THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. IJEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. 10AN S. Director an(d Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EAST HIURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22 Years in th~e Busnaeassl.0 CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEPS YOUR ACCOUNT WVITH THE. +$TATC $AVIU2G$ BAU2K+ Coa Main andi Wasington Strerts. A. L. NOaBLE, 1rea. 1 RtsPHIstS~~r, (anse'. STAR STEAM LaUNDRY Finset place ins the city. teomopt ins getting out work sod delivering. Ofice, lu East Hu- ron St. Telephone 83. We aee here tostay. We sre eparred to give aelas alofswork so ltse leads of thsacity unequaled bsy any oilher hausteecer located keren and not excelled hy asy City Tailor in America,and atpriocesgoern d bsy goods. or- dered. Suitsfrom .0uls(hiy dslsstslto sny prieesiscd.lssnes.Custom Tailoring bl XWo7 ANN STREET. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER I 46 s. State street. MONDA -np. m.Advancedss(!lss f or Is- .110N05.Y- p. a s'delsarsse cas.. TIEFSI)AY-7 p, sss. (lssstlees danclsssing SATUR5DAY-10 is. is. Gentlemen'osiancing ",?ls. 05. Childsee'slsinoissg clssv. un i. Ladiesdancingsclass. Private lesosby apointmsent. U. OF M. CALENDAR. Unity Club. That's., Dice .-schssl SoolM s. Fcully Al the Unity club on next Mon- Fri, ee.5.Msvsseres isssss day evening Dr. J. H. Kellogg of S. L, A. eouroe. lb Balti Creek Sanitarium will give Sat.. lie. .-Salisol at Snsic. Putill' s- an illustrated lecture upon "A St, lice, -Judae Ewisig, atfICicago, ass Sound Mind in a Sound Body." "Orator.' beore I-.lieaoiscalI Assoiss- TDr. Kellogg is widely known as one tion, ioaw lecturerooms.. Mos. lic. l-Uaity cub, r. J. H. Kcllsgg, of the most notable and effcient ss ttle CresS Saitarium-sA Sound Misis doctors representing his school. He ssn a Sissisd Body. is the author of several 'books of Football Too Good to Go. world wide reputation and the Bat- tie Creek Sanitarium, of which he 'lbs great suestion at IHarvard has the charge is one of the bet which is agitating many tminds in equipped institutions of its kind in* regard to the game of football as it the world. His subject is a vital is at present played io whether after one and the lecture is sure to be all it is not a brutal game, one not one of the best that the club will of- much better than price fighting, the fer this seasoin. only difference being that twenty- ~. a-- two mne stand sp and pumniel each A Docided Hit. other instead of two, or whether it is a masly ganse and one which 'the Tl i i fti California Opera Compaty mle th ito hsoperatie season last shoould be encoulraged in schools iight ini hpenisg their week's engge- ansd colleges. 'The lpetition that was wnt st the Grand. The lrge stusdeit handed to the Harvard university audieisee were delighted with the ad- authorities has created no endl of isiratse reilditioss of the ver poplar talks. Professor C. A. IBartleti a ist sa." '[le comipn~y em- lsar,is.iirty people, itilsding a large mienmber of the committee to which nvsisiss r of pretty girls-the delight of lbs petition of Mr. Crocker regard- t110 students. Not one objetiotabe ing football has beers referred. featlre is ofered to give offetse to the Iasin sot ready to ainsnosnce my mosst sesitive ear. The east numbers vicews oil the subject," le sad, "Ia severail very clever peope. Miss Jos- sf the oiioniss that it is possibe to ephiini Stanltos, as Serea, the Pasta's mnodify tile style sfIplyin~g so tlot the dulgter sustain~edt ter prt i it very gaei will iso reissered less danisgerous. able maniner,5l ter excelett sisgitg ssss It is possible, I thiniik, tis revise the gracefulltmannller winnlig for ter rsles so that tile fssintioitss of the issisds of applaussse. Miss Stantton s1s ciontest will sot be in iny wie iUIss very sweet vosie ansd she wovnsifor palired, shle it will resslt in a less herself is wvarmi plae its the heats of nsimbier of ecasuaties"' the audsiece. 'The chisraieer sof Atti,sueesi sf A- Captain Waters, of the H arvard tarn,.wasOssstsitned withi unusual11 iieit 'Varsity eleven, said: by Miss ijtts Harrinlgtons, whois is not "1 do't seow os usssIre goinsg to Iunknilion ts illsAsnni Arsorauine slter the rules sasy. 'The pulblic im- tavinig apte arsd he re withi the ,Nelsons arInell5s whens a mssosiis hurt sandsIleases Opera Cssmnpany lst Year. tlsheistd that te is nely kilesd;in Miss Ade l arkr, woisusltinedt poisist of fsst nearty al osithte injuries the chalracter of Bsal Ssahl, the a- slstlln il 11the fostbaltfield iamongli jul15 sistr, ass alsoapperedl isiAlli thiossobshosunderstandls the rislss of the Arlor befsre, having pay ed here iss ganie ars' trivisal. 'heise srios aci- Met'ssulays Mishiapts. ier workc last sdetts oecur issmong those swho dossnot niglt as of the higiest ehsrater andis thosrsoughly sundierstandl the gmne." tpcovses tiat she is sable ti susstains the Profsso Chrle J~l'hie sid:most difiulst cottrlto tarts of opera. troesssr llrle J Wsit sad: Mr. Harry IDavies, ill 'errano, a "I conlsiser it sirssughi game, but not Mexieanm nosblemianl, won for himself so rough as to be elitiniistedt from the freqisest aplaulllse. Ito tskes the tenor list of sports. It is one sf the best of tarats. sports. Thsle game should be modifiesd, 'The parts of Ifaadsss, 11sadveitrer, bst in the etideavor to dos sway witsand Iis compnsalionl Nocy, sustied rossgtmtess it is to be fearest that sme by Messrs. Siulnders sitd Ieldersol, sif the squalities othih go to nmake alp) ketpt the sulslelee in the best of u- thle very boric asis sitiesv of 11he presentittor, by their iimitabesmrie secil- style of pssy wilt be obliterated." ties. Dr. reeman Snosw said: Besides the sove, every other ieH- "I iu n avo ofmoifyng he her of the eopanty sstains his or ter g am fth i fivariosnsbeyitgate prt ill the iest miaiser, imiaking tis upon lilies tha~t will nost effet the it one of the strosgest opral eompaties trlsetiveluess of the sport, but I so not tht:sienppac ii (oAssor favo th eliinaionof te 'me 'otightitLilin lussell's sucess, fssvsr tist limfsliton o theglsm ''irirse-Girolta, " swilt bS' trusei es. from college sports. It is the best amd tnost ttrillinlg gamle I ever witessed. If thse atersations proposed its soms At the ast meeting of the Mlathe- qiuarters are goinlg to kill the sport we matica club, lbs following officers do ntiwsast then." were elected: P resident erman B. -- Leonard; vicepresident, F B. Es- tDr, N. D~eHaas, '93 medic, is ot; secretary, A M[ ttantrick.; practicing medicine ill Chicago. treasurer, I. tM Stern. Advance Credit in Astronomy. Tthere will be a writtenm examina- tion for advance credit in Astron- osmy Saturday, Dec. 9, at to a. in., mrnu22a. ANNOUNCEMENT. Oratorical Association. The Executive Committee and sub-committees of the Oratorical Association will meet in Room 24, Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 5 p. mn. GERTRUDE BUCK, President. Castallan Board. The meeting of this evening will be held at 6:3, at 17 . Thayer, continuing for one or only. Let every one be prompt. MANstOivslEDITOR,. Literary Comment. ''thery of Navarsre'an1d1tte lfgue- nots in Franice" is the title of a work by P. F. Willert, M. A., of Exeter col- lege, Oxford. T1his above work is one of a series pulshled by G.iP.FPut- sism's soss, unller the tite of "Hteroes of the Natios." 'T'his is as series of biographlieall sties of the lives ansI work of certain representative halr- saters aboutuwhomi have gattheresd this great traditiossl of the Iations tou whiei they beonlged ansishsoshiasve beeti si- eetsted, in rnnyasy(les, as types of Na- tionial idesls. 'The fist gospsinelues biographies of Nselsot, tiustavus Ado- Isus, Periccs, 'flesdri, Sidney, Cac- sar, Wysliffc. itsleons'sl.exlssser this Gresat, Chasrhlisgle, Losis NIP .and Hlenry of Nals'slre all of sshichi hase beenlissed. Besides the absve. teti volu111;105in ipeparal'stion iucludisss mlansy of heIlis'oussss11n0of paslt ands tmodernl tiiies. 'The last voslumiun11this preset s- ies, "HenrtofsiNavsarre","treats the history of ist' religisus was illFranlc' iis avolrv intstling mannerldlgiving : vviidsisture1sIo1f the 1massacrei10of St. We sosoist lknowss'of :s isore cmpihlete set of1 wosils thansithis ssries osf biogs'a- Islies of thleadsin g historical eharat- ei's f the wosrl. The price,'s sitthissvoliiiesf tis 505- its is $1.s1 each, for sale by George lysslir. BUSNE~SSsdLOCALS. Do su 01 Sishto sret your roms Wshysdotysou1insessrt a lhne soc too ill our loesl 5'olumnillfsr iafoss day st A10-ore roisshave lbeeil 'etedh throulghm the DAI LY thisstholuughi any oler med~liumi, for the Buoi .s. prctialy falls isntsoevry stsdet's ads. Losr.-A loket set silhitllsqoise. Findier please leavec st Stesward's sffice. So[,1.10 (oIo's' mmn this Cigars bsisght at thne i. & i1.IDrsg Store. 1The J. 'T. Iacobs Cs. havse received a fine litse sf ses'sesr-tie vesy ltest. 1F.51RET ~Oni'(esSisgesasishone Douiblle lbssslslfurtnishedulansssI sell heatesd, re'nt resonabhlshle at 14 Nothi 'Thasyer St. 12-A Hasve your phtso takens at Rtsssdal's befoire tie susholsui'lrisilllss. .A'Ti''T'ENIONe--Do yu ssthink oftbuy- ig ait tpe-writer ths is year 'Then call at111I t th.D Ifice'sil'ifyousshone(510be- lowcost. IRsiYss P ith tils55good pail'of shosl- der brsses. A.1 lsrgu'stsockt stohssypricss at Broswvt's Dcsug Stors. A feso shop worni bsiesst ill. GstI O Bilssc's I)mssrssStosiE for all L~ahoratsory suppies. Dissetinigeaiss, aprotis and sle's.--Lsws Pccsc. 3IJCHIGAN GENWA. 'ssse 'luslie lResvied)Nio:. Nth, 189i. 0. N. Eixpreiss... 1i 1., N. 0'. . 5. 7 2i.0 Atlasotic Exs,17 Muil lEsp.... si, Faist list's: Essp.. 94, N. i itedci.15 N. S. Linteid. issoss'3 . us. A. M st siW5est'nuExl. 1I5 Mtasls'undExp...I 4i85G. 51 & Esi.Susi.-. is6us N. Y 0.xlh:. Si:ls. 5 0wn i N Express... 800 I'itis' Espress...l10 1l 0. W. Rtessscti, H. 5W. Hsves, G. P. & T. Agt.. (iisisg. Agit., Anns Aribor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUE PRINTING and- -,- V-PUBLISHING Student Work a Specialty- OestIWorkensan:sd Loss Prieissin teCity. CLASSES IN DANCING swilmeet is fllowsoo: ssitieeSaStsedssymorils 10a and Thurtsday seveninssg8:ii; Ladit's, Saturday afesersissits 4. Ladisoand OGentiess+,usd- vans'ed cass. Tuessdayevenings 8. Gounud Mosr,5'Maynarssd stceet. 'russ. one tem 'tweluvcees'$5S. Puisrescidit iany time. 81GC- CIYW- flesslcsui'ues ft'S iins. 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.