1.5o for the remainder of French Play at Harvard. the college year. The DL).iY is the cheapest college daily in the coon- This fall the Cercle lIrancaise try, and we are not atone in the gives its seventh annusal dramatic clainm that it contains more live cot- performaiice. The past two or three loge news than any other college years it hass attempted with great daily in the land. At this reduced success the reproduction of soite of price the D ii~v should find its way the better known French plays, and into every students roonm.ILeave this year pronmises to be its best your orders at the office or with our effort. The play chosen is Le Mtar- special canvassers. riage Force, a conmedic-ballet by Moliere. It was written by order of Louis :HIV, and first played on Jan- S~uary-T of the lasv department usr o, 1864, in the palace of the awvait with considerable interest the Louvre. The essence of the plot is decision in the matter of printing that Sganarelle, whbo is in love with Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfieldl. The tack Crook Masa., says: 'I s altte it asanatt c eliesnt 'ute time' 1) s i i d ))t 11,t ist ttt It I i t11,t wi, iii tucrstsir~fzttteaiau~stajtraa se-tae tltotlis i dtutt-tts ttt det itst 55555 osia acidlutatetd ttdr ink lt-ess protpciy itedtitistltwit) tiricArtit . t t T !;, C SL AU 3 C(ru i trhshsn Bllets, ttlithEANAs-i it sashisis'- hl~t'1STt DI s-itt t _kssttsrc s ai s lotttt AIhst ofd'tIhilsipeain l '-iclhties. Descriptives tnisi-ltftireh tiAMAplit 5 551'. Rumfotrd Chemical WorksFs-ovideneeif- - :1 StPsRBtchiAgATICsCieT. 3 For Sale by all Druggists. ilhtEStitert s-s-ti sst-. SitS.atisttattIt Osana~ultt. esottsemne'tnO) Shtie statttettsintt-r-tetiitseits-artt.VCrcl 7a TATeSTEET P N AES. ltie ?rvj Sea t t o tss it t v~it-s' Jesszs- CHIAGO1 r Store. s-Ott I AMES v. GOOiusw. Foreint,.Grorit -ot l J jRoses.Caratiossand tFowers ofatsitviiri- 000 WARED HE S "" T TE ety. Floral litsigns 55rndoeisponslisort ntite. 7COCESIONTO AAE, \\ nORLS FAsR. Na\. lOttie s-atovyastreet, app. crnetery gtitr. MANUACTUERS 893. I1 TER Pa E. 1 ash ititon Street. : . i t NfOTtCE ___ =0 07. 7:ZMM- - We caisfurtihdinearly any mtake at a Cs-cat Redcticion. Cllh at 'ri-:i E LDAILYATOffice. err r r c EM "