Aod atcopysorthes of. wollbuyoe- Iholff pound of or vanilla marslitMal- tows if preetdbetween the 11th and 16th of Dec'., 193. We can't offord but one ouch oale to a custooter, hot we are wiliur- to stand that in ortder to I get new custooters to try them. Regular Price 25c. Calkins' Pharmacy THE U. OF M. DAILY. b2OFF 0o Allk4 a d chai til lcs, COMMENCING ArT 9:3 SATURDAY, DEC. g, ANI) CONTINUING EIGHT DAYS. AT THE OUTFITTERS, BOTPI3E W MATTESON, 32 3. STATE. . : M*ocxE?2J & WJ~LEOI~, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Trull Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THlE USUAL DISCtOUNTS GIVEN TO 'STUDENTS. SECOND CHAND IIOES BOUGHIT OR ENCIIANGRO. C.ARE.S EmGRc~A'vE2 T=N. THESJBEaST Sz'ES_ t SHEEHAN &. Co. L NIVESITF\ BOOKSLLI L RS5, STATE STREET. Sfpecial Sate of Writing Tablets. Fine Linen aafd Wove Writing Patpers, 25c a tpound. Sweaters and Gyasnasiltal Saits. Visiting Cards engraved on sort notice. IUsicersily tioohsellecs, Stationert ant Engravr s, STATE STREET., The Simplex Printer. A new invenofofr duplicating copies of wriings and drawings. D~o'ot chtrcthe tick. Hafs fno bad odloc. Has flefcben inibatrcels- Itl is pit ca crboit. Wilt 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. omeet iany prie WPram,an original, aii ordinary paper witii any pen, too copies can he mile. Fifty- copies of typewriter manuscripts tiruduced in E5 miiiutes. F'We wttt sell this machtne for only. $n.0o. whtch is way below cost of manufacture. The Printer is new' end can be seen at the offtce and. cried. Ladies' ArtisticnHairdresing Parlors. L ADIES' hairdressinug, manicurinsgtact' and ssliptreratmiet dont' inth te latest. ti.7shioit lMts. J It Trtitussii,30. 1 .Wail,-' iii.fton St.over i arir 'hopti FIRST N1' AION AL BANK ,OP ANN ARBOR. issiltat. $000. :Surpus and Protits, 10,000. 7ranisact-s a generalhtbanhing buiness. Foer- etgcanuge hought ad sold. 'Letters". of creedit procured fotraelveleroshroud. P. iIACII, Pres. S. WOCLAtOESON, Cashier. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP t And Bath Room". IW. H. OWEN, Props., No0. 4 East Huron St. Opposite C'ourt House. Hot,('otlt unit Sets Salt dBaths. .Por- claits h. -ANN ARBOR 1 IT KJA LAJUNDR~Y (54 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. . E. S ERVISS, - Managejr.fJ: UNIVERSITY NOTES. l1 There are about So ushers, door' r keepers, anod committeemen serving th in tlse Mdills meetings. Trhe largest audience of the season attended tite Marteau concert in the p S. L. A. course last night. et 'Te lDelta Tan Delta fraternity or entertained Marteau at thseir house su last night, after the concert. nl J. R'S. Arneill, '94 medic, left last 511 night for his home in Ventur Cali- Cc fornia, on account of the illness of M, his father. :The Alpha Nu will hold no meet- or ing tonight. The next meeting will on be a joint program of thse two soci- wa eties, Dec. 15. U ILists of eligible players for the rel various class football teams hare WE nowbeen posted, and all that is now cei lacking iu suitable weather. vit Miss Blanche Blarnley, lit '8q, has 110u been obliged to return to her home to this city on account of sickness. Rte Shse is a teacher in thse Saginaw High tol Schsool. dri The regular meeting of thse En- Sul gineering society will be held to-.C night at .8 o'clock. Papers will he cia read by Mr. Hammond on the be "Prony Brake," and G. Hayler on mOt the "Emerson Power Scale." C At t he Mills' services Sunday, it? collections will be taken for the mt poor. In the morning for the poor Do i the city, and in the evening a "vo collection will be taken for the des- up; titute..miners of. northern Michigan. mt Lu L . 'wM_ R. _ FJRtST CI.ASS TAILOR, William Stre tFirstdoor esrtof StateStre'et. IDoistntsmokaetctimneiys. ,U. OF M. FLAGS. Ges aturefit ci/ie lig/il.o is Stttle0 ilkd r/c frling Silver, enactlleieu iht/it itI/oot sioke oc oor. yielloiw titndita.luestcktpo Sold ont/pby Deanitof-Co.? or ctch pin. Priete.,50. matde ontilt. IVM1i. ARNOLD, feutler. DEAN & COMPANY. f'LOVVOERSf12 OW RS FORutEVER'TING'.A'ND EVERuYBODYs. Mr. Townley, instructor in as- OU I S & HALL, Forsts2fepjo; .ijre' "onomy, has been sick with the grip Cdwsual ome i lse ~I2'ttdk~ lf' S is week. Mrt. Hail covered his'1L4j lt ork in the University. citift, ,ooo. Suttis iOi Profifs $17,000. 'ihe Wrinkle 'will be out in all tioec a general tasnlstngthooinreo. Pays inter- Test enOSiigsDeposits. tHas Safety obability byWednesday. T'e eptosiMt', B oses for rent. ' y 1 lyi~l H 'res. F. H. utat,aier. litors are working very hard and flankia openu Saturtdty ev-i-ing. e etndeavoring to make it the most_ ccessful number of the year. Re- .ember the football suppletment of , ~. ff card board suitable for framtng. ontributions will be received until t ,," onday evening. (RHON id' TPhe Inlander will be out 'Tuesday j J'5T 14 Wsednesday. It will he prtnted jj ARE THlE BEST. i heavy plate paper and to every CIGAR ETTE SMOKERS who are wilt- ing to pay a tttle nuoee titan the price iy be a credit to itself and to the charged for the ordinary trade cigarettes, will is SKTIS BRAND superuor Isaltothers. nivernity. The law department ts The Richmond Straight Cut No. I presented in a story by H. W. CIGARE:TTES ebber, '94 law. Price as usual 15 are madetfrom tehrightest, mst delicatee ats. The DI)AI~x will have arto- isn favor, and highest rest GOSLO LESF growna is Virginua. ew of the book the day before BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, atnd obseree blication. shut the name of the maufuacturers as Upon the next two Suntdays, the blwiono overy parkae. v. Henry Tatlock wilt deliver a 51 M&Q1A(osr as ~oaCOco arse of four sermons, in St. An- '?, RicCMtSVIRGIAls twas church, upon the general bject, "Vif at is involved in = =T-.1= lurch Membership? " The spe- 1l subjects of tlsese sermons will The Leading as follows: Dec. so, at the e irning service, "What is the .,shacfT .LO torch, and who May belong to ";at the evening service, "What 151t Church Members Believe ? " Has the newest Pall and wtinter wouolensand largest stork in the eity. Tou csn get any °C. 17, at the morning service, selectton you are lookliug far. Vhat must Church Membors Give COME AND SEE: US. '";at the evening service, "What ist Church Members do? " 2 E. Washington St., near Main.