tt* ,n. WaIn. VOL. IV.-No. 55. YALE'S TROPHIES. How the Trophies Won by the Sons of the Blue are Treasured and Kept. One of the most important rooms in the new gymnasium will be that given up to the trophies won in var- ions fields of sport. Without this feature a modern college gymnas- ium is not complete. The arrange- ment of the new trophy room at Yale is thus described by the Yale News: "The work of fitting up the trophy room at the gymnasium has been in progress for over a week and is now near completion. At each end of the room are two large cabinets made of oak, with glass doors. In these are ar- ranged on shelves, the baseballs which have been used in games won by Yale for a number of years back, although in a number of cases the succession of games is broken. On the side of the room which faces the entrance are two bulletin boards on which will be placed the college records, both in athletics and gym- nastic events. In the center of the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1893. PRIcE, THREE CENTS. of the united industries. With great- er intelligence and better under- standing of its principles, the majority of the nation's industries will be thus carried on. Co-opera- tion will bring out the highest capa- cities of those engaged in it. The principle is a democratic one, as it is the absolute protection of the people against the possible monopoly of the few, and thus renders an of- fensive and burdensome monopoly an impossibility. By means of co-operation the wants of the people can be better supplied than by any other. The moral influences are great, for all are interested in each other's wel- fare.-Leland Stanford. Ninety-Five's Football Team. The list of players who will repre- sent the class of '95 in the coming inter-class games is as follows: Ald- rich, Batavia, Bush, Bodecker, Bolles, Bourland, Baird, Chicker- ing, Flinterman, Horton, Hickman, Knight, Kellogg, Westcott, Wilk- in . nlt WAc Tli~n Q..;L room is placed a large oblong table '>ins, waite, vaisnvw made of oak, and surrounded by Stearns, Sheetz, Smith, Leonard, chairs of the same material. They Lautner, Reynolds, Lyman, Landor, are very handsomely finished, and Neal, McPherran. The list of play- will be used for the committee meet- ers who will be on the lawvteams h ave not yet been posted. ings which will be held here. On the walls at the height of the mould- Jeffersonian Program. ings are suspended the champion- ship banners which have come to At the meeting of the Jefferson- Yale in the various branches of ath- ian Society to be held tonight the letics. The finish of the room cor- following program will be rendered: responds to that in the hallway, the Music, G. M. Evans, piano; decla- marble floor, the walls and wood- mation, E. C. Robinson; oration, work being white. The baseballs W. DeVault; society paper, H. W. are painted over in red, orange and Webber; speech, J. L. Wagner; im- black, white and blue. Those promptu discussion, aff., G. H. painted in orange and black were Kane, neg., C. E. Chapman; de- used in the Princeton games, the bate, "Resolved, That U. S. rev- red ones in Harvard games. All enues should be raised by a direct have on them the date, score, etc. rather than an indirect tax, aff., L. The footballs and the track trophies E. Carr, W. K. Moore, neg., E. W. will be placed in the upper part of Marlott, M. L. P. McLaughlin. the cabinets. The effect of the whole is very pleasing and much UniversitySc--oo of music. credit is due to those who have had The first recital by pupils of theĀ§, the decoration in charge.' University School of Music will be given Saturday at 2 p. m. This co-operation and civilization, will be a very interesting concert, Civilization itself rests and ad- and is open to the general public. vances on the great principle of co- The concert announced for Dec. 7, operation; the weak by its means are will be postponed to Dec. 21 on ac- strengthened, and the one in least count of the Mills meetings. capacity is brought up in advantages -- ,0 - to the level of the best. The result The Choral Union will give a so- brings all closer to the entire fruits cial soon in their new building. MUSIC AT ITS BEST To Gi[e AI [a . First Appearance in Ann Arbor of Henri Marteau, the Famous ivehave some fine lead pencils and French Violinist. a convenient string case to give away The patrons of the Students' Lec- to any one who will call for them. ture association will receive a rare We want to see your face and give treat tomorrow evening,the occasion you a chance to see our stock. being the grand concert by the 7 ;1 roOg (: Henri Marteau company. Henri Marteau, the phenomenal young eneral Music iealers, French violinist, could be secured 51 South Main St. for only a few performances in America for the season just passed, -E, but owing to his great success, has been persuaded to return to this country for a large sum of money to fill an engagement of fifty concerts only. He is a young man of twenty years who does not need the rare H E I charm of his personality. He could When you wanttheLatestMetropolitanStyles be older by many years for in of $2, $3, 14or $5 Bshoes ate50e to $1 a pair less than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to his performance there is no sug- gestion of the wonder-child. He could conquer without the aid of N.H FYFE his handsome face, with dangerous 101. 183-185 Wonwan Ave., dimples; without the impression -ETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. made by his manly, nervous and aristocratic bearing. With such .E JOL physical attractions and such When youwant a pure box of Fine Chocolate modesty of bearing added to su- Candies. Stationery at eost. icgars, Tobacco, i0ae Ceattes and the Finest Stock of Pipes in preme musical gifts and acquire- de Cicy. LADIES' end GENfTS' LUNCH ROOMI. ments, it is little wonder that the R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. famous young violinist is irresistible. Henri Marteau was a pupil of the famous Leonard, and possessor of the first prize of the Paris Con- servatory. After Leonard's death, - his favorite violin, the "Maggini, which is a priceless gem, was pre- Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST. sented to Marteau. Seidl,Damrosch and Nikisch pronounce Marteau to HOT LUNCHES, be the most phenomenal violinist that has ever visited our shores. The Lowneys q(hocolates, New York Recorder speaks of him . . .TUTTLE'S as a violinistic compliment to Pader- +)48 S. STATE St. ewski. William Henderson, musical critic of the New York Times says HTIT T-(K-TT of his performance: "No more ad- mirable cantabile playing could be possible. This public has certainly ENTIRE STOoK OF never heard anything to surpass it." The Philharmonic society, of New HOLIDAY BOOKS York, bestowed an honor upon A1D FANCY GOODS Marteau which has never been done AT-- before to any other artist. It was to immediately re-engage him for FABULOU * 1EDUTIOD. this season's concert after playing for their society last u src Marteau is assisted by Mme. Rosa W .HR9 Linde, the peerless American con- tralto, and Mr. Edwin M. Shonert, UNIvERSITYJBOOKSTORE the eminent pianist. Mme. Linde is undoubtedly the greatest con-- ~ (Continuedon third page.) DOWN TOWN, MAIN STRRET. 1 1 i