THE U. OF M. DAILY.________
51 So. Matta ST. Director and Manager.
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop.
22 Years in the Businessn.t--"'
M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
Car. Main and Washington Streets.
A. L.. NooLs, Pres. ROBoETPosie C sCsh'r
Finet place in the city. Prompt in getting
sat wask sod deliccring. lillice, in East Ho-
ron St. Telephonec8H.
-- O EWe are here to stay. We ore prepared In
give a elas of orksto thsetrade at this city
unequaled by soy oiler house ecer loatrd
hore and sal. exclledby ay CtyTailor is
Amcrica,and atlcicsgovecn d by toads or-
dered. SsitsoS&W.Wtiryd(olola oany
price deosed. 'ine (cetoosTasiosaso hy
46 S. State Street.
MONDAY-8op. a.Advanced Cls inc is
)IINDA si Is rte lass
TUESDIAY-' p. in. Oraltlesmens dancing
SATURDAY-Ill a. so. Genleimen's sloiag
21). so. Chilldren's. dancinglo~ lss.
4 n cn. Ladies' danscinsgclss.
Private lessons blyappontmensto.
Nont. Dec. 11.-Unity Clb, r. J. H. Kellogg.
at atte Creek Sniaim-A Sound Mind
ien a oundBod.
at, Dec. 16. -. L. A. Course. Pof,.lion
Toes., Dec. Il-Patti, Auditorium, Detroit.
Ewing RidenItse Goat.
lHon. W. . Ewing, Judge of the
Superior Court, in Chicago, was in
itiated into the Delta Chi fraternity
last Saturday. The judge was in
Ann Arbor to speak before the Ora-
torical Asociation, and was accom-
panied by his daughter, Miss Ewing.
Both were very pleasantly enter-
tained by the Delta Ci, and a six
o'clock disner was given in their
honor after the initiation.
Board or Control Organizd.
The committee of five professors
and four students, which now has
charge of all branches of athletics
here, met last Saturday evening and
organized by the election by Prof.
J. C. Rolfe as chairman ant i. C.
Shieldls as secretary. Profesor Rolfe
and Messrs. Shields alnd Baird were
appointedt a coumittee on rules.
They will meet tomorrow evening at
the home of Prof. Rolfe. The
next meeting of the board will prob-
ably be on Tuesday evening of next
week, and there xiii be a regular
meeting of the board once every
month hereafter. Tie constitution
that xiii govern the actions of the
board will be a very broad one, as
all the poser over athletics that re-
sides in the University Senate has
heelsdilecgatedl to this nesw esm-
The Mills Metings
Even University hal was not
large enough to hold the vast multi-
tude that thronged to hear Rev. B.
Fay Mills at yesterday's afternoon
meeting for young teople. Last
night, standing room was at a pre-
mium. Much interest is manifested
and numbers have expressed their
desired to lead a Christian life.
Mr. Mills is a fluent speaker and
thoroughly in earnest in his work.
He is liberal in his views,and is con-
ducting his meetings on the broad
lines of Christian brotherhood. D-
nonminationalisim is excluded. He
exhorts all to turn from their in,
to trust in God, and then to do all
the good thley can.
Almost perfect oraniation no
doubt, has much, to do with the
great results achieved. About o5o
ushers and asistants are employed
to handle the crowds and distribute
the cards used by the evangelist.
Everything is done by clockwork.
After the regular meeting, a prayer
meeting is held for those who are
not Christians who will renmain.
Mr. Hlls, who accompanies Mr.
Mills, and has charge of the music,
is a fine soloist, and ably conducts
the large chorus specially trained
for these meetings.
Literary Comment
As is well known, Prof. Bigelow, of
the law department, is a recognized
authority on legal subjects and his
works are known for tle amut of,
legal knowledge displayed by the
wrter. Among the morn popular of
his works may be mentioned the fol-
lowing in the Studets' series, publish-
ed by Little Brown & Co.. of Boston:
"Bigelow on Torts; Bigelow oni Equity;"
"Bligelow 011 Bills and Notes." The
latter has juist come to s. It is a most
comprelieiisive little volume, sld is a
lear expositonl of the subject whlichs
it treats. It i replete with nitatiolns
a1111exlaniiitons, misking it inl vry
iciy ai stik which csouli le ill the
hsainds of eery suldent. Il this work
ste hiave what has bhne dedsIcIfor
sosme time, nilmlioy 11shosrt work (n
the subject of Bills and11 Nots xhihi
trials the subject iii a comlprehlensive
miannler. Priof. Bigelosw is s recog-
nizlc' iiiliirity oil the subects wichi
lie ti - . scliieiihumakes his xortms ot
esperei nine to the prlctiing Ilawyer
Thliprsce of the book iii cloth in $2.50,
il lahIw sheeph, X3.
Oratorical Asociaton.
The Executive Committee ad
its sub-comsmittees will meet in Room
24, Monday, Decc.i, at 5 p. m.
At this time all accounts must be
rendered of memnbership tickets sold.
Every meniber of these committees
is requested to be present.
(1O_% SliT ONJDEC. Il.
O11 Tucsday eveninig, lic. 19, Mmse.
Adelisa Patti wiiisig at the Asdi-
toriuim, in Dietroit, tlnder the aspies
of Marcus R. Msyer, sit Nesw York, ill
comtipan~y with the stronlgst aray of
artists thast has appearedi in Detroit il
a deicadle.
Mine Pattis unequaled brilianlcy of.
vocalizlationl sill b howixn "l Una
voce," fromi "II Barbiere," wI ih she
will sing ill the misellaneos cocert
progrsam. She will also appear in the
seconld act of "Lucia di Lammluermoo,"
whlichi will be giveni with a file cast,
inluldinig Mine. Fabbi, Dirward Lly
slid Sigiior NTovarra, and with cs-
tum~es, sceiiery an11 grand orchestra,
Signior Arditi directinig. In this act
Mmell. Patti sings "The Last Roan of,
Slummer," 1and(1as olinis slways so
grasciouls ill the matter of ecores she
wviii udoubtless also be hearst in ii 'lsne,
Sweet Home."
At the Detroit cocert the prices of
admissiois will be oly $1, $2 anhd $3,
xvhereas elsewhere ill the east the
tariff lisa beenl $2, $3 a1nd $5, this price
canl iinly be asked inl the plcs where
the seating capacity is so extensive as
ill the auditorium. The est seats in
the hiouse will be reserved for those
outside the city who can not e there
on the day of sale. But money or post
office order must accompany eery x
letter. Seats xill be pickesd ot an-
cording to the order us wlich letters
from neighboring ities are received:
Address James A. Robison, conty .
clerk's office, Detroit.(
Al, ai I prices, usn-t, or muted, tl srder.
liuy diect from Neic York imorpite and svw
SI per cent
C. D CASSIDY, 'Dent '4."
!'ull cesessilcard t 27lyanrd5t.
'96 Oracle.
The Oracle, tile aiiiiial Sophomore
publicatioi, is nearly ready. It will
he ass hanld so that youi culltske it
home Christmas. Its 150 pages are
fuil of good things, short stories,
poems, a remarkably bright character
sketch of "liapy" aiid theno the grids
-=yes, no end of them-fifty pages at
least. And the chances are cr1n to one
th1at you are among those grounisd. To
redthe Oracle xiii cure a freslmans
ofhis freshiies. Soph., Junior and
Senior will buy the Oracle for the sake
of the good it has done them illte
psast. There are nearly forty illustra-
tions, sixteeii of which are fult page.
The coveris a Ineat aisd tasty design,
prnited ill four colors, the first work of
the kind ever usedl here. 'rie book
xwi iso placesd oss sle iii sll thltbosk-
stiores ansinii the susi hal, Monday,
Des'.1I, at the ustul price, 25 cents.
COOK1517115-5 Ntlt'AN!.
Alltihle dasIil aselso 1p0er0iiclllls
massgaines, etc. Give ime 51 call, 11
1). Rielards, helowc Cook hotse.
.. E. P'eltie, the reownetisd hssir
cutter froiiuDetrouit, has sseauseithe
Cok lHouse barer hop sind furishsl-
oil it in eegsit shapsie. Ile exteds a
csrdial invitastionl for al to visit his
isew place. tf
ha~ve you heeis to Hanhlesood's Bil-
liard hall yet. New cos aid every-
thinlg nice. Mtste street.
All are pupils, positively no visitors.
Tsuitiois fee s, for Ladcies, Gentlemeno
aeid Chilrenisiike. A redcltiol to
former punpils, also where more than
one frot-n ssie faimily ake lesnis.
Learn soni of'the ness dasnces befoire
thie hoidsiy seasosn opens.
Rooms to Resnit-Iroit Suite of
Rtoomns,lieai itey'furiiac, isisblocks
froissUniviersity. No 5 i~inre St.
Fior redluesid ruts' ticets to Ohio,
West Vs. andshOlilVa.'pinuiits apply to
hi S. Gresenswoodu, ickt Agt .Toledo
Ian Arbsr a&,North IMotltol
Hossck, G. t1. A.
Do yois wishs to rent olic rooms?
Why dontlou 11 isert a line or tso iii
our locsal ciiiuussnsfr assw les ays?
Morei roosssavuse beers rene thtlrouighl
tse DAILY ~thansi throsghs slly other
isedhisis,Ifor the )Aihx prsctiaty
falls into evsry studsents aids.
Soianis('(liholtslsinisthe Cigars ought
at tiseIB, &1.lDrug Store.
Thse J. 'T.hJcohs Co. hsave receivedi a
fie lie f sneckwear-the very latest.
Hasve ysur photss tsken at Rl'sas
hefore the Ilushs oChsrisimas.
1s'TP:rltN.-lDo 5youthiinkl of buy-
insg sa typ-writer this year? Tencsl
it the DxILiv suiiec if youl wish oie be-
low cost.
BRoACE 5' wills a god pair of shiosus-
der braces. A large stock at lowv prices
at Browe's Drsig Store. A.fexy shop
woro brutes at 50c.
Co to BIIowN's DIIUG SoltE for uahl
Laboratsory supplies. Dissectiisg cases,
aprons anidhsleeves.-Lowlcsi.
"ThleGUnman" at Grauger's.
Private instrulctionhsini the cotiio-
" The Germsin" -its rules and figsres,
the Waltz, twso-sep, asid any dasice of
merit thuat unuy 11e desired. Mr. alnd
Msis. Gransger instruct at alt chasses,
ai can hu'begaged for private esOspn
at pours inot occupied by classes. If
yo'wishl to join a class, now is the
'tule. '. drasiger's Academy, ground
ther, 6 Maynalrd street. 54-7
Timse Tasleiu(Rtevuceud)Nsv. ulls,1893S.
0. N. Express..... 5 4,IB., N. V. & C. Splu. 7 20
Atlantic Ex rress. 8s17 S1siais Ep...850
Fast lisstinsp~i.. 9105 .1S. Limied..10715
E.S. Limied... 1s0ra.
A. M. PsstWest's Rap. 1 55
Mlail asud Esp.. 418 G. It & Kai, Spi... uu as
N. V. lsh'. SiC .. 5S08 (ii. N Express... 8 50
Poems cExpress...11
O.W. RcnaLEnS, is. W. HAYS-c,
G. P. & TAgt., Chiicagoi. AgtL, Anen Arbor.
Student Work a Specialty.
Heat Workmnianid Lowest Prices in thse City.
follows: Gentleme, S sordey moreings is
sod Thursday eveniungs 8:00; Ladies. Saturdsay
afternoonss4. Ladies and Ucintlmen, asd-
vanced class. Tuesdas evenings 8. Grond
)duan. 6 Maysnard street. 'Tuitiuon. onse term
(twelvc weeks)i P5. Pupils recivcd at ay
BRIc- cUr
Is Piturei-Framng at
Headquarters fosr Signs.
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.