THE U. OF M. DAILY.__ A.54w",y - 10 - i 1A O NI '.IR~h 11tI . OO To .ae*a .+ o f ,11- 'y t ispst o O peccA h o 0- o lrdy Surav"d{~n~ Cakns hamc SrPP~iEp, isch tito ol1 ,htt tlt' Loxowt Poictr TI-Ill: L*,! 'A, IhI ( ul Is IS G IC)Yo '-II .:IINS. SFCONi IAND)I 'I '>CII1..1 ; .) CATS 'TDS raim eaFRI. AJVC-fiD Ti N" =TXS :fS -T afTSZYZ1SC- JA C.A.LOR, i VC)C', 1LJ.'ii 7110, )I MIIN ST.. 0. K. arBARBER SHOP. 100111)1)11 ion FnesoIer o1111hs. u'.0 111- J. It. ''1111OJNOWSK , 'J E. lWa'hintllltit. INol4 1aol 11 irntitree1. UNIVERSITY NOTES. liolwdOin is to h11110 5ew010 t50,000O scientific btiiding. \V. 1i. bibls wa.s inll Detroit yes- terday on WIrinleIcbusimes. Chlarlos11f11)ow1e, lit '92, hasre- lu rled 1to gradiate0 withi 9 1 1law. The Weobster Societly held their first business meetilastI 15100(11)1 The %seto i ain 111101er ArMo. 'Idea s ielcanlged to < /4 Pool'. Al. I1i. (1)1)1' returnledl yesterday frmm Chicago an111Ila- a1112/0. Grce01 llamnilon,'9', is lushructor is (r eek andlIatin in the Pontiac hligh 5school. Considerabhle 1work11 111111clon111 o1) the atihletic field ol put~t it inl 10r)1)r0conititionlior use. llowarol Walsh, IHawaiian (com- 15.15511)ler 1t) the CUnitedI states, has ente redl 110he l ep~artmnt . 'The first reglar10month1llyslelt- 1119 of the I lobart Guiild will he held ill Harris Halt at 7:30 01'1001k. The Phi Dlta Plaw 1)0fraternity has aap11110 iouse 1111) y0.1, for first timne since0 it was1 establishetd here. bMr. Gallup, woomade such11a repultationl as a pitchler at Btay View tis summtner, Ihas entered 1110eIUni- versity. Thsere is s1)111 talk of a fall tentis tournamnlt. Tihe courts are its fairly good condition and ins cots- slant 11se. SLAMZPS II iAILNitBSc I iALNIPS2zWc> N,.ickel PI 1 .111Royal .La1p, N.t?, center Ni.-l cllIaledtioliete L amp No.l 1, center .-.15. 0o '.. draft lii.l011- 111.1; 11.1 Nie~e Plte ae arn, o. , entr ic .cl latd ermn trieW MLa pE-a 1A tO T, 'i'iPIlS 44 South Main Street, DENt COMPANY Ann Arbor, Mich. Next Slunday nigh~t Rev. Mir. Gel- ston will 1115c0o150e01on* Sonic TruthIs of "Buddiosmsl being Dleveloped by Chlristianity."' P'. 11. 'troy and~ A. I'. Faullknor, lawsss '93, have 10o1m011 1 coplartnler- shlipl 10101110 practice ofla11w0in Oly-I pia, Washlingtonl. lix-laptaill Johanson111 of Cornell, 10111 is00coching 1th0 (ornell team~l thlis xyear, is 1110 authlor of1 a 1101 bhookeon)1f10011121. Gardner ']Williamts,'89,0enginleer of the Dletroit Water Works, 11120- ! 01011 'Miss Jessie Wrig~ht, (of EIst Saginaw11, Ic ecetstly. '1110 Cornell 0corresponden01t 11)0tile ('hica go Record c1)11mplains ofl a lack o)1 10011111b 110 antera. '111000is Ilo candllidatle 1010cenlter 111)11. tile Inlander(i0 t1110first 111101 of1last year, is back in college, taking swork illth Ilaw11departmen~l~t. Tres. Ladd, of 1110 S. C. A . has arrnge 0 a1101 5colrse of Sluday 1morn-1 insg lectures, Pces. Antgell's Sundal1y 1110111111 211110ss beintg tile first. FI. 11. lOoers, '93,lmeechatss heelsapinltedl lecturer its phiysiol- ogy andhitsology in thse medical department of thse Un iversity of Efast 'Tenniessee. liots. Levi 'T. GCofinu, Pletcher plrofessor of law, will, its all prolsa- bility, be thse next demsocratic nont- inee for consgress Ironsthle ist, or IDetroit district, all the different fac- tions intshlatIparty thsere Ihaving 011111ed1upon1 111m1it is saidl. Ceo. A. Danmon, lit '94,sas ac- cetptedl a1positionl swiths Electrical Industr51ies, ats electrical mnagazine pubtlished lits Chicago, andll 11not 001t11rn1to le IT, of 71f. tis 1-ear. 111110ball is finsdinlg 11112c021111o11 tile sports of 1t10 easterts colleges tis fall. tPrincetotn has lust 1112a.01 211 ititer-class 0champ1ioshliplseries, ando the 'Vtle teamls ssarranlgedl 111 I; 2 numberl)0 of fall games. 'lie Uiviersity of Pellnsyl.111111i1 jlant1111over thte fact 1t1at 1an1agreeC- 11101 thas 1)0011sign~edl w111h1HarvardI by 1w11101 tile ttwLlil-ersilies 1b111d themiselves to steelt upon11thle fool- b1a11 field for tws- u lccessve y0201. '110 0c elcomelfce 'If tile C. o171. 1) ,\jix made11 its first applearanlce for thle y020rlast Satu~rday. It los not vacation101, but remlainls 25 goodl look- 1') isi s of1 yore.-Ann 1A.rb1)r0C(111010. Women1101ha1ve takontw ~o of thte 11000e011001i1lfellowoships offeredl by t ie Chicasgo Uivlersity thtis 3020. (1)02 A. Stewoart, a Vassar girl, has becomse a fellow in is1tory;Alice I.. Pratt of Chlicago Unliversity, Itas be- coic a fellosw in C 11011S11 literatlure. 'Tile Chsoral Unionrt0 last esvens- ing for its first rehtearsal. 'The b'les- siah will 1be filetsagainstitis year, and Req~uienm, by Veroth. All oldi menshers are reqluestedl to be p~res- ent, and all persons wishing to enter are requlested to see Prof. Stanley at once at Isis office 117 the Schtool of Mousic, Irons 9 to 12 dal2y. WM. AeINs, D J --v-+&0,s FL& !iER, fi 10,,ioA..' FOR1 1 1.1 1 I .1 . ..' 0 1 - 1 . 's fit1i r 1165 MI(111101,I ,"0111 t(1il, ,':1,i ., ::11)it (1tt1tIl(.Xi{.i) ' 01 "i'tl'v1t11i. 5 01,11)110 s~lttTIS BRA opnD I~-c~y 011111.1 Th RmondStagh Ct ; BEWREOFIMTHEIO BSTl.tlsn ,isill Li TSA A NDsuprio r tallothrs ThehodetaigCuNoI lintrg ol'.1 and11100A15 clostGLDLEAF1,1 tha, te 1,11110t of05111 111a111i1fa.g '.0. a ('(v- &CI I)# 51CC OBCC5. 2seleWasingtU ooS.,neafr.Min