THE U. OF M. DAILY. 17 GIE1T2.OF T I E S.AL E- And a copy -,of isad oill oy oe Ihal ounof oanllaars1h smal- 1l1ws 0i rseneldibtwnthei-oth attnd 16th of De. J, '9 can' affod btt C(OMMEINCING ATl9:30 SATURDAY, DEC, 9, AND CONTINUING EIGHlT DAP S, oonouhlto a cusootomeo, hot oe ore willng to stand that inorder to_________ ____ _____________ Regular Price 25e. --_ Calkins' Pharmacy i rAT THE OUTFITTESBO0WTDISII W MATTESON, 822So STAT"E.l MQOI~E & wJ~oI&1~, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. d:ave a Full Assortmaent <:f UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS, SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. TI-I E-USLA1 1ISC0UNTI' GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HIAND BOOKS BOUGH'T OR EXCHIANGED. CAEMDS E1 3-TZAJ 3VF SJTJ TNM TE BEST TiES, SHEEHAN&.Oo.'Ia X a. cii1 CN\IYE:RSIJY EOJ >U)R SLLI I:IS, S201..' STATE STREET. D Jo ot wr11'elick. DotsJJOJ 0smoke -JJ1JiSJOy. 1105 1o0hadJdor. Gives tto ure whiel/ ihlt. - ~~. f .I11010 10211benl iuJbci'rrcls- Js as1/it 00ditfilled wftert. JJIt lllpre caboii. CGiveo lightJithJIJJouioketo0,01101. Special Sale of O oIrioig Tablets. 1)Detled promptl.( Sod onlOy/Jby DeanJJ& (Co. Fine,, Linoen ndJWoveo iIto' P A o-i ,25c-00 -- I apoond. 4Swcaters ood Gymnilasoom Soils. Visi10ng Cards engaved onortoll ic. SHEAN&Co.. Univewrsity IBooksellers, Stationors andl Eogravers STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A oew ivion'for duplicating; opies-.cof 0111111ngs 01111draoings. W.5ill 01160 110 111100made0001 011 44 South Main Street. D&&N&C MP~ANY. Ann Arbor, Mich.D!L1 jJ1r~7I ; lFrom,an orignal, 011 tidinory paper with any poo, i00 copits tconoe10ad0. 'Fifty copies of typewrier manuscripts produoced is 15 mnts-.. We will sell thin machine for only $5.00. which is way below cost of manufacture. The Printer in new. and can be neon at the office and tried. Ladieo' ArtiticeHairdrensing Foolars. j ADIE S' 1ba10001.1l0 100 manirinlg, 11110 F-4 0a111 s0111p101101tmntoite lnol ho 11. MIll..J ItR'I'o.1 01111101, 0 E. Wo,hl-- anhgtoS,011v1111101ber1sho1. F'IR ST N .AlIO N A L BANK Ov ANN ARBIOR. G1a 1011, $0000. :S0u110plusad P10010sDO3(00. Ti1rnsoots a , generail bankinglbusness, For- eignexcane, ouoghtanod sold. Letters of credit p00011101l for travelers. abroad. PIEBCII, Pres.S. Wf CL ARKON, Cashier. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP And BotRooms. W. 1H. OWEN. Pion., N~o. 4 East HaroitiSt.. Opplosite Court Houo. Hot, Cold and0011 Salt Biaths. Por- ceclantobo. ANN ARBOR-' STEAMFI hIuND1RY 60: 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. F. S. SEscVISS, - Manager. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Trie Choral Union m010t1 tonight instead of tonmorrow night. 'Thle S. C. A. board sat for a pit- tulre at Corliss' gallery Saturdlay morning. Prof. Truebloodl gives a written qu~iz to tile class ill 11e Great OIra- tors, tomorrow. Thle senior loats meet tonight in thte law lectture room for thse election of a valedictorian of the class. J. A. Blordeaux, loot year lpresi- dent of thseIDemocratic club, woo in town Saturday on legal buoineso. Patti appears in the auditorium in Detroit, Tuesday night, Dec. 19. See announcements in another col- umn. The proposed faculty recital will be given in the School of Music building on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.I iDuring the meeting in University hall last night, a large stiuare of plastering fell upon the heads of thse unsusp1ecting auditors. The first of the two quizzes on Upton's Money in Politics for tile course in Currency and Banking will he given tomorrow. Advance orders for the Oracle have already commenced to come in, ,425 copies being already spoken for. Those who wish to he sure of a copy should hand their names at once to some memher of the hoard. The boo will he on sale one week from this morning in the main hall. Prof. Stevens arrived home Thurs- day fronm Chicago, wisere he hsas been packing the t". of MT. exhlibit for shipment. Tile exhibit is nlow on the road. Dr. J. i1. Kellogg, of the Ilattle Creek Sanitariunm, will give an il- lustrated lecturetis evenisg,before thse Unity club, on "A Sound Mlind inl a Sound Body.'' Admission, fifteen cents. The Young M4en's 'Liberal Guild will discuss "The Football Situa- tion'' at its meeting in the Unitarian church parlors on Wednesday even- ing. 1:. C. Shields and othser mem- hers of thse Athletic committee will -%WM_ R. FULDE.. V155RS1r CGLASS TAILOR1, 'Willam Street Fi-tllolor stState Stlle01. - .01-ilin Slvr, enamoelled iii Sorecatchipiii. Prllc, $150. IVI. ARNOLD, Jewler. FLOWRS, f fOW S COUSIS& RALL, Florits.Tlehn "1 JreJ xrners' aynd i eckan' nk Capital, 0501,l. surplus andllProfits 517,001. Doeso 0 01001111 Jalcningnllbusiies. Pnys inter- est.11OnSi riosDiposits. los Safety Deosit Boe or ren1t011. lt. 02I110. li-es, F. H. IBELSIE, Casier. 111111Open11Satrd-y'evening. 5TRAJ ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS whlo aleswill- lng to pay alittle nmore than t11e0price discuss the question. Jihrged fiotheodinay trl~adeCi r rtt Tocollections were taken yes -Th ' terday at the meetings held by TeRichmNondUStraight Cut No. Evangelist Mills. At the msen's C1GrAR:T'1'ES ae mode loom thle brightest, emost delica10 meeting in tile morning, $150 was in flavor, and ighest cost GOLD LEAF grown in 'ria raised for the poor of this city. At BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, andleobrve last night's meeting, $178.63 owas 1that 11he1101110of thle manu0facturers 05 realized for the destitute miners in belowis aonsevery pactage. thse northern part of the state. I xBe-!innEIERGAO500c~i o Trhe Mills meetings yesterday were p '. BRANCH R, nsCt1KaNDV1ttN1 largely attended, University hal being filled both afternoon and OH. 11. evening. Mr. Mills will speak only once today, at half-past seven this The Leadin evening in University hail. To-. morrow meetings will be held ..4isJa. JTAI LR throughout the day, beginning with neighborhood prayer meetings at eight o'clock and meetings i nthe Sn honwltFl ndWier'olesai theoee alettoelk in the city Von cAn fetlonyd various churches at nine o'clock. selection you are looking foe. Mr. Mills will preach at ten, at three COME AND SEE US. and at half-past seven, the evening meeting to be in Unsversity hall. 2 E. Washingtonl St,, near Main.