C r2 ;r. t fy.b R EEL R 7 s-' ti'tid a VoL. IV.-Noi. 6. JERRY HAS ACCEPTED. "The Decline of Agriculture and Some of its Causes5" Will be His Theme. lHon. Jerry Simpson is happy. He has received and accepted an invitation to speak before elhe stu- dents of Michigan University, 00 Novemsber 4. The price hse is to receive is i,$ sv hich sill pay his expenses to Kansas soil hack. list invitations comes fronm Mr. Weie- mneyer, hot by some mistake it r. Simpson got it isnto his head that President Angell svas the one that invited himi, and has so told several Michigan nsembers, svho sere a trifle indignant until they learned the facts. Mi'r. Simpson said today to a nesvspaper correspondent: "The president of the society at Ansi Ar- bor hsas been for sooseClose tryinik to get use to visit tse University City, andI give thsens a talk. Aisd we have finaliy fixed upon a date. I leave in a fewv lay s for msy homse ini Kansass seaking at Toledo andI probably 1Pittsburgv ons ihe say, ail thseinasstosoplii t Ain sArbior osn illy returnispeii g ltce 00 nro- venihes t.I isasve namisedlfor omy subject I 'eDecline ofLiuvltuhre ansdiSom fth ,asiss.'Thiss wsill give sic a sile rainge aissia good chanis to saa 'lmost anything I lplease, butsh l lldevote msyself largely to finaincial andsiff: idulias- tiosr." - Wiasingtons Cor respond- eist. A Dilstinguishsed Student. Ansong those wvho regisstered ic tise law departmsent this yecar the Danie isnotives the nanie of M'.iI Wv. Walsts. Mir. XWalshs iss alator isey bioths of H-onoilisuisd of Cali fornia. Iifi spractice,:is confined isoswever to Hoisolulu. tOne of the Dxui ix represeistatives calleiltis miorniing anid had a pleasaist chat wvith Mir. Walsh abouit sonic of the Iu. of Mi. almnio. Mr. Walsh is here in this country as a special commissioner to the World's Fair and has come on to Ann Arbor to take some special lines of work in the law department. When asked why he came to Ann Arbor in pre- ference to other American univer- sities, be gave as his reason the wide reputation which this college main- tains for its excellent instruction. Then he acknowledged farther that UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1893. lie wvas sonmewhat influenced by M~r. Richardson, who graduated from the literary department here 1n '90. The DAILYv ventures the reflection that perisaps loyal alusni are of mnore value than men wviths money only. (If the prominent and inlii- ential men in the Sandwvichs Islands, lilt. Waists says that coliege gra du- ates ace sy- far the more sumserouss, inscludiisgmasy of Nliciians's alumni,.lie spsoke especially of lir. J. licGoon, '19 lasv, as a very' successful lasvyer there. Tse DiiiN representative found hr. Waiss a very- ssterestisg andiveltliinfornieid geistlemns. Our Team in Tomorrow's Came. The fishlnsakeup of the U'. of li. teanm in tonsorrow's ganse is not yet definitely knosvn, but the eleven that xiii iine uhp sill be chosen fronsansong the follosving candi- elates: Dygert, Groas,'Freund, C. '1. GriffiaWI. XV. Griffin, Itenninger, Morrison, Ihurbacls, Alduinch, May-es, Parker, Fourberi, Beard, Greenleaf ansd Neal. Football practice oii the campusss is bnissg gvadvually-sysensatized. Tlhe featuries Iof yesterda~y's svock cseveetse exteiut toich svl rosts was nmissvid and ithe nisneral goiiilswirk of (,reensleaf, suo itsdliisonic s-ry'ties-er playinsg. Btefioreteenseisnhed isp, Traiiner Mlstoin gave them a less-smiiiutes' piractice in startinig off liceniark and spriitiiing dowen fifteeis or tenity' yarids. Music and Its Charoms. The first flsity' conscert last evc- iscg was a grand success, It is un- nsecessary to say that lir. Scismasi ptayedi at iis best ansd that lir. Milts sansg iii iis pleasissg, gracefisi icannser. lir. 7Zeitz shiowvedtby hiss touchs thit lie is abie to iiiterpret the spirit of lice old nmasters. liiss Jennette li. Loudon's reic- dition of Sherzo B flat mnor, Opc. 3r of Chopin, slhoswed a very nias- terly and delicate toucs. MX'iss Alice Iiaiiy's singing wvas weii received, the favorite being "lHe Loves M~e," by Chadwick. 'rhe concert closed with Polacea brilliant F, minor, from Von Weber, by Mr. Schmaal. The attendance at these concerts will attest the growing desire for the best music and much praise is due Prof. Stanley for his untiring efforls in this direction. THE INLANDER APPEARS. f Improved in Appearance, Reduced i in Price and Transformed into an Ideal Monthiy. Tice advance shceets of lieu In- laisder are at icand and give promise of one of the best nunchers ever issued. 'The Inlander, devoted ex- ciiusively eo literary' matter, swas founded by- the class of 1191, asci wiii be a iastiingimonusenit t o tie foresight of its founders. In external apspearancce aind me- cisaisical execuetioin tiis year's In- lander is a great impclrovenment over formier years. 'The cover hag:: printed us blue on msaize coloreuipaiser, sthossthe niain building surrouended with a sreath of low-ers arranged us a tasty- msannier. 'The editors uised goodi judgmsene in else selectioin of msatter for te first nuncher. Aiong the meore lengthsy-articles svorthcy'of maeition a re: ''A hews Conimsents on thse Foreigns Element is1 Nesv York City -"-ass aiticle cselilswritten ansi a clear stastemeeit of else subject by- H-. WX. IWebbier, '9_i Lass. A short story- by itatule Coltioi, esititied ''Waitiug at Creed's Crossinsg- ''T'he Egg- LieitsEibid - - asstory- of Colusmbuslby' Fred ttriggi. There are a icessmber of poemss worthey of iserit. Biesidies these, siveral pages are dlevoteid to alumi n otes, book re- viewes, exchaneges and editorials imak- isig a book of sixty-four pages. Tise Inlander still he on sale thsis even- ing at thee book stores. tPrice r~ cenets a copy-. Yale Men as Coaches. 'rie foitowving Yale mcen .rc coach- ig footbaii teamss: XWoodruff, '19,I at the University of Peisaiai; Gi, '19, at Anmherit; Nortoss, '93 1.. S., at Dartnmouth; Ricards, '15, at XWiiiams; Gras-es, '9 L. S.,- at Trinity and Leihigth; Corbin, 'S8, at Wiesleyan; Stagg, '18, at Chicago University; Noyes, '92, at North- western University; Hanson, '90, at Cornell; Haskell, '92, at 'tufts; O'Neil, '9 L. S., at Georgetown University; Hartwell, '89 S., at Annapolis; L. Bliss, '93 S., at West Point; Hefflefinger. '9i S, at Stan- ford University; C. Bliss, '93, at the University of California-Yale Alumni Weekly. PREtt, THREECENTS. A65H8URN U RA 51 S. MlAms ST., Sole Agents.. XXe sell eversthing muiceaimandnailiociifi th to "Qiuality anSuar~jsse Dealing." Mcli P IANOS Erie 1ice are ee osa. eOrea-spreipared5 to nice aceltssiosaworktou the trade sifItis viny nsesusslied 5vyusnoherhouse ever located sore sadnus.ler-.r55ud Sy any ityTailor is Ameicaada pricsles ,oen-.sd by goods or- seresd. Suitsfus $30.01sL(tiirtyly inirsto any5 price ds.redi. fisse Custoans Tsinis by Yo. 5ANN STREET. Astistic Phoocaphei, I E. HURON ST' HOT L UNlCI1E5, Low. cy'S hocOlater, TUTTLE'S -" 48 S. STATE St. FIRST Al11IONAL BANK Oir ANN .siRiOR. Ca='us it i i('i00. Ssirs5 is- sld P issnsi, io. viv'rtt.letsuuuuneaisss i suss ss.ie s F eii 'echn e ugt nd soFtes o GRAINGER "S. CLASSES IN DANCING iwiil nae s fllos: as O-s~liusrs, vStudvailsorsinas 10 uisdTiinuiui;sycevensinscss,:3ss Ladies,Satusrudiy u-uiisr' clas. Ti'usvevnis-SI. (Li--si~ STUDEN T S! - Tssle ane XcAhhR'S 1CP0iKSTORtE and save maney, A fuliilise ci Lan,', ledi. Cal ffld (WtlUnti-rs. in'Te '-If ooks 5,000hliaisk leBoks at25c eacS. hisen taper, ie ound 2ic. Buy she tonAL XX'ssasmisxFoenTreNaPEeN. Best is the world' Every ose guaranteed foe five years. GEORGE WAHR, LEADING BOOKSTORES. UNtVERIISTY BOOKSTORE ''W SasthState Street. DOWN TOWN. 4 N. Main, Oss. CoreHouse.