WITH RETROSPECTIVE VIEW, record we may well feel proud of. NINETY-SIX'S ORACLE. Te/
In her ten games Michigan has
The Football Season Reviewed.--Will Be Ready in a Few Days-
Our Team's Good Work Won scored 274 points and her oppo - Bigger and Better Than We have som fine lea pencils and
Many Victories. nents, roe; making an average of 27 Ever Before. ie e veany
points scored by Michigan in each to any one who will call for them.
Now that, with the exception of and of so points scored against her. The last piece of ''copy'' for '96's We want to see your face and give
the inter-class games, our football In no game has Michigan been shut Oracle was placed in the hands of youaohanetosee orstoc.
season is over, it will be profitable out, while she has four times shut the printer last week and, in ac-
cordance with the contract, the hook O (
to review Michigan's accomplish- out her opponents. In one game wilh. edhec.4t he e t I suer 1 Sons 1)555-u,
ments on the gridiron during the she was scored against but once and will ready Dec. 14. The exact Geeral mse teaers,
past two months. in two other games but twice each, date of sale has not yet been de- 51 soth Mainst.
While we cannot feel entirely sat- while the 34 points scored both in cided on, but will be announced in
isfied with the season's work, owing the Minnesota and in the Wiscon- a few days. Enough of the book
to the rather unfavorable showing consin game make up just two-thirds is already printed to show that thiss
made at first, yet the standing our of the points scored against her dur- year's Oracle will be a decided ad-
team has attained and the bright ing the season, these large scores vance over its predecessors. The
outlook for succeeding years may being made when defensive. play best quality of book paper has been
peels fr footall atthe 17 ofeM..ichiga'snsucesstadeManaero t e$2$.
well rejoice Michigan's adherents. was yet undeveloped. used. Not only is the size of tie
We can say now as we said at the The showing made is one that is pages larger, but there will be more
beginning of the season, "The pros- highly gratifying to all interested in pages-fully twenty pages more of
reading matter and more than three Whemsyou wnt ehnLtest Aft opolitamStyle
pects for football at the t. of M. Michigan'sisuccess,mandhManager e a er o stratns t Morsseit seto apaTets
were never so bright." Baird and Captain Dygert may times the number of illustrations in than Ann Arbor prices send for catalogue to
To begin with, after defeating the justly feel proud of their work. last year's Oracle. There are nineR .l
D. A. C. in the first two games of full page half-tone illustrations, in- f C
the season, 6-o and 26-o, we then inter-Class Football, eluding the composite picture of 101. Is3-85 onwOa s Aev.,
lost three games in succession the --- the board of editors, and seven full DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
first to Chicago by so-6, the second As soon as the weather moderates page line etchings, the total number
to Minnesota by 34-20 and the third the schedule for the inter-class of illustrations being thirty-eigst, GO '270
to Wisconsin by 34-18. Just as games will be played out. The the majority of a humorous charac- R. E. JOLLY & Cos
When you want a pre box of Fine Chocolate
Michigan's most loyal supporters senior lits have posted for challenge ter. Candies.staionry at cost. Ciars.obaceo,
Oiiulnretts and the F inst Stock of Pipes in
were beginning to doubt, their con- the names of the following players, The shape of the book has been tecity.
fndence was fully restored by a most from whom their eleven will be changed and a wonderfully heat and LADIES' andGENTS' LUNCH ROOM.
welcome, because most unexpected, chosen: Hart, Hayes, Evans, Ad- tasty design for the cover has been R. E. Jolly -O. 26 S. State St.
improvement in the team. The er, Shields, Wentworth, Parker, secured. There are four colors used
news that the old-time dangerous Cadwell, Senter, Smeltzer, Sher- on the cover, making it the most
rival, Purdue, had met defeat from man, Anderson, Ames, Demrick, complicated piece of color work
us by a score of 46-8 was soon fol- Martindale, ,Krogman, Hamper, ever tried on one of our college
lowed by a 34-o defeat of DePauw. Ward, Conkling, Starrett and Tren- publications. 't'here will be the
Since then, Michigan's way to vic- bie. usual amount of literary matter.
tory has been an easy one. Her The team of '96 will be made up The demand for grinds has been ArtisticPhotoraher __6_E._HURONST
record is: Northwestern defeated fromthe following players: Evans, fully satisfied to all appearances, HOT LUNCHES
72-6; Kansas, 22-0; and Chicago, Cummer, Ryan, Freund, Marston, over fifty pages being devoted to ES,
28-so, making a total of five suc- Whitman, Bouland, Hanford, Mc- this kind of college fun. There can Lowney's hocoates
cessive victories and placing the U. Kenzie, Wollcott, Baird, Posmer, be no doubt that the book will sell -AT-
of M. in the very front of Western Hovey, Britten, LeRoy, Thompson, on sight. As the edition is limited, TUTTLE'S
football. Thorpe, Reikes, Greenleaf and you had better be on the safe side 48 S. STATE St.
The team, as at present composed, Choate. and leave your order with some
is a strong one in every respect. 'The freshmen have on their list member of the board of editors.WAHRe rRgt h e l ani e a s t t n
T1he average wveight of tine whole the following players: Henninger, Teraeis just wvhat you nvant to 1
team is 177 pounds, of the rush Ferbert, Bourland, Keep, Lorman, take home Christmas to show to ENTIRE Soc oh
line, 590 pounds, and of the backs, Carpenter, Upp, Spicer, Wonebach- your friends at home.
156' pounds. It is not weight er, LeRoy, Holbrooke, Rosenthal, ---'- -HOLIDAY BOOKS
alone that has won our victories, Dicken, Farnham, Hawkins, Deffen- The next social circle reception AND FANCY GOODS
however, although much of the baugh, Emmons, Baird, Bahrenberg, of the Hobart Guild is appointed
credit of them has been ascribed Bartlett, Collin, Swanell, Dean and for Thursday evening, Dec. 14th. -AT-
to this, while our team-work, per- Kirchner. West Point and Annapolis have FABULQU$ I KEDUqTIQU
fected in every particular, has not --- played four games with each other,
received proper recognition. Mich- Adephi will not meet Friday of which the naval academy has From Pbisihers Price
igan's eleven may fear consparison evening on occount of tihe Martea won three. The scores have been: in
with few in the country both in fea- concert. n189, Annapols 4, West Point o;
lures of play and make-up, individ- A pupils' recital will be held at 1 ; in 1892, Annapolis 12, West UNIVERSITYB0 KSTORE
nally and as a whole. the School of Music, Saturday, at .oin s8;ain Annapolisna ,
Seven victories and three defeats 2 p. m. Everybody is invited to Point 4; in 1893, Annapolis 6, -n-
are the record of the season, a attend this recital.sP t'4 OWN TOWN, MAIN STREET.