THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'The propietor gadattd 11 4 ant the prescripion er Ik in 'rho. 'Tey have leaned their business by hared studty. Vhat they heow is at year Calkins' Pharmacy I F Sf" a Get a 412W Already TIEl). lltt tet dc up. 4444 i .44 i I 1 are sl~ t 414t tt44Oaijtit fJo4hnsto44n NMurphty,(1ou } LLPISEHC- MATK-SOIT 3? t1i ft F3 tm an ermail , juff's, ST-LTE . :;- , -Ism M !' O1\&4EOEE NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. vclO e FllhAssortmtent <, UN I VERSiIT Y TEXT BOOKS, I new and seond hand, tenet tll kiiitls o Tit llJL T.S SUPPLIES which they olfei at the Lowet Pri'ces. iTEt: i It'Al N TO iNN iiSiN DENTS. StFtl'tN HiAND) tOOKitS I ( :aII I' ()I:41 f. N 1 .\Sti(I WM ., ~ STATE STREET. I t - nie..-.n i 4414! ... U. OF M. FLAGS. It t: pv1' 44(444444t. (taie ligt vtt I srn44t1 or odor.44/4 Ce444 4 4444444 blue.44 tc1i 44 Spcil tale of 444 ii 4g fata .s44Dlircit t 44 )4 t ly4i4. So44141 etbipi h i] & C444 .(V( or e444t 4444. iprice,5144 FieLien4and !'rve \4 .5itin4 'i ei444.2Sf --lt_._. - _ _-- Ititi 44re1 44y 444mad44e 4on4oit. 1V3F I1 V01,J4444le) \ wsit4- Crds egraved on 44srin ntie. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1DEANFOR EuuRYrHNGi.ND EVERODY.~ UNVRIYN E. IThe qibe.Usunally given on Toes- N S& HALL. TlQritI l ie lii1i1. ____-lay to the ntudents in Bacteriology (4 41 44srll44 has Ibeen pioonponed untii Thurnsday.t t iest oksles aiitr n slad1 444l444r 444 bear, The IDecember Century, contaitns jJ4t Bu t, obe eirht is now te ftrate r k', .$700 Oft 4444444a4 paro air.4-E.\. ate atticie by C.Wl iiliant C. ChuerchPa 2 tni> h ,c) rib4. Stit44er 44444 pnd lt5 i n to4 ieee a eet 4 bnttt 4 iitt~ti ttce 5ay iter- STATE STREET. lProf. Chatnplaint lectured to the entitled "Football in 004 College."' a estan S4r4g8 epstireela lieene teposeit 144 een tar re444. lawn today. The Univernity of Pennylvania It. KEIPP, tres. F. H. ltiitSERt, cdiier. T he Si plex Printerk. iProf. Chanmpelin lectures to the Courier lhan etablisthed a columnn Bank teen Satrdy eveing A new invention fo444 tupicting enpies of law nstdents today. tdevoited to University of Michigan 444c t~ tiig.Harvard has won fooc out of five notes. - ganis payedseih Pnusyvatin. The S. L. A. nmanagenment hansse- gmrs.apaeadduhetn, cured Susan Pi. Anthony to deliver.-Ms., r4 date. n duhtrLna 1 {4 of Cadillac, are visiting bltiss Janes, a lecture in the coorse Januay1or~N f lior 13, probably at the latterdae _________ Miss Lucy T extor, who has been IRAJ / - -JohnID. L. iDuncan, '93 lit, insAE TE BST -5Fnsa egtiC uitr ppr u aigaps-rdae a absent fronm college for a few weeks 1' TEBET f;Foorgalatodiaypprwt tkn a ot-rdaecourse a CIGARETTE SMOKERS Snoare will- any pen, oonoietecan be made. lifty on account o l eathsre-Inint pay a tithle nore tanthle price cnpies ef typtewritermnuescripts prodaced Conl.cre d tarte ordinary Inade Cigarette, in 15 mtnutes. Electric wires are being put in to turned and will continue tier wvork. wil ed THIS BRAND suenioratoSaliothera. We will sell Shitsmachine lfoe only furnishi powver for the various lab- Th current number of the Sten- Th ih ondStraigh Cut HoI $5.00. which is way below coat ofheTe ihon 1I~I enenufacture. The Prtnter is newfoofLkFoetrpisthat- IxR:" i end can be seen at the office and oratories.tooflkFretepisthat- CGAITE getting e by Prof. D'Ooge in tthe last issue are nadetfronmte ightest, mstt delieate tidLaw students aregetn anxious infanoe, ad hlaheatrant GOLD LEAF 0. K. BARBER SHlOP, to liner the question of printed lect- of the Inlander, on the subject of eowe in'Ciegna Ina concn:a FineSoerBats.,newp re etle"How to Study.'' BEWARE OF IMITATIONA. and nobierve an lin b. aths frCA.Ltdies' Hair ires B.tted. ' thtat lie nane oathle nmanuac turersasa DesPaer p is. Jenne B.Hornung, 93 lito Seinbelowinsanneery parkae '. J.R.t inNOwS a il .webntSt. G itrofle-Girofla will be prenented tusinens with bin father in Detroit. oy the California Opera Company z hey occupy an fieinteBad RCI(~t1114a 5toSMcco C0 FIRST ' IN AlION.ALB N e cuya fiei h or RNH yRC1ODI~i1 OFAN ~OR A Kat the Grand tonight. of Trade building, and do a whole- .1teIN5IANA ,O N RO.Will S. Chteever, '93, left recentlynaelm rbunen tCapical, -s, lc. :surpinus d Peafis,0. ' for Wyonting, expecting to be o01sa.elTheraunne qatts.a IN I (Transcts % generaibankingtbuiness. liar- eigciangeli ougt agi nd soid. Letters of etipied upon a cattle ranch,.enognzdrcnl nDtot credit procured tee traveleetsairoed.benogizdrctlinDri. F. BACO, Free. S. W.CdidESON , Cashier. Dr. Martin has been nut ickJoahnJr,'3lwadMecf T eL di PALACE + BARBEFI:+ SHOP Y during vacation, but wan nufficiently B. Hatch, of the name clans, are And Bath Roomse. W. 114. WEN, Prot,., recovered to lecture yeterday. rsetvl first tenor and baritone. ,~.111'C NO. 4 basE moron St.. Opposite Court epcivl 1 ; ~~ Httuse. Ret, Caid and Sea4 Salt Baths. For- A porch in being placed above the The Alpha Nu will hold an open celaintubs. teps of the library in order to keep meeting Dec. :16. The programme -ANN "ARBOR - the steps free from snow and ice,. ilh Hcnetbtee h ee asHthe neest Fall and Winter woolens and p wil b a cntet bewee thesevral argst sockin the city. Tan can get any ~1IBJJIh71N 1~ 0 A large box of books for the stu- members of the society to choose .selection yen are looking for. R K1JMIND Y.0.'den ts in the Latin department have two debaters to represent the society COME AND SEE L'S. 23 SOTH FURTHAVE. just arrived, including 2t volumes in thse-inter-society contest for the E. S. SaRvIss, - Manlier. of Corpus Scriptorlm Latinarum. choice of'thfie University debaters. 2 E. W$Shingtori. St., near Main.