Jy. THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 518So. MAIN Sir. Ditrector and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HIURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for aod dolivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. a2 Years in the Business.sg.- CITY LAUNDRY, M. X. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVfflm$ BAIIK+ C,iior Ladies. Gettleen aiii Ctlirent tlike..k reducttionto t formler puplils, :t itt svherm11010thaii stn froitisameil0family takece lesotis. Learni somne tf theoness-tanes efor the hoittay se~sitttosins. For retdutce-traie ticketstis Oi, West Va. itio Oldl Va. points apply tt H,. S. Greenswotod, Ticket Ag.. Toledo Anni Arbor & Northt Mic. or Moulstont Do youti sishi to rccnt your room? Why don'oint sert ai line or two in ouin lotalsicotltmttlfor a foss days More voomis lhtve betst reniedth irosgh the D~AILYt tian thrioughiaiy otier imedium otittr tto DILY tpIractialy So1,Cl"lts(tttrtuinthle (Cigrs boght at the 1I. & M1. Druig Store. Tihe J. . Jacoibis Co. ihavereeivedi a file o e c::-:, 0ar-te ery lates. Havt ourot:ltois taken t tilatdllo beioe theerushtof tillistmias. liGAtE01' rillh a goo pair tf solt- iier braces. A large stools atlossIrirt at Brows nDrutg Shre. A fowshiot worntbraces Att50c. (io to llu::tvr a a liio Sratus for all Liatoratory1 suitilies. Ils egcar, apronis tiand t','s s.-L~os setv 1'r. ~SHOE SALE~ 2O0\o 1)tS(OI'NT ON ALL. OUR WINTER~ RUSSIA SHOES, WING TIPS, CORIK SOLES ET. TERMS CASH. G9OODSPEED'S 3jX.G H IGAN GENTRI, I itite Tutitlo(!Reisted) N:. 19t, l8t3 D. N. Estiec ...54;MN.I' C S t 2 i AtlanticE Tss4:17Mi i , . .. 85 ftI tast oast'i I+'p.. x4 N . Lc;:itedt 1o i:1 N. S. Limitod..t 103.u11. A.M. 't-isit--riet'ux. 155 Mail tutdtI Us.21 . 4145G.0. 5& 05. Sl.., G208 N. Y, &Bo,.as . StJ5 tJsCihi. N. OExpress-.850S~ sail:.Euprecs.. . i1 1 0. W. IhuGLSs, H. Wu. HAvuEo, U. P. &T. At.,Chticn.i Aci-..AnouuAelrbtr. THE ANN AHBOR AHGUS PRINTING and#*- -~PUBLISHING Student Work a Specialty- Bestsvonkmentan d Loesit it.esin thte City. GRANGE Rt'S. CLASSES IN DANCING woilitmetts follows: Genttlemnt, Satiurday moiruinat 10 and Thursdtay evenithgs 8:00; Ladies. Satarday taternotasa. Ladits tidtGetulemnac, il- vaoced class, htnsttao evenin~gs- 8.0Gro:untt fltar,6 Manard strr Taiuitiuatue teos twehversees)sI$5. Pupilsrcivedt at tny time. B3 10- C U r Heatdquarters for Sigui,. 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. tproportional sveight. yNinety-four Low valedictorian. For siomie time tltenumeuroius ran -# tdidates foir the ptositioni of valedic- torian of the '94 law class hlave been condtiting their indlivitdual canvass, each inmagininsg that lite vouldl be the comintg man. At the election last night many of the fond hopes which the candidates had builded, gleaned front promised supaort, fell to the grountd. Seven candidlates svere nominated, inclulding ,\ltessrs. Web- her, Balley, Clawvson, Apperson, Oiliver, CollItraise andO~ieeler. After nueru ilots. V.(0. Coutiraine tri is fin Ar t recital swillibe giretn Fri- day ereting in Frieze -'lentoriah F all, undster thse dirertiorn cf irof. Thomtas C. Truebloodh. Dlean (Obetz ansoLalrs. lunit aund Eigglestots of thse H omeop D~epart- nment are attendintg a mtecting of the Saginasv Valley IHomleopaths society toiday. Enghneering Society. M\r. Geo. Ilayler Jr. swill rcad a paper on "Apparatus for iXeasuring Powver" bcfore thse Engineering- society Sataurd ay evening, S p.u. 006 Oracle. e t f was elocteth, aisnituon a call from The Orane, the annuilal Sophiuomore pbiainisneatly readuy. It wiii the hsouse, responuhed ins a neat be on hinssfao thtat youn ctn take it speechl. home Christmas. Its 160 pages are full of good things, sihort stories, poems, a reniarkably bright character The Yale Eleven Is Satisfied. sketch of "lituiy" aniu then thin grinds -yes, nto enud of tiem-fifty pages at least. AhndOhio chances are Leon to one New Havens, Ct., Dee. no-The that yon sre anmong those grounod. To. shap citiismwhch he Unierstyread the Oracle wiiicure ha freshnmani sisrp riicim wsiis he nierstyof his freshnness. Soph.,.Junior and Athsletic Chub is receiving at [hoe Sentior will buy thne Oracle for the sake- bands of [ho metropolitan press for of the good it has done them ion the past. There are narly forty illustra- their management of the Thanks- Lions, sixteen of whichi are full page.; giving game is thsoughit to be uno- Thse cover~is a neat and tasty design, printed in four colors, tihe first wxork of AL