THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the ICollege ,year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price V501 per year, invariably in advane tingle cepiesn3acents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stofflet's, with any oi the editors sr authorized solitors. Communications should reath the sffite by Z o'clock P. a. it they are to appear the neast Jay. Address all matter intended fee publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business eomsmunications should he sent ts the Busi- ness Manager. THE U. of H. DAILY, An Arbor. Xinh. EDITORS. C, A. tENsISN, Lose'00, Managing Editor. 11. A. Sectesi..o, Lit. 094, Assistant. ..L. Loose, Liit. '95, Aesistant. F. WccCets-, fuse 'N, Assistant.. J. A. LEsOY, Lit. '96, Athletic Editor. S. W. CUIorSeSP.G. Lit. Business Manages, 'Wt.. is KLi..ASssistn. it. Oi. Aisi n'95" MEICAL5.. F. P. Sadler9.i i teidl,' it. P. Lyle 9. E .MridlT4 Agnes biosliy,3 9 d.IH. ). tlsins, 96. L ENTL' lNEOPTisi-.,31. i r f t 3 necessity, expensive, as first-class eluded from playing by the noe talent demand and secure liberal re- time limit rule which will go into muneration for their services. Those effect on the first of January-Har- having those organizations is charge yard Crimson. hvaragdepniecussfrthis seasoti, and it is apparent to all, Upon the next two Sundays, the6 who have attended the courses of Rev. Henry Tatlock will deliver a furmier ycars that the attendance course of four sermons, in St. An- this year falls considerably short of drew's church, upon the general aned that of last season. This is not as subject: i"What is involved in church loss it ought to be, as sufficient funds membership?" The special sub- 1-00 should be realized by both the Lec- jects of these sermons will be: Dec. ir lure Association and the Choral io, at the morning service, "What Union to make the courses a decid- is the church, and who may belong- ed financial success. We should to it?"; at the evening service, feel a pride in the University and iiWhat most church muembers be-4 psssess sufficient college spirit to i lieve?";> Dec. 17, at the morning iji support liberally all college organ- E service, i"What must church mem- 3 izations. It is to be regretted that h ers give up?''; at the evening ser- the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS SHORTHAND. Macsifnsent huilding; sins hier; large. attendance; cool disciplinsuper-~5 w'ork; wellsuppierdedngrom dily ectues, crday eeningseceptionis; opeis 1he esieyear etiosal tfecilities to, plingistusdens in Iposi- i-shorthanideraduiates guaranteedthem.OLving eass 2 ix$2.4-5 per eek 55in private familims. Nesw Catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, PRS. TOLEDO), this spirit is sadly lacking in 'the U. of M., and to this cause alone can we attribute the failure of many meritorious organizcations in the University. Centonnial of tBowdoin collego. All ctipy i sibe oit the oe before Silsa.m Pi reparations are already heiiig sf the day ot piiblications. smade for the celebration of the one The Editors do set hold theseve ' ' 'n hundredth anniversary of Ilosdoin sible tsr the opinions or statements of corres college, which occurs next June. pondents, appearing in the DAILY. 'Melville W. Fuller, of the class of 53, will deliver the oration; Prof. A rio Bates, of '73, will react an _ riginal poem, and Prof. Egbert C. Tist attention of the members of Smnythe, of the Andover Theologi- the DAsLY board is called to the cal Seminary anod the class of '48, fact that a group picture of the staff wvill preach the anniversary sermon. will he taken early next week, prob- James MdIeen, of the class of '64, ably Monday. D~efinite announce- will preside at the alunmni dinner. ment illI he made iii tomorrow' -v.*-o - issue. l'sery member ;rrlsl appear To Do Away Wi1th Football. at the appointed time, in order that the boaird miay he coniplete for a A motion lies heem brought hefore half tulle enigraving whicti is soon the faculty to abolish foothall; at to he matie uise of. least that wvill he the practical effect ----- --- of1) thme proposetd rule if it is passed. Txl's:r shoulid he no delay :11 get- The motion is to the effect that no ting everything ready Ior the inter- football eleven representinog Cornell class tootball games, so that they, University shsall be allowved to play vices,11What nsust church memhers Tisme Toile talkiog eael .9 sindty, Niv. 5, 1893, Trains lease AiiiiCrboriy Ciotril (lo '' tisiilsid Tius-. --- 7: s . im. 17:15s. m. *12:15 l). cii. 11: 0 a. m. duO 415p. sn. h9tii p. 3, iTrainussunbetween AnArboir;od Toledou ® only, Al trains dailyexeptun~idaty. r 55.. iiS. hN OIDAveiif. (An liiie Ann Arbor Satvings Bank AnniiAebiir. Mieli. tapital e it.o,$5000. Orvainizeduinderetheieerauul oieLawse Horsfcrd's Acid Phosphate of tis stt.r tc ve epst, usand united Stistes. Draftsceshced upon piroper ideniifieatiiii. Safelydicto s rent. 'Is the mSos effective ansd agree- OFFriteis: tlrsinMzlPe. .D Ha'Pirsim,ViePes; irs. N.ltie ''1'Ca- able reinedy in existence for shie3r" t. J. Friz Asst. dashie preventing indigs stion, and re- Gl NPD OPI I)7 Y2uS lievTing those diseases arising l ONE WEEK. COMMENCING frons a disos dered stomach. Monday, December 4 I iWednesiday'cid Saurdauy Mtiniee. Dr. W. W. Gardner, SpringfieldiSH Mass., cay-u: "I valoc htasian escellent preetatiive of ondigestion, assd a pentuiiiU~ I aciduilleiddriok whenusroeildil uedwith ALOR I a swate,asiiiseetened.' iM folwiwRjvoie "SAi1)ls':1II.tfl"--iiisuituy Ebin ioaiud Wed- IDeeiuti%,e pamiphlit freeion appiilcinitoii uiu'-altailise. tumxfordChemieal Wrs, 'msvctenee,R.I. '-11t0 its' 'iIsiss .Aii.'