THDE U. OF M. DAILY. ______ 177 s M In rit an dOF F ' 9 4 T ecks ai)d c a t f s I n o y of10 (0 thi d il buy one- half pound1 of our varn ia ,mash mal- loas it presetede~htwteon the 11th antIdECN l~3 AUDY E. ,ADCNIUN lil JI5 16th of Dec,)'9 (eVat a fford hat COM ECI NGA :0STRADC ,ADCNIUN IH AS one tuh sale to acustomer, but we aillitolstand thatiorderato________ ___ ___________ 3fretnew customerlstlatty them. j aua~Pn 5.EOTITR.,3 ,Calkins' PhaYrmacy AT TS -UTITES BOTWII HMATTESO14 '(]3,STATE & WE~LEOI~, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, neCw hnd second hand, 'and all kinds of STUDEN\TS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at tile Lowest Prices. 111E 1USfAL DIISCOUNTS GlVE'S TO STUDENTS. SECOND) HAND) 1OOKSB IOUGHTlITKLiEXCHANGED0. OA AT.S7 mJNG-Th A-VED SE tVIRIEI:EKESS=IUY-Z-IS_ STATE STREET. Special Sale of WrtingTblet.. lFine Litten atnd\toe WritineY Of C..25c Swetlers and Clymiiate SaSuit. V'tinea rdste ngravedlontshortnotice.. " otyl ,.f'tt-t't- . 0 C7eT ' No STATE STREET. The nilex Printer. tA tewt ttt i enon for dtlcttiittt'cottes of twrti~tinglandrwings. lJ.~ .. tQ ~It t t , Oft I 1(r 1 :C , Firs t Irt eo . ' t t lr t. Dostt hrth rckIo)otfsoechm-l 1U. OF M. FLAGS. JI(tso tbtttfodor. O e I t j!r tt)iv tetftifht. a lltte (ttll)r beenota ftrrle18 lt ht "sil t s thollea )('((ftr- jtt.Sitt ot tlo if is )10i(ntr a bttt. (Ti'ntl1" 2tittlfttt CI aftt e ,r'.d)y li~. Endtel f t ick1 tts lkit hot 'tn-i tl10ff. Sold wify by Deant&tof-(. tor tt h ill.trItt o$1-5a 44 bout ntl Maiu Str,ti. DEAN & COMP. ANY .FO qES V ZR UNIVERSITY NOTES. I1fDr. Nevy's studenlton ltystolog- ~d 1Ff ? i : 2{a>(tTefl~poef~~"1lfi(- the S..1. A. boartd wtll sit for a ia itrilc r [(lgwokt ficture at Ratndali 's at I p. nItto1- [te chntistry of edigestion, and 1tef'a ijdiis~id analysis of boarding-hloutse mi l.~~ o 1 tud oe I; itt- oftie itol tte cit Ths is new worlo for the clats. I '~ttt , ° rrt t .. tt f fttttttld'otttieSleet to b1100 Iesa _ taetttl f afo;ntttt-into-. 1P0)0 later- (till be [t the l etof Prf. ol . ~ Thte Adelpthi literary society Iteld eattont It r t fttoatrot. ltttoSaaety l~ oitttttft fttor tortnt. Tltontpsen. a teeting yesterdlay afternotontao It. Is -'11l. Iec,. F'. Hl. IlOISEEl, Catshior. ttntoen Sattturaeooosiag. Sfeceial sttdenfs' mteetintgs are ttke action it regard to efhoosing hldfcdtaily at i:;o ft. mI., iln New- speakers for [tce infer-collegiate dfe- berry [Hall. bale. The cntest sill lake Iplace 0VT~ Thae S. C. A. cabinet will be 1tbo- sonmetimse after the holiday vacation. > tograplaed at thle Corlis gallery, Sat- The neat meeting of the Ann Ar- orday morning at nine o'clock. bor AM. A. C. Association will be 1( ONt1AR On account of the Mills meetings held next Saturday evening, at the ~ thsere will be no services at most of residence of N. ID. Corbin, No.6 STRA ARE THLE BEST. the churches neat Sunday night. North Ingalls st. All former Sto- CIGARETTE SMOKERS wltoaare wilt- Ing ta pay a littlea tora thtan lhe price Thse officers of the Republican dents of the M. A. C. are invited to chtargetd tor lhe ordinary trasdeaigarettes, club will be plhotograplhed at2 p. be present at the meeting antd have The ichmoBRND strigh toCutheNo.I m. Saturday, at Randall's gallery, a good time.ThRimodSrgtGuNo The '95 law football teaml, front The Marteatt Concert company CIG IRETCECS are made tram te brightlest, mot delicate wvhiclh very little has beetn heard thus appeared at Grand Rapids last even- inflanar, and highest tot GOLD LEAF far, tnay be a sturprise, as this class lug. Marteats, Shonert and Rosa graWARin IMIaTAoTION ad ev has neveral of the 'varsity men. Linde and the manager, Adolph tat the namtetIoft thmanuturers as The U. of M. Pthilological society Aronson, constitute the party. Mr. helowas on00Oevteryaae. met last evening in Rooml E. The Western, of the Dletroit Star Course, Tee tK & t 174 ooEICAN TneACO C0 program was fturnished by Profs. ;swill be here tonight. lie manages 0 BRANt' RCH ItNltttOOVGiNIN Craig and H-enppl, and Mr. Winkler. the com~pany for this state. The commaencement orator for Professor and Judge Thomas Ms.O . nxJuehas been chosen, but the Cooley recently received a letter nam wil nt b gien o te pbli frm aprofessor in a law school in Th cdn for a titme.tHe is a well-known lec- Bahia, Brazil, peeking permtission to The LoeHrad.tanltahsbokondingiu- . -<, y " *Rev. J. T. Sunderland will speak tional Law" for use in that country.' % J' . text Sunday Morning at the Unitar- Judge Cooley at once gave his con- ifn church on "Thse Kind of Reviv- sent, so that it will not be long be- Hat the- newest, Fll and inttr woolenan td largest stat-k in the city. Too aan gret0any Al we Need." Evening subject: fore the youth of, that far off country selection yan art- looking tar. "The Place of Jesua Among the who aspires to legal fame will be COME AND SEE US. Great Religions Teachers of the pouring over the greatest book ever World." written on constitutional law. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. MFrom,an orgi, a nedinary paper with ants pea, ioo capies catt be made. Fifty capias of typewriitrltsattoeripts pratiaced tn 1f mintaes. We will sell thla machine [or only $5.00. whinh is way below coust of manufacture. Thte Prtnter is new and cannDo anon at thn office and triad. Ladiest Artistic Hairdressing Parlors. tlatrdrestfov , tnanicrinr, itttttat and stylshann mss upstairsa. Ost baItt,ttttomi FIRS' NATIONAL BANK OPL ANN ARBOR. Cail, $15,00. :Surplustand ttrofts, PStst sritstt s getseraltttaltingtbuinttss. Par- algani-stbtitg-httughtafd sald. Letteets at cratit procurecdoorttvelers abroad. P. IAC It, Poes.t. . C1. ARKSON, ICashiert. PALACE + BARBER + SHOP w And Btath tlottit. W. H. OWE VN, 1'1'oa, NO- 4EVast Huron s8t.tOppositeCouset HttuseoCo tlttindSot Stlt IBaths. Potr- celain tus-. .ANNd;ARBOR 5HIM LI IJsIUND1 Y (10. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. F. S. SEReVISS, - Manager.