THE U. OF M. DAILY. ________ ORGAIZE 160. NCORORAED 866 U. Or M. CALENDAR. THE CHEQUAMIEGON ORCHESTRA.__ LEW H. CLEMENT. r, ~ cS-ata 5i1So. MAINn ST. Di rector and Manager. IriDe. B.-Mrt1uth great violinist, in _____________________ S.tL. A. roarse. EXCIELSIOR LAUNDRY Sat.. Dec. 9.-Srihoo~l of Ms~eic. iapils'lie- 20 EAST iHURON STREET. citl. onod Wark Guaranteed. Grade railed fee Sai., Dee. 9-Jadge Ewing, of thicago, on and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. "Oratory." before the Oratarical Associa- tinn, in law lecture rane. 22 Yearasin the Baiuess.i-/ Mon. Dee. 11.-Unity flab,Dl I. .1. H.Kellogg, CITYL N . of Battle Creek SanitariumnlA Sooned Mind CITY AUND Y, it a Soand H3odv. M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. I'ourth Ave. AFsiaigAts KEEP TOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE We+TA TE $AVIflG$ BAUK We preeent to our readers today Cor. Main and Washington Streets, a cut of Henri Marteau, fhe famous A. L. NOBLEPrens. ROERToPeeni.ra,Caeh'r. violinist who appeare at Universtty STAR STEAM LAUNDRY1 hail in the S. C. A. couree tonight. Finetlacieen tie city. Prompt in tn g.etlepote8g Yesterday we gave an affounot of oat watrkaand delieritna. 01icr, 10 Eat Ha- this museician both ao a man andl -ron- hi Tlephne h We reheetostay. We ale epacred lee give ale ~self wlentil te t radeeee eofthiseecity aneiualed ley any olt eouser ever located hereeanot 1111 tiedbicy CityecTaelor en dered. Sicets leole 5301 lbthirtyccdecl. Orl 10,1111 ANN 4 Thfk T. DANCINGandODELSARTE _ N O. ANNIE WARD O TER - / 46 S. Staxte Street. MONDAY-8 p. cc. AllvaiieetdllnClotInor La/ MONDAY ip. ill. l,acie' icl anctclas. I" \ r TT ESDAY-, p. eel. eldleit l 'lsl 1 ic~~ilig SATIciIDAY lii a. tee. Genlemen'slilncitag 21. . Chlidensdtrg class. }no01. 2Ladee'danlcingcla. r Privatlons by appoineteoc. - j RICGHITGAN GENT AL 11111e TalWeitReisled) Nov. 151,1.1.. D). N..F',te.... ., N. Y. A C. Oil. 7 20 Arlena n etr. 1025. Paest EasmI "xf).. 94) .SLimed..10115 N. S. Limlited..10 2.111. "N. A.e.1.lFat Wcst'n Fop. 1il5 Mail anelExp. 418cG.0. itKael. Sri...1110 N. Y, & Do... Sill I.. 0 111i N Epoertess.. 8 501 1acillc Express.. .10 LI3 0. W. EUGGLES, H. W. HAors, 0. P. & T. Agt., Chiiancc. Agt., Ante Aricor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING anl - -~PUBLISHING RTOUtS3 lettadeat Work a Specialty. Bst Workmnn ed Looedt Priesn ten tiCty. GRAN GER'S.- CLASSES IN DANCING will rmvet as5 fonllows:OGetlreten, S toeday neoreeiogs 1s and Thursdaly reegs :00; 1Ladies, Saturd~ay afternoons 4. Ladioesed edteene,ad- vanted rlas, Tauedaoyeeningos8. Gouncd floor. 0 Mceynared street. fn'ition. one terne (twelve wetiks)$5. FPupils reivedi at any time. BI C 0 CrnT_ lee Pituf5eFraineg att HT1.A7mT.ER'D Headqarteers fleeSigees. 25 S. Fourth Ave, - Ann Arbor. HiE\iRI MAiTlEtiA artist, hut, feeling that no wvords could do justice to the man as a physical creation, securedl the like- ness swhichi we lake acn aesthetic pleasure in printing. Marteau is yet vecry voung, tinig only in his twenticeti year, and on that account wiiil110t revisit this cotuntry ior sone icmne as lie will he compelled to jioin the French armiy next year. No one shioeuld fail to see and hear thim tonight, as lie may never reiun to this country. Marteaiu atppeared in Grand Rapids last night and the followcing dispatch to the Free Ttress will show the success of lhis concert: tLsekerby halswns filled to ovef- floissig this eveiing,tlie ocesont beiiig tile first appearantce here of Htenri Marteale,Itee violittist, whose suceess ill New York. Boston, Chicago atid Phiilatdelphias has beeno phenoental. Mr. Marteau performed as otily Winiasicoultd, aud elieited roulndi after routiil if applause. After the conteert Ito was ioverwlhelmedswitli photograph and autograephshsinters, anld a eommittee of promrinenettmusici- ans petitiotied Mr. Rtudolphl Arotnson, his manager, to give risnotlter concert in Grand Rapids previouts to his de- parture for Europe, assuring him that no mall in the city would he large enougis to hold the people. Marteau made a veritable sensation. Hte was admirably assisted by Mine. Rosa Linde, contralto, and Mr. Edwin M. Shionert, pianist. An Ideal Comic Qee. Tine Princess of Trebironde' as pro- dueed y the Califoreia Opera conpaiy at the Gratid last nigt, wsOS the hot eomic opera seenl in Anni Aror thin season. The play is replete with omie situations and a beautifuIl meloty rutns thsrough it. Miss Stanton, as Prince Raphael, agaiti wons well merited applause y her beautiful inging and graceful acting. She has made a most favor- ale impression since coming to Ann Arbor. Miss Rita Harrington certain- ly possesses a beautiful contralto voice and this, together with her good ap- pearance on the stge, has made hr a favorite with the audience which gat- r nightly at the Grand. Last tight she playod the role of Regina iti a very able maienr, Ms Lottie Randall sulstainedce the part of Zanetta, the I secoiitldaulghter, (1 1alilahnterlwoty MiOssiBlrket, as iabla, shaed flit trainlinig ciistveralilyeatrs5onithe stage. 11r actinig 5 isfiihed md naltrall, ouch as to please 11111 tntertainillan auienlilce. Slit posesiisytawellinedc aInet ctear voice of considerablle volanme. Mrt. 11, . 1F. Ienbbartlplesed tio adi- till, , .1 ilel'tl by his clver rpe- settit,011u of Prinico Ecasine'. Mr. JohniiSandero, as Cabiolo, th show- taitslid Mr. John Heiiderson, as Trelnonili, thio lownt, the cieclehar- aters are hard to ieat. The work of the choruf s is good, the costumes ris atnd eleganitattd iti all tie California Opera company is one of unusal teit. Toright Girole-Giroia cwil 110 pre- senteti. Literary Comment. "The Ness Era,"Iy ie. Jsiahi Stronlg, 1.)D., anltierif ecO0111Coit- fry," 11111just bettieceivd. fleerp- utfationilwhich tet hor c hf s a inciedl from h isi 1p1111liaeeworlk "OurfCountrfy" Whsc isiei now1110ill ifs i]Gotfhethousandi 1110010 cietelcsively thtlieeflis cxeii ijilliiedto cctrat lthepobllems of tilt ftc sccilolgilal iqiestiones 111(1 the pes- enifwoirk tray bellonieiirtidto 1be a stronig 1;coitributionelto fur litrtuttre f fhisicsubtjet Veritle islen inter taiinlg iiid lgical tannerli~teafiesi conlvictiith sitifa1d11io 0115callI doubt teleriy of fthe athr. Wo eomentied theo sork to all who lre ii- ferestodciniitfle sudiy of the social andi religions quelstios of the day. The woirkc waes5011001 from the pres of flee Bckr S Taylor Ci., of Nosw York. The pricer of the bock is library edition crowni 8 v o. cloth, gtfp, 1.50. Plaini cioth, 75 cents aniti papler 15 cents. Oraoricai Anoiation, The Executive Conmiittee and its sub-comnmittees will meet in Room 24, M~onday, Dec. ni, at 5 P. m. At this time nl accounts onst be rendered of membership tickets sold. Every member of these committeen is requested to be present. GiERTRUnIE BC, President. Advance Credit in Astronomy. Trhere will e a writen examin- tion for advance credit in Artro- omy Saturday, Dc. q, at io a. m., room 2z. DIAMONDS! At all pricer, net, eor mueted, tee order. Bly diet cfrom Ne orkeimprteandae 3 percett C. D CASSIOT, Dent 094.' Call neced ard to Z', ilynetrd t. BUSINLiES LOCALS c)O0E HOUSE NEWS blAND. All the daiy papers, also priodicals, msagazines, et. Give tao a clii, 11. D. Richards, below Cook House. J. E. Petier, the renowned hair Cotter from Detroit, has leased the Cook House arbr shop sed furnish- ed it in elegaint shape. He extends a cordial Invitatione for all to visit his sew place. tf Half off on all four-in-ands and teets at Bowdish SC Matteson's, state street: Have you hes to Htazlewood's Bil- liard hal ye. New cues and every- thing nice. State street. G'RiANGER'S ..C.SiEMIV 1)0DANCING. All are puepils, positively no visitors. Tuetiiiiifeeo 15, Ieer Lates. Getleimeni 1an1dChildlere-Il ike. A reduction to tormer puilsciu, alsoe where more thasi 1111 frot shreitfamily take Itessons. -eall~ll somneofthie iiiv idnes efore I be haida i ",ascc .;. c 11111. 1151x SALE1-Colsting Boeb, wihldiii tight ceup~iec. tlcie ct 4 S. Iivi 01011 St. i-S. t0oiins iceREnt--Tronet Siteof Roomts, heatetd by furnac, twor boks teom Ieniviliity. No .5Monrcoe St. For rtduced erse tickets to Oio, West VandiitlOl a.tpoints appy to IL. S. Grtteewoode, Ticket Agt., Toledot Anen Arbor & North Mie. or Moultisni Houck, G. P. f. LOiST, or left in somo store1 the mie- ete book of the Meehemi Debatitg So- ciety. Fifnder peasoe leae at law bilding or itethlisieofice. Do you wishtofc rent or roomsi Why dont youi inrt a inie or to ii oir locelilumeinn for a fest days? More roomsl hicve betii rented throgi the DAntY' haccn throeghealy other ic ediul, ior tle Dmi e) prcteicaly falls ito every 'stientt's hands. SOLDColls Cesi 111t1ilieltigars bogt lt the 1. it S. Dreug Sore. 1Thie J. T. Jacobsi (~C.hav ecise iivedlc 1(10 lileof ckwihseari-theerysite iiIst. Iceaeeyr 1pho:1tc..1taken ct atatitheille beore theerush1of Citieiiiic. zritE~icce~ ou 1111 lek cf biy leeg a type- siere thisiea cr iThei call elf t he 1) sisoffice ii yocu isle ote lit low cost BRACEsitc wI eit hi itgood pail of sulss- d ie braces. .t lcge stok lat lowpries at Btrowns'i-ihenegStiote. A eee shio morn bracesct ele. GAo hniictsto l N SlRUG SORE for all Laborate ry sitpplies. Dissctilg clses, aprfonls andlees-Lowc Pice. 'The German' at Grange's. Private insrutioninllthe otiin- 'The (German"---'its riieseandl figtres, the watzt, tieo-ste, andii tny dnce of mierit theatt icay bee desiedt. Mr. antI Mt~rs. Grainier instuief at all classes. andlean be eneggeid forprivate lessons at hours noet occupiiediby lasses. If you wisho hejoe in scas, 111155is the timse. Giraniger's Academy, groud floor, t; NBayearid stret. 5457 Excurseon to them Atlantin Coast. To parties hIle~t treethinkiig of a trips south to Cteltbts, Ohio, Carleston, W. Va, Cliftonl Forge, Chartirvile, Petersbuerg, Ricihmtntd, Providence Forge. Wilhlitnsbirg, Neswport Nws, Old Point ('etifort, Norolk, Va, Washinegtine. yC~plew rtes for round trip atdiel ilwaiy tickets. Please ap- ply to Gei. .. Clrk, Pas1s. and General Agent, Ohio Central R. R., Room 7 Ol1d Let Bldg. corner of Summit and Medison streets, Toledo.