THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LF.W H. CLEMENT, 51 SO. M~AN Sr. Directoroand Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 2' 'Years ian the Hastness.n2.-""' CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WVITH THE +$TATC $AV1flG$ BAflK+ C or. Main and Washington Streets. A. L. NOBLE,Pten. ROnRTnsvL~sie, Cooker. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY Finest pline in the city. Ironmpt in getting out work and delivering. Office, is Mst Hu- ron St. Telepthone 83. ---NOTICE !- -- We are here to tay. We are prepared to give a elmts ot work tthtttrtade of khinscity unettualedsty any oilier house evaer located here and not excelled by tany City Tailor in America. and at pries goveren d by goods or- dered.Sttitfoms$3l.0uo(thity dol-e) to any tritdestired.Iine Costom Tailoritgo bc -M. Y .SyS? 'NT DANCING and DELSARTE MRSt ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 8 State Street. MONDIAY--8 Clss or LIn 'ODIEAY-7.itntttLadies' saI e cass to.enttlemten's slonciag- 2p. m. Chtildien's daotitig class. d o. mt. Ladies' daticingrilass. Privati' lessons ky appoinittment. U. OF M. CALENDAR. Thorn., Oe.+.-School of Mousit. laculty Cinctrt. Fri., Oe. .-Marts'au, lte greet vislittist, in S . A. coorse. Sat.. Dec'. 9.-Schsootloflissis.'Putils' He- cittal. Set., tDcc. ii lodgc Eoitt, of C'licago, o "Oratory." before tse Oratorictil Assoria- tisn, in law lectore roomn. Mott. 1Dcc. 11.-Unity C'iok, hr..S. H. Kellogg, of Hattie Creek Sanitarium--A Sotinsd Mitid ia Ssond Hodv. Music atit ts Best. The December Ceotory contains ao article by Cot. W. C. Church, entitled itFootball in our Colleges." The seniors at Dartmouth have petitioned to have the numnber of boors reduced from 16 to 12 during the senior year. At Cornell. a committee of nine members of the faculty are discus- sing the advisability of abolishing the degrees of Ph. B. and B. L. Great interest is felt in the outcome, (Continued frontftrot page.) as such a cnange would practicaily tralto since Annie Louise Carey. abolish Greek as a requirement for tier grand voice, which is of nmost the degree A. B. phenomenal range (being three full Of the 6o touchdowns made by octaves, C. to C.), she handles with Yale in the games this year, Arm- the ease antI grace of our greatest strong has made 18, Thorne q, sopranos. Mr. Win. Steinway, Carl Eaton 8, Hinkly and Hall5 each, Zerraho and others who have heard while Buatterworth has been sentj Rosa Linde, pronounce ther voicc as across the line only twice. Of Har- even anid beauitiful in quality, large yard's 75 touchdowns, Brewer is 1n volu~me and altogether a most creditedi with o5, Waters 14, and noblc contralto. A clean anti dis- Wrigthtington s s. Princeton made hode enunciations is an infallible test 51 touchdowns, Ward scoring 12, of a triue artist. In this respect, Trenc~hard 6, and Lea 5. ine. Linde stans in thte first rank, It is rcporte d that Saturday's foot- every word site sings bring perfectly ball siair at Annapolis between the understootd in the largest halts. One natal cadets and West Pointers will of her chief chiarmis is the absence be the last in which these rival of grimace antI contortions, the teants will meet on the gridiron. stream of tielody pouring forths As the curriculum at bots these in- without apparent effort. stitutions requires the most rigid Edwin M. 'Shonert stands today and close application, the risks of in the very foreground of America's hating the football players kept great pianists. IHic tas been travel- from their studies, even a day, by ing as solo pianist for the past six being injuredt are too great, and years with some of the best conlcert Secretary Lamont and Secretary organizations that have aptieared in Herbert will probably interdict the this country, atid his success has game at both academies. alwayfs been pronounced and in- The- 1 TeChimes of Normandy. stantanouis. I le is certainly te 'lisueaigtpr topeetd best pianist this umanagement couldbyThiseas~oiorsipea clo petedas seculre. Mr. Stsonert will play sonic tight, tit the Grand, tii is large attdi- newt andsitfficilti eces tomorrowv etie. lTe iteaisintg atidienices lattest nigt'.tthte popularity of tie comtpanty. Toe 'lhe S. L..5A. manageentt are to play last nttght pleasoed everyone. Miss be congratullated on htaving securedt Stantoti again sanig ter part in hter chatracteristic mansner. Hler interpre- sitch an excellent attraction antI all tittiont of 'Sepolette 'whs excellenit. litvers of Itighsclass nmssic should Mirelift tai'aritngtoin, asoGermaine, avail thenmselves of this opportunity won~ several enteores, provingg Iter to tear music at its best. popuarity. it is difficult to foind 'The following will be the program: Ytan who cnt better initerpiret the character sif (Jasopard, thte miser, thon I. Pis.oSalso. Iligoictis----OeriiLiszt Mr. J01111 Sauniders. Mr. livies' work Ole. slwlt .0. Slitiva.s00 tenor is excellent. Mrl. 'Springer, as Air. Samson.i ntid Dlil lli, .,.Saiiit Sort,1 Mriti. Itose Liosir. Baiti, tiid Mr. H~endlersont as the No- 3. Coci'rts No. 1. (up 6.1.)-----Ma'. Ilcht tary pleatsed thte autdiesice imntessely. Mr. tHetiMatrait, Toedecided lit fti'te evenilng was . I'aitsiolo. lli'ststtiri. ---M:,c Dowell the sintginig of the Yellowt and Blue by :fle. Edi . li.iotiert. 5ia.AU,'ttihli,'il. . . Seli~smati the qtuartette, wicih was receivedl with bi. UigitrisclieTatiz, . --.---rtlsis rounids of applause. Me. Hetnr i Marteau.'T'onight, thte'roairitig iomic opera,. 0. loter:.:czo ci,. Citlt.'ekt Etilunao--__ "Princeess of'1rebictntde,' will be pre- .111t0. Rosa 1lisicl. sitedt. i.i. Iliriti ii',-..----- ------liasir,' Oratorical Assotatlon. bi. Plonai ise,___--..------ iei'sts sl.i Mr. Ilcorii Morteats.'T'he -Execustive Committee Slid -+--- its sub-comsmittees will meet in :Room INTER-COLLEGIATE. 24, Monday, Dec. is, at5 p. m. At this home all accountts must lie 'Te entire gale eleven stilt return rendered of nmembersip tickets sold. to college next year. Every member of these committees There were four Andover men on is requested to be present. GCr'rl Isuc.KC' tte Yale freshman eleven. President. BUStNEOsO LOCAL. COOK H OUSE NEWSSTiAND. All the daily palpers, also periodias~s magazines, etc. Give nie a call, . D1. Richards, below Cook lHouse. Have you beenl to Razleoood's Bi- hi ard hal yet. New cues ad every- thing nice. State street. (SIANGER'S ACADEMYI OF DANCING. All are pupils, positively no visitors. Ttition fee $, for Ladies, Gentlemen and Chltdretn alike. A reduction to former pupils, also where more than one from same family take lessons. Learn some of the 11ew dances before the holiday sesooIpens. FOR SAE-Costitg Bobs, will hold eight couples. Inquire at 47 S. Divi stun t. 54-6. Rooms tio Rent-frontstSuite of Rooms, heated by furnace, two blocks from University. No 5 Monroe St. For reduced rate tickes to Ohio, West Va. and Old Va. points apply to Rt. S. Greenwooid, Ticket Agt., Toledo Anni Arbor & North Mich. or Moulton lHostck, G. P. A.t LOST, o left in some store, the min- ute book of the :MeemetDIebtingSo- ciety. Finider please loeatt law biildinsgtic at thiis olice Lor-A simall stetn-widinlg open faced gold wtch. ifany, Geneva, mtonogram ott btck, E. C. D. Fider will please leave 'sith Dr. Lois P. Hal, 36 South State street, and receive liberal reward. Do you wish to ret yotr room? Whly do't you insert a5line or two ill orf local columnt for a few days'? More roomOs tave beell rented through the DAILY thain through any other medium, for tite DAILY practically falls into every student's hads. Lo'.-A locket set witltutrquoise. Finder pease leave at Stestards ofce. SOIn Co-sMot in t the Cigars bought at the' M. Drulg Store. Te J. . Jacobs Co. have received to ine litteitt nekwear-thte very latest. Htave ysour phtolis taken at Rndal's before thush iof tSCristma~s. ATTE'sNTIN.--lDO out thiink of buy- ig a type-soriter this year'Thiencal lt the DAILY s usice i you wsone 11 be- lost cost. 130R.CE I' Y itthi aigoid pir of sosul- der braces. A lrge stock at on pries at lrowl's Dug Store. A. fewshoti worti braces at 50c. (G0 to 3ilno''o BDi iSoux fr al Labortoryisuospplies. Dissectig cases, apronts anti sleevs.-Lowv lPrics. "The German" at Grangr's. Privte is ltshrctiontinittthe ettilio- "TlhetGermtan'-its rles ntl.figttres, tile waltzi, twoot-step, anld anly dtnce of mierit thast may be desiret. Mr. ainds Mrs. (Granugr istrutitf t ih ll osses, aa n ooble egtagt'iiforiprivate lessotts at bors nott iccspii'dl Sy choses, If you wish t join a class, niow is te tim~e. I irangsr's Acidemy, groud floor G oMahynalrdi stree. G4-57 Excursion to the Atlantic Coast. 'ltiplrties ihat re tinking of a trip south to C'stuistiaus, Oit, Charloresto, W. Va , Cl iftoni Forge, Chtlrtlesvile, Pietersbusrg,. Iicllmlsit, Proviece Forge. Williamsburg, Nwport Nesss, Old Point C'omifort, Norolk, Va., Wahinhgtto, ). C., lists'rtes for rtud tsip anontue wsoticiikets. tPease aip- ply to (lis.J.1.C('ark, P'ass, and Geeral Agent, OhitsC(traftlli. ltRoo 7 Oldi letBldlsg..i'orn'i'r tof Smitniild Miaidisoll streetrs, 'Toliedo, Advrantc Credit ins Astronomy. 'There wiil e a written examina- tion for aidvance creiit in Astron- omy Satrday, 1Dc. 9' at o a. i., room 2. JGHIGAN GENThAL I'ss'irrefal (RevserovtiN..1c3ii, 1893:. L. N. Espre-a....- 54 1 it., N. Y. & C. SI. 7211 AtlanticsEMorst o. s17 Malli .0EMp..:8250 Fast Psstis Esis 194.5N. S. Limsitedi.un03 N. S. Littited. toil i'3 1.Al A M. I't 5'Wst'ii EXtP. 155 :Mail atndExp. di..418G. R.k&-KaiStsI... tOO N. Y,.;". lit...i5 08 ( hii. NExpress... 8S5i l'tiilc Express...i0tl 0.00'. Rinstats, 14. Nt. HAYvSo, G. P. S;T. Ag t.lican.tss Agt., Ann Antsr THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING ando;- -~PUBLISHING RdOTTrSRTV Student Work a Specialty. neat Otorkustt'tiand Lowest lPricssin ithi City. GRAiNGER'S. gy-. CLASSES IN DANCING will msee' as follos:et 'lemens, Plsirrday aoistiigs 10 and Tkhi'sday eve'ininsa8:0;Lndis S.atuirdayt vanred class. 7'Iuesditisvei'niigs . Grounod tsar.I6 M atnti-rd stcrt. 'Tnitions. ciscteria twelvei'ees)5.i '.Pupils receivedi at ay timec. 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.