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December 06, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-06

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ORQNIED180. INORORTE 186 U. OF M. CALENDAR. The number closes with a number- Darehe." Mr. Crawford has gained
THE CHEQIJAMEGON ORCHESTRA. uie for himself an enviable reputation for
LEW H. CLEMENT, F of biographies of prominent nvr being the must "versatile and various"
518So. MAN ST. Director and Manager. Thors., Dee. 7-School of Music. Faculty
___________________ Concert. s ity men, making it in all one of the of modern novelists. lIn whatever
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Fri., Dcc. 8.-Martess, the great violinist, in most interesting magazines to the style of fietions the author writes he
S. L A. ours. balways endows his works withs a subtle
God 0 woEAST iHUReON STREET. ole. sudnt cA.. s mcoarse.ratvestl
Gudaok sranteed.Gonods catted for Sat.. Dec. 9.-School of Mus'c. l'upils' Re- acollegeed student.T crp. eitl.h rm. a sk ih tefreonaratvelistle
anddeicerd. . F COERT Prp. ita. ~The edition of Mvr. Crawford's works,
Sot., Oe. 9-Jadge KEwintg, of iChicago, 0il Yale Graduate Department, wt hc MronDrh"i si
22 Years in Sloe Busiues.t'-."""' "Oratory." before the Oratorical Associa- Wformwincue heMafonosaich:"Aison-
tttinlwecoero.The following colleges are repre- an Singer," "An Amneriean Politieian,'"
CITY LAUNDRY, <ofai e.i~a-nt etr lb om r .H elg,
XX. Seb ,N.4 .ut v. of Hattie Cresk Sanitarium-A Sound Mind sented ins the Yale gradsate depart- "Parlactese," "AMaleiof arLonely,
ina sund Body. , ATl faLnl
KEPYU CON IHTEment: Yale 35, Smith so, 'Vassar Parish." "Zoroaster," "Dr. Claiidius,"
+$A C$VfG ~l+6,Wellesley ,Cornell 4,Dos hiska ,"Mr. Iseass." Don Orsinto,~"'hie
+T T A f1 $B 2+ School of Music Concerts. ' 4 hree Fates," "The Witch of Prague,"
Cor. Main and Washingtsn Streets. (Japan) 5, Gustas-us Adolphus: 3, "Khaled," "A Cigarette-Maker's Eons-
A. L. NOBLE, Free. ROBERT PEsseero, Caeh'r. ie,"Sn'Iao""Gifstn"
__________________________ At a meeting of the Board of D~i- Vanderbilt 2, Boston i, Colorado a e", Sn' lro, Griesti,
"With the Immoratals," "To Lee-
STAR STEAMV LAUNDRY rectors of the University School of Heidelberg (Ger.) z, Ohio Wesleyan 'ward," and "Children of thle King."
Fineot place en the city. P'rompt in getting Music it was decided that tickets for z, Otterbein z, Bates o, Pennsyl- I nfr idn,1 ocoh hs
nutwork and delivering. Office, 10Esot Ha- votumes sell for one dollar cacti.
ron St. Telephone 853. the Faculty Concerts should be sold vania i, Wisconsin s. 4-0
as follows: To stockholdern and - -.=+--- "'The German" at Graneger's.
-'"N OT ICE! --- lecturers, 50 cents per semester; to all Opera Par Excellence. Piaeisrcini h oiit.
We are here to stay. We are prepared ton riaeintutinitectiin
give aclansof work to the trade og tihis city othero, $ i.oo. The necessary cx- A crowded house greeted the, Cali- "The German"-its riles anud figures,.
unequaled by any othser house es-er iscated o the seiswaeatiloritOealat o two-step, ai any datnce of
ttere and not excelled by any City Tailin penses o h eismksti om pr Company lasighit theawaltn
red. Suite gfom $i0.0u thirty dttli ) it any course imperative. There will be tiseir second appearaisce at the Grand. mrseritigrirutat allb esied lM.aoes
prie dsird.Fin CutomTalorng-by five concerts thse present semester. Opera is always welcome and well pat- anti can be engaged for private lessons
" "On account of the Mills meetings rotized its the University city, if it is yt ourvsit occu ed a classe s. t
No.7 AN.'N STREET. h ocroanuci o . presetnted by a meritorious company. time. Grangeris Academy, ground
the oncrtsannunce fo De. 7The California Opera Company has floor, 6i Matyinrd street. 54-57
DANCING and D E L SART E and 14, wesill be given oo Dec. j4 shown by the two operas wiih they ., .. --- -
MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER and 2r. Tickets have been placed have presentedlere that their members Excursion to the Attico Coant.
46 S. Sate Street.. on sale at the School of Mulsic, are xt.'tl trained and capable opera T ate htaetikn fati
MONAh-o p. t Advantted Cilass for La- C atkins' Drug Store, Ann Arbor sitigi' o. "Girolle-Girofia " is a very 'rpatethtretiktgoatit
dies nodtGentlemen. gs outii to Colouilus, Ohio, Charlestonl,
AIONOAY-7 p. tm. Ladtes' tliorte clues. Organ Co.'s Storc unit 'Moore & pleasiiig opera as presented by this W. Va., Clifton Forge, Cheartlesville,
TU'ESDAY-7 p. m. Getlemoett'osdancing compally. Miss Josephine Stantoni, Petersburg, Rietimond, Providence
tinss. Wetmore's. late of ftse Lillian Russel Opera Corn- Forge, Williamsborg, Newport News,
SATI'ROAY-- .in . G entlemt'n's (lancinag ~Old PoinCofrNflkV.
cas = -pany, made snit deal Giroile. The ofCmot ofl, V
'lp. m. Chiden' dantcng class. Of Interest5 to Cotlege Students. ?a~ n Washington, D. C,, loW rates for round
O n st. Ladies'tdantingt'lass.___ praiseworthyfeatsure ofs asS Stanton s trip and one way tickets. Please ap-
Pets-act' le'sons by appointment. work is the earnestness with whichshsie ply to Geo. J. Ctitrk, Piss. and General
TFhe November number of thte enters iiito it. Miss ltarrington, as Pc- Agent, Ohio Central 1P. It' Room 7
University Magazine it edited in its dro, made a very pleasisig impression. Old Let Bldg.. cotiner iot Summsit and
° usual interesting and entertaining Miss Barker, as Atirore, presented the Madison streets.,'loleido.
Lstyle. The frontispiece is a beauti- tyrant-wife in a way to impress upon BUSINESS LOCALS. 1 - -t---- ' _ -"-

Tiute rtle (Revsedu) Nosv. 19t1, 1893.
0.N. Expressc.. t .N.TY. & C. Spt. 720
Atlantic r Ess. S51 ait&Esp..800
Fast Rst' t~oi.. 94..5N. S. 1imited.tO :ts 8
N. S. Linmited. to..0e'3 . at.
A.0M. Fast West's Map. 1125
Stialdusti E.. 410 G12 . Kal. Spl... 6055
N. Y,&d.Oo-,. Sil i, . 0 '111.N. Expres... 8010
'ncttlc Eupeeso.. 10131
0. W. Et-sOJEnS, H. W. HAYES, I
0. F.P. Agt., Chicugo. AO. Ann Arbour.
PRINTING and of-
Stuadent Work a Specialty.
Rest Workentatnd Looest Ptict'stinthe Cty.
follows: Gentltemetn, S s.ttteday mornings 10
and Thursday etnttgs 8:00; 5Ladie's, Saturday
afternootts . Ladit's andGentleenu, ati-
vanced class. ittesdac evettings . Geouttd
floor. G Maynrutte to. 'luiton. ste term
(twelve wuekts) 5. 5'opils receivedi at any
:BT CF, Cirr'T
to 'iciocc-it':mittf at S'F R
Headqoarters for Sic..
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.

ful half-tone engraving of the Cor-
nell campus. The first article is on
"The Study and 'reaching of English
in the College," by Prof. George
Ripley Pinkham, A. Ms., of St.
John's ('ottege, Annapolis, Md.
The writer treats the su~bject in a
most able and comprethensive man-
ncr. F~ollowsing it is a short com-'
parison of 'Wiliams and Cornell,
giving their early history, mode of
instruction and student tife.
Under College Thseutricals the
"M1.ask and Wig" of the University
of Ptennsylvania is given an excel-
lent write utp, in wohichl are numer-
ous illustrations of the different
characters and a full page half-tone
cut of the entire elub. T1his is fol-
lowed by "A Tribute to the Life and
Public Service of George Wiliam
Curtis, 1.D .," by Edward B. Mer-
rill, of Bowdoin, '57 "The ILL.
D)., its Origin, History, Past and
Present 'Use," by Flavel S. 'r'homas,
M.ID., T.L..D., with suggestions by
various noted men, is a most excel-
lent article.
Fiction is remembered by two
short stories, "tA Catastrophe" and
"'Tbe Belle of Haurwich." Under
the Athletic Department an article
on sprinting, by W. L. Richards, of
Yale, is of much importance to be-

thie audiene lie seriousness of mar-
riage. Mr. Sauniders, in the ciiaracter Roomtis tiiRecnt-Fronit Stilts of
of Don Bolero, was especially good. Rooms, heated by futrnatce, two bltoeks
'ine tenoir singing of Mr. Davies is as froni University. No ;5 Moniroe St.
fine as you ordinarily hear in opera.. For reduced rate tickets to Ohio.
The ehiaraeter of Moiurzouirk was ably West Vti. tiid Old Va. vtoints appoly t6t
sustainied by Mr. W. B. Ilubbaird. It. S. Greeniwotid. Ticket Agt., 'Toledot
Ansns Artier & Noirthi Michi. orMtoiltoin
This afternioon, at this matinsee, l1oiick, G'. IP. ,.
"StudUPashia" with be presenteit, anti LoTisi, or left in sonic store, the mtini-
toinighit''Chsimes of Norrndiy" stiltlStetuse book ofi the AMecliit Debattinig So-
suncg. ciety. Findier please teave at lass
+--- butildinag or at this office.
ANNOUNCEMENTS. Ltossi.-. sitil sttet-windisig open
facetd golil watch. 'Tiffatny, (irneva,
Advance Credit in Astronomy. tonlogralin oii teck, E. C. D. Finder
sit ll plteate stave-sithi fr. Lotuis P.
'There will be a written examina- Halt,i36 Sothl State street, antI receive
liea o dac rdt in Ast l rewvard.
lionforadvncecreit ii strt'- Do you weishi to rent yoiur rooms'?
omy Saturday, Dec. 9, at io a. in., Why donit you insert a lists or two ini
room 22. our local ctiltin for a few days ?
" +--- - More roosms haysetseeni rented through
oratorical Asnociation. the Dn1ilY titan thuroughiassy other
______ metdiuim, for the DAILY practically
fatls iteevery sttidenit's hiands.
The xecuiveCommtteeand LosT .-A lot-ket set with turquoise:
sub-commsttees of the Oratorical Finlder please leatve at Steward's office.
Association will meet in Room 24, Soes OMP'OTiin ltthis Cigatrs bought
Wedescday, Dec. 6, at5 p. m. at the 1B. & M5. Driug Stotre.
GERTRUDE Buck, Thte J. T1. tacobs Co. have received ra
President. fioe lhne if ieckwear-this very latest.
Fort iENTP-Onie Single itndtone
- Double Rooimifurnishied taid swell
Castalian Hoard. hieated, reiit reasoitattle it 14 Northt
--Thayer St. 52-54
T1he meeting of this evening will Have youirphtos taken at Iftitdall's
be held at 6:30, at t7 S. Thayer, before the rtushl itt('lristlias.
continuing for one hour only. Let ATTENTtIN.-D~o yothin ik of buy-
one Sir rompt.ilg a typt-wtriter ltisyettrThit-nlcoal
every oebepomtittthe lDAILY tiit' i'yoo ihoee
MANwilINGEttrot. low cost. - vsttn e
- --JRAsE vis i-~ta good ptir of 01hou1-
Literary Comment. der brace's. A large stock attloiw prices
--- at Brei~we's Drtig Store. A fesv shop
There has just appetared from the worsi bratces at 50e.
press of MacMillans & Company, of Go to lltossN's Doat'nsSWORE for alt
New York, a very interesting novel by Laboratory supplies. Dissecting eases,
F. Marion Craswford, entitled "Marion aprons acid slceves.-Lol Pices.

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