THE U. OF M. DAILY.______ 17 CGENTS5N ' E" .OTY can't t Yaur TIL Get a TIIE a i iayAlready TILL)I. And atp tyis d.wllby ra(" 'All1the Ltt N VELI 1,S tintade up SCARFS,'teshwattn'tthe Outfitter's. *halfithoiettOt itteVaila marshmal lows iftpeeed ittwe teti itant 16th of Deci '11 tie c ift afttrd hat d (Inhant 5. c itMerphey.S C an e, one sctictale tctaini ha bt we ) EA fl mauA U eiltineg-iiocsiand that in otitle a 1 '40E~'j r ' hMATcilad ~ ""~~ tEeli' fget new catei- ttryaithiem.t h ~cars ~eufs Regular Price 25e. .V~..JkJ.l ( XW&- MOQRE & wjr~oi~j, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Hlave a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THlE ISUTAt. DISCOU~NTS GIVEN TO ST~zt'NTS. SECOND) IAN"tSBOOKS Btil.(;TR otIN2CttANGE'l) GCALRflIS JJPG I3V ZSJ=N IT =-Rd,-TSSW 3?tiINIS. UNIt ERSIT V IOO KSELLERtS, STATE STREET. Special Sale of Wr~itinig Tallett. Fine Litten atndlWvee Writing Itaipein. 25e a patted. Sweaters aitdtiymnasiuateSuits. Visiting('trds aeigraved onst noetice. Uiversity Boelthaters, Stationiersandi Engraersc STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. . tneitentntatortduplicatinrcoiesof Douetntit ciart le tick, Doesa titi atinf" iltittttu. 11(s o at d aidcrt. Gives it purticte iht/e. hmer ecit eenin bhitin In'In in witeils cist iilledl wate'. It in pain carbhnit. (ivea light iiwitu tmke at' adot. Dclivteretlp-'oiptlyt. Soldontty hiDre mc&Co. Will mieectnprite adie Ontoil. 44 South Main Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY.1 UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'l'Theittrer s't in iihit esca tir Settikia his o acy, 'o ich teldianitttadtttoapay. Sleighinag parties are note in order. CongressantsLevi '1. Grifl'tsit as entered on his netv ditties at WIasht- intgton. Certaitinmenmbers of the S. C. A., are regularly filling te pulpits at foutr places. C. 1t. Covell, '9- litswho has beein ill ince school began, in witha us onace nmore. A nunsber of tudents attended the V. 1'. S. C. E'. convention at Sa- The atudents in American Consti- tittional History are exptected to re- port on outside reading lie.c.4 The Alplha No contest, announc- ed for liec. a, has been ptostponedl until the first meeting in January. lir. Josephline F~lemicng, of liex- ter, msedic '88,sean married Nov. 2r, to Jan. 1.. Childs, of Chicago. The course itt Currency and 1 Ilanking wiii be quizzed in tlhe near future on Ulpton's I'Mottey in tPoli- tics." J.Q. Adanmsewas thse principal speaker, yesterday, in the course of Great (irators. His subject was "iSavonarola."i -':WM- R. FULDE,(- vFIRsT C1A~sS'rAILxwoR, jWittim 'tStree. tint orWet fState Street. U. OF M. FLAGS. -" SiteriecSitv etenaellei l i Sorectch pin. Price,$150. 111M. ARNOLD, Jetccter. FLOWERS, ff,2 OW5R litrepsasdjhtietr crei. TRJ AETEJ ET hitsa peay a tItli. ie l Paye i te r- h5est ln tlags i e posintit a s e Safetta MFroeaueniginal. an nedinary paper with atty pea, Ins eapiescaenshe male.Fiftyp copies oatylpewietteremnscripts prodiuced ie t j minuttes. We will sell this machine far anle $5.00. which is way taelow cast or manuranture. The Printer is new and can be seen at te otfice and trted. 0. K. BARBER SHOP'. jti At onecetion: Finc Shatter Itatie. ti~tCpli- na tus. h.30thaltfo ti00.Gait tdies' Hair I esir, lt J'ettt'.tatiratm~mt FIRST N AlION.AL BANK sOPiANNltil3I. Capitatl, $30it0t0. :Surpluttndtaitsa$,00tt0i. (ris atsn agecieral banitig htitm.. Par- eiignexchatige' banght taniod. Ltersnat creditrprocuedforltraviselers. ahroad. P. BACII, Prent. S. WDIA ICSO. tittitiar. PALACE + BARBER+ SHOP %.U AedtiHth Ileittic. W. 14. OWIEN, 'nut ., Xo. 4 East Huron S t.. Opetii Crtt Dousee. Hat, Clad e ta Satats a. Por- celainetuest. ANN ,ARBOR- }1T1IIJAI Ls7UND1RY CO. as SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SEavcss, - Manager. linralastk ek.. Iharroughnboarawillate W1hi5, IlisU tisuisioevenitag at.Frak I7 Buro'gshayer, iathi.,vatngaThe SRichmond StraightchondStr CuttCuNoo,1 practicing htis profession at Cape 6:-o sharp. Trie umeeting weill con- I RFT S .radaM.tyeonly one houtr. are madetfrothebrigtet,tmostidelicate Giradeau Mo.intfluar, eend ighestirunt GOLD LEAF "tChinmes o omny illbe The senior c- csme 'esterdav groneint Virginia. ofNrany viib oedBe EWARE OF IMITATIONS. anailobscere piresented by thte California (liers at noon and elected for tiheir repre- tat the ciamftate man.'tttuacturersasit Comipany tonight. s'nlatives on the Castaliala, Miss betniw isoa eveery lactagc. Prof. Ilenipi was untable to meet i'itcy N. Textor. Mist Irene Stew. ryv &(;tA ' C" TtOtCO his classes ysedyon account of ;aran 's MrinPato. Nu5AHCFI' ', sRICtaaoSDU1PQ1Nl an attack of the grip. J. T. Jacobs' Canmp, No. 90, Sons thleory Bienner, M. S. 'h9, is testis- of Veterans, cordially invite all 0 ~ 7'I~ ing msathsematics in the Chicago members of othser Camps who are Manual Training School. attending the University of Michsi- T T; It. Bronson, lit '8c, is' teacher gao to visit ito meetings which are The Leading~ of niodern languages in te Law- held every Tuesday evenaing. 1 .c n~AT A.I LOR renceville school, New Jersey. The next meeting of the Central' Evangelist Mills will preach his Inter-Collegiate Press association opening sermon, thin evening, at will be held next Saturday at Lan - Has threrwest Fail aitcer wooleas andi g y largestlt aoeSin the city. Yata ran gecai), 7:30, in the Presbyterian church, caster, Pa. Ti association in- selection yen are leaking tar. Wisconsin figures it out that she eludes Princeton, Pennsylvania, COME AND SE US. has ,the second best team in the Lehigh, Lafayette and other colleges West. of that region. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.