je t jab, ( . a , 1. a l . Voi_.I1.-No. 32.1 WEBSTER SOCIETY. ,Held a Very Pleasant Open Meeting Last Night.--Taking Speeches on Legal Topics. The Webster literary society gave its first public program in the law lecture room last evening. A large and apspreciative audience was in attendainre, andlste programi ren- lered was onse whichs reliects credit os the society in iimrticuliar and loil tie lass- selartnient is geseral. The ivrtisfra'ills 55 oene d 1y as address it welcosse 1)),tles. F. E. (ham- herblin. lihis address seas very brief, 1)ut was nonec the less hearty. i'ol- iosessg this seas a solo by ]. A. lien- singer, whlicth sas enjoyed by all piresent. Mr. Blenidinger was forced to respond to an encore. Chsas. I. Friedmsan, in his five minute talk on z'1Mayor and Dleas,'' sas very _jiidi- -sal and expressed Iis thsoughts in the language of the lasv. PrintedsLlectures,'' by Victor J. Obternaur, wa~s one which was mucth enjoyed by thse sembers of the lasw departmenst as he portrayed the mensbers of that department as synm- ,sols of virtue in the contest of the stusdents for printed lectsires. M~r. l~ipsoss spoke next ons the Las epelartmsent (o-edls,''anid t'he tOtizniasters,'' whlichiwas /2hararterieed by wit and huiior. "MSesmosry of Man Itimneth not to else Contrary,'' by Mr. Larsons, was a shsort bilographsy of Prof. Griffin. Nest seas a flisle solo by M~r. Geist. This piece was much appre- c(_iated by all who enjoy goodh music. .Mr. Gieist sets heartily eiscored by thse audiemnce. E. .Le~lendre seas to deliver an oration, but owing to a very severe cold he was unable to do so. Prof. Mlechem, "The Man Whom1 the bas eleights to tionor,'' was -treated by 15. L.. (liver in a very pleasant way-. 'Mr. F. G. Joists spoke on Prof. Chsamplin, "'The Giner'l Roel." 'fsr. Jones inmitatedl Prof. Chsamplin to perfection and kept the aiudience in laughter during his mock' lecture. "It's Time to Close," or "CProf. Vance," was briefly but effectively spoken on by 0. B. Conart. "The Whole D~epartment," by Mr. W. II. Harrison, was very well received on account of its pleasant reference to Hon. T. M. Cooley. Music, "Star of my Heart," by UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1893. .PRICE, THRtE CENTS. Miss Volland, was the subject of much pleasing comment by the audi- ence. Debate: "Resolved, That a Ne- gro State be established iii the Utni- teid Stastes,'' aff., WV. J. L~andman, seg., IV7. P. Ifarvey, was ssell han- diest by bulls gentlemnis. 'The closing feature of the psro- gram was thse society pap-vsstsiehi seas of no little merit. j Ciassis e tStsoWell iRetileect. Thle setconl facsity coriceit of the Sichosol of Al asic consiting "of a song recital by M''iss Alice A1. halley in Frieze Memsorial Htall, last night, wnas a decided success. Thle sall wxas conmfortably filled wxithi lovers oif classical music who canie to lhear it well rendered, and were not disap- pointed. The prograni consisted of short selections from else foremost composers froimi Bacti, whts)sied in 1750, to Gounod of our oxen year, sixteen selectioiss ini alt, which swere seithsosut exception v ery tleasingly rendseresd. Miss tlally tsossesses a clear, weell cultivated voice ofl sunus- sal. sweetness, aisd of great enidur- anice. P'rof. Stanley pIis sd the accomptanimsents on the nexw pipe rgai aind also rencderedt several selections, isotably Chiopiss's ( lu- ieral March'' whicth were excellent and'ssoseed what the professor can accomplish weneshe has tsn instlru- sient that in worthy of liim. Last night was the first time the organ had been made use of us a public entertaisnment, aud all weho heard it wilt agreed that it is a valuiable ac- qusisition for thme School of M'usic. s Advice to Law Students. J udge Maxwell, of the Suipreiue Cou~rt of Nebraska, whso is thse all- thor of the Code Pleading whtichl bears his namne, now lecturing to the post gradsiate laws, adldressed the members of the senior class yes- terday. He chsose as his subject "The. Successful Lawyer at the Bar." The ideal lawyer, as judge Maxwell says, should be a moral member of society, Isonest and up. right in his dealings with his fellow men. The remarks of the Judge were appreciated by the seniors who are soon to enter into the profes- sional struggle for existence. AN EMINENT HISTORIAN. T he o Prof. vonHolst Will Lecture i h f S. L. A. Course on "Toussain the laeSlm iela LOuvertura.' in 5C ul is15 11ic vits sa Prof. II. von HoIst, of Chicago University, knowen to urs lsiefly through Isis works on Anierican. his- ascsssisVsies ti-leiseslto,'ie? Is..0 to any oe, h i, illtii (.ll s ies . Wte ilWi I Is t0 ,s ee lic ze aii U yoliiit ltsiiss5 tose'e otzis5,v L.'Outvertsure'' in tise S. L-.. course., tonmosrsso'evening. h'aisMlu t IHermiasnssvoss I is)I st seas bsorss iat ___51________________ Mein____ St._ tetlis, prvsince os Livosni,Rssssias Jun si 19, I I 1 -p I Iessssste son sif a a Luithieraniinssister, ss (ermasnsssby sdescesit. i creceisedii s esrlys esit- catioss inIsis nstssiv esswnasst illn the spsrisng of .86io esteresd the I'ni- versity of Dlorpsort. 'lis le Ift iii j:86,3 1o conitintse Isis wsork at I leislel- 1 berg, whsere tie gostIsis fP1)..sdegree wise nsaousltr~lii-iLase-ast eissssplitl stsyls in 1865-. le nose travelest for a o $, st , 55 .6S tit 5tio$s1 asmpair les- tllsanAsii Aslise 5plics assenfo Calalossse lto tose iii France, Italy and Algiers, developing thsat broad cosmopolitan spirit swhichs gives Isis seritings ansi * *~ fF & C lectusres ssschivalsse. Ile tassghlt s 1t1ct183-185 \l5151515.llllsAs ., for a shsort tinse ustteethsis at St. - 'MthISN P'etersbsurg. ~UUT- Dssring Isis secsisis visit tFratice Received. 4001bs. -f Fine Choolaie Boa Bons- ill 28 7 hfi7 ls publitcatioss of a Issitii- xvi i ssSle i ls iec.Iesit ie cat panmphlhet on the significasnce of f t, e-s-t of thitiu,lii I i e ler tio ~iil t City'of Aim,\, 5 otsss , I'i tl ~etaiiim ies tte attempht msatle i1 1 s6Iby aiRsIss- 5utyiii 5t lee, llsto n astof theIity sian revtioiosst up11n5thiv life of R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. thse Czar, psrev-entedsI Iis retursn to St. P~etersbsurg. Is Jusly,si:867, cvss llost camse to the Unsilted Stases, wehere liseseas+ forced to ssake Isis war in ilse face i. of extremse posverty. the occupiied himself in lecturing asnst becamse as. Artintic Phstographer, 6 E. HURON ST. sistant editor; of Sclheim's Lexicon and correspondent for the Kolnischse IHOTfL UNVCHTES Z.eitunsg. With te encouragemsemit Lowy , of his friend, the eninent historian e hC ie Siebel, tse began thse stusdy of our TUTTLE'S government and history, sehichs re- 1 48 S. STATE St. stulted in his great work on the cons-____________________ stitutional developmient of time Uni- ATf~ DFlJC ted States. uN US N1~ After ive }ears resiteence sit this country, von I-holst receivesi a call as Ethic STItti ori professor of history to thse iUniv-ersily of Strasburg. In s174 lie seas called HOLIDAY BOOKS to the University of Freiburg as fulli AND FANCY GOOD professor of history, a position lie occupied when invitedh to undertake the work in Chicago. BABULOU$:;; 13DU~TII. In x878-9 von Hloist was delegat- ed by the Prussian, Acadensy of PimIi~is ro. Sciences to make further historical W A H R ' investigations in time Uisited States. On this occasion he was enabled to UVIVER SITY BOOK STOR1 E visit the states beyond the Missis- sippi for the first time. -AND- (Continued an second paget) DOWN TOWN, MAIN STElousT.