VOL. IV.-No. 58. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1893. PEICE, THREE CENTS. ELOQUENCE. WHAT IS IT? pression of high moral sentiment OUR NEW CAPTAIN. 5-Ion W.G egetseloqunce.To Gife AuIIa!P. Ewing, of Chicago Ad- getseloquenceJames Baird Chosen Football Cap- dresses the Oratorical Asso- It is like a light in the dark, or tain for Next Year.-The Choice eiavesmet ie.lead pencils and ciationhe fa W is Most Acceptable to Alu. c - te bursting of a star. We pause _t convenient string case to ive away Owing to the meetings held at again after these many definitions The 'Varsity football players met to any one who will call for them. places. only a fair sized audi- and wonder "What is Eloquence?" Saturday for the purpose of select- wae wnt to see youro face and give ence greeted Judge Ewing at the law The speaker gave his definition of ing a football captain for the season lecture room, Saturday evening, eloquence as the nectar of the soul, of '94. Of the twenty-four votes 7 n boiranCo. But those who were present were love joined to lore, sympathy awak- cast,James Baird received seventeen ened by sympathy. It is the still and W. W. Griffin received seven,eel Music teaes, treated to a discourse well worthy by nd . . Gifin ecevenseen small voice of God speaking in uni- the choice thus falling on Baird. 5t SouthlMain St. of the Chicago jurist. versal language to his children. Mr. Ewing has the happy faculty James Baird, from whose manage- of entertaining and instructing at ' ment of the team we shall expect ; toe entetinin ant nstruct at e A Successful Trip. much next fall, is a born football the same time. He speaks what he feels in a way that makes others feel The Glee and Banjo clubs left player, and has the necessary quali- it. His droll wit in telling a story last Thursday morning for their fications of a successful captain. is irresistible. second trip through the state. At He is a Chicago boy and learned The speaker put his address in the Wayne the clubs were transferred to his football while in the Hyde Park form of an interrogation: "What is a private car furnished by the F. & high school. He played later in ( t Eloquence?" No word is so largely P. M. R. R., and starting to the the Ann Arbor high school team' when youawantltheLatest etropoitanstyes but this is his first year with the fe$t, $5, 4 or 5 shoes a c to $ f a pair less used and so little understood as the north, for Alpena. Arriving there than A Arbor prices send for catalogue to sword ''eloquence." Smooth, ryth- they gave their first concert to a 'Varsity teaminjuries received early nical, elegant language does not large and enthusiastic audience. in the season having prevented him define it. There is no eloquence in The ladies of the city had draped from being a candidate last year. Ii, .I.le is young for a captain, being lol, 183-185 tioomvanon Av., mere ~words. It is in action, the opera house with yellow and HetsaouDETROIT - - ICHtIGAN. thought and impulse. Emerson blue and ornamented the curtains but 2o years of age, but all who says, 'Eloquence is the power to with our favorite colors. The con- have watched the cool and plucky translate a truth into a language cert was well rendered and several game he has put up all this fall, R, E JOLLY & Co ys perfectly intelligible to the average numbers were added to the regular will affirm that the choice is no whe youat a re o of ie toolate average ha h cn crcta wea eo.ttE a~nlioakyitt e t.stkor-.Ttbaco, person." Eloquence is not a power, program. Thes club left the next nistake. That le can direct a team iertts ind the lnvst Stock of lipes in it is the effect of a power. Effect is morning for Bay City wtlure he to advantage has beet sown in LADIES' andGFENTS' LUNCH ROOM. the only infallible test of its merits. second concert was given Friday several games the past fall, in which R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. Individual judgment is not a stand- evening. The clubs after the con- he has been obliged to take the ard of eloquence. The man who is cert were banqueted by the alumni place of captain, when Dygert was injured. All football enthusiasts eloquent to one person may be an at the Fraser House, Mr. James unmitigated bore to another. Again, Duffy, an alumnus, acting as master here will reuember how vigorously to be truly eloquent, one must sudy of ceremonies. he coached the team in the Michi- Thbetrextomoringststdrdayrmtie.gan-Wisconsin game, the condition hsaudence ashetdoes histsubjetthe clube arrvedniniaginardayth of Dygert's throat preventing his Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST. right place produces eoquences o'clock, and were shown around the playing. Although battling against ane anoduselqeea coktdweesonao odds and with a crippled team, his HOT LUNCH ES, Manner has much to do with a city by the alumni. An afternoon od n ihacipe enhsH T L N H S speaker's effectiveness, ball was given in their honor which vigorous efforts and splendid play- Lowney houolate6, The Judge made a telling point they attended in a body. The clubs ing were in a great measure re-AT by advising that a person who can- arrived home this morning. The sponsible for whatever showing TUTTLE'S not put fire into his speeches do chubs will make their Christmas t Michigan made. The Wisconsin 48 S. STATE St. mtrip nen declared after the game that he the next best thing and put his in a little over a week. ec hfire.was a born football player and that spehsstooftheollayadhr MdlNo Red.. W~H S BftK he should be East and playing with His story of the old lady and her Medals Now Ready. Yale or Harvard. His position at doke ailycnvledth ud-quarter-back will enable lhim to ENTitlE STOCK or ence. Loudness is not eloquence, Word has been received by the watch the game to good advantage, but rightness and earnestness are Athletic Association that North- and Michigan men will expect mucHOLIDAY BOOKS indispensible to it. Human genius western has paid up its share of the from his captaincy next year. AND FANCY GOODS has never invented the means of em- assessment for the purchase of the balming spoken eloquence. Its medals won in the field day at Chi- A number of changes and ad- -AT- greatest effect is seen where fitting cago last spring. There now seems ditions have been made in the mem- FABULOUS gs f1CDUSTIOfl. words accompany noble action. to be no reason why these long- bership of the Castalian board. The auditors felt the spark of true deferred medals should not be se- Miss Textor and Mr. Wilcox have From Publushers Pricee. eloquence as the Judge portrayed cured and given to those who won resigned, and Miss Jeannette C. Richilieu protecting the poor weak them last spring. The distribution Caldwell and Howe A. Williams girl against the king. Every man, will be attended to at the meeting of have been elected to fill their places. who has spoken eloquently, has the Northwestern inter-collegiate Miss Marion Strong and Miss Lou UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE drawn his inspiration from the at- board in Chicago during the Christ. E. LaTourette have also been elect- -AND--- tributes of the great God. The ex- mas holidays. ed to places on the board. DOWN TOWN, MAIN STREET. 4q