THE U. OF M. DAILY. °Z.of 1 Wf. TXitp{. Published Daily (Bundaya excepted) during the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subseriptien prie VP.511 per year, invariably in advance Single copies 3 ceate. Sabscrip- tsona may be left at the ofiieref the DAILY, whicb cannot be duplicated in an- otber city in the country. For this reason we are confident tbat thle stu- dents will respond liberally and raise tlse necessary funds iminedi- ately so that tbe series tbis year as formerly, will be an unprecedented financial success. aut toized soieithsr yofth. eitrs TrPrmay not be generally known Cosmmunieations should reaeh the cffties by tbat there is about seven tbousand 70o'clock r. a. if they are so appear the next dlasistebnso n ro Jay. Address all mater intended for publica-dolrinteb ksfAnAbr tion to the Macacing Editor. All bussness wbich bus been raised by the stu- renmancaisn shul hrsen t sh Bui-dents during several years by enter- THsMaae U. af X. DAILY, tainments for furnisbing tbe gymna- Ann Arbor, ith, slum. Now tbat thse interior of tbe "6gym" is so nearly comspleted, the EDITORS.qusinaiewyiitntmd C, A. Oc,,sSOos, Lawsr'94, Managing Editor. qusinasewysitotmd 11. A. SscLtDiN, tit. '9, Assistant, use of for buying apparatus? We .. L. fattis, fit. '95, As.sistasnt. adnilt that the ''gynm" is not com - iF. 5V'cs.'ees, Ltts'9'4t,Assistant. T. A. LERtiy, Lit. '9t6, Athletic Editr. ilete itn every respect, nor is it hea- s. W. CURTISS, P. 0. Lt., Business Mcnager. ble to be for years, hsence, wvould wSrifo ot t'lteistissn Mutek, Preso.:W. 0. Harerotos. Vice Pires..' thar. E. llsobk, Cs- sities"9.1T.1Fitz Asst.Caoshier. sbould refrain from thsat disgutsting practice of kissing at long distance, so freely inidutlgedin i, as tbe author- ities intendlft make an example of tbe first mntdsetected in the alt. As is tnowv pretty generatly ktsotvt tise Cborai Union this year is labor- ing unde1r flnautiat dificlties, whicri if not directly, are at least indircsly tbe result of tte fpresent fittastial stringency. Veery few realize tbe great expenise of codu1cting5the Cboral Union series. Thtis year a very full course was arranged tin the basis of past experience, but as is apparent no entertainmsents iti Ann Arbor are as well patronized this year as formerly, conseqfuently tbe sale of tickets of tbe Cboral Union series bas not been sufficient to nearly meet the expenses. In order to raise life additional funds, an extraordinary attemupt wiill be made to make a thioroughs canvass of the University with tbe lhope that enougb tickets can be sold to make up tbe deficit. :Every one sbould assist tbis wortby organization by buying a ticket to a series of con- certs, tbe cost of wbicb in otber cities would scarcely admit to one entertainment of equal grade. Two dollars for a series of six concerts of the highest grade is certainly a price IN the Easstern colleges a certain amutnt is set aside by every stutdent antI coutsedt attong his legitimate expenses, for the support of college o~rganizatiotns, literary, soci, 010- sical aiid also for athletics. IHowy tliffereiit is thte feeling which seems to exist insXeternl institu~tions. As a mastter of fart, only a few hunsdred amng the twt-seven hisndred students, have enough college spirit to sufpport college organsizations lib - erally. These self-same studeists in after years when reflecting over their college career wiii have something to feel proud of. 'rhe class of stu- dents who see no more in their col- lege life than an opportunity for study at the expense of social and literary sdivertisenients, see losing the best part of their career its col- lege which is only too short. There may be souse excuse for the slots- support of athletics on the part of the co-edo, but there is none what- ever for their failure to support other college organizations. When we consider that the co-edo form 40 per cent. of the literary depart- ment, it would seem that their sup- port is cluite a factor, and while this criticism does not hold true univer- sally, every one who is in a position to know realizes that this lack of atevtnee those dosEsessaris JIng NE WEEK, COMMENCING frosis a dlisordlered stomach. Monday, December 4 j %iccloct'its' ti i butts eubty li tistec. Dr. . W. Gardner, Springfield, ,, T. Moss., soys. :"I value it 05 0ll exctellet psrvnieolofiuitnsdigestion,. codlaapleasaot acidiulaltedtditib stens priopetly'tiluttleidsiti Iwi-cr, andi..s'eetenedu."I________________ "In111thelib ltoiidiyReisiit itii ci Dtistritti' piitiipitl'le rer sit iiptiicutioniito , ut-shiv 5 Itumfoe5 Chemnieal Work, Pcovicirne,R.I. 4-' Ite I'5 L%,1'Gi1itlistA.'-i1Sa il' ttis.iiy Ilt-itie iof Subsititssteos dIiitS 5ns. vtiii I ct itisi ~ Si, " Rl IS )li 'I: l Ji t/ .ity,01 ' 'jt'iii'dsiy For Sale by all Druggists. ":: us .1 till) 5"."Friday \-eii- CROWN PEN CO.' ..FOUNTAIN AND GOLD 7a STATE STREET, -^ PEN MAKERS. CHICAGO.! know ,T_. ' " °I -F)-- Y AWARDED THE AT THE ,CONCESSION TO MAKE}. f AND SELL PENS WORLD'S FAIR. IN MACHINERY HALL AND CHICAGO. MANUFACTURERS "\ BUILDING 1893. prices, - 159 25 and 35 Cts. JAAMISS W. GOOtIEW, Fltorist. Groetieeof Htoses, Carntiossasnd Plowersitf all vasri- "tv. FlirisIal dsigns mttde tponssotrt cottce. No. 5 Obs-ratovy stret, opp. ceteiry gatr. HANO~ii I I , IS. wasait oon RE Street. NO~1'EL___ Wee tao fornishs isarly ansynmake at aGreat iced-action. Call at THE DAILY Office. EMMMEEZ = 2=3=22moma ZEMEMmamm