THE U. OF M. DAILY. TEI{AN MUM Te ptrpretotr graduated In '84 antt the prescriptiaon clerk in '90. 'rhey Itave leaned teir business by turd Istudy, Whrlat they knotw is at yeace disposal at Calkins' Pharmacy emmmmmm tIhie LAR.GEST Ltne af Fitte NECKWTEAR to be scan n aIteCity. Thtoe Newr SHAWL MUFFLERS ace the lacest Voanan'ePerin,,, Silvernmans, jfAT5AGLOV S f1~ AT THRE OUTFITTERS, EO PISE 87 MATTESOIT, 322. STATE. WOQIEE & 1=? NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Hlave a Fttll Assortment of UNIVERSITY 'TEXT BOOKS, new and second htand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at thle Lowest Prices. TIRE USUAL tItSCOUI Is GIVEN TO sTIUDENTIS. SECONt-HItAND tOOKES O1 U "tOR tEC HtANGl). CARETcS EMT r'VTFD=Na v IE :mmsc S2Y,E~S_ I SHEEHN&- Co. UNtXERStTVBOOKISELLES, STATE STREET. lDoesa totvitar tire trick-. Doesarrot smaoke cha Jlcatao bract odor. (ciresarrpureawhie Hasrwevtrue n inrea r ras' Is tao reascadiati Itisapcrra' c'arbont. (icasli/at rwitihout lvereadprofrptlr,. Sd orn al yDeanr 44 South Main Street.DENAn rbMih Special Sale af Writinrg Taleta. -jEitte Littert ataIWao Writinrg Pl~lea. 25e n pound. Sweaters anad Gyriaairtr Scita. XVratting Cards enrtgaved on slitotiace. SHEEHA'N& CO. Inivceshy aBosltrs, Statiaoners and Enravrs STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. ,new inenrtion far cupaiatirrg cropies of writings andadrawinrgs. Franc an original, an ordinary p.aper wih any pea, too crrpies can be mrade. Fiftly copies of typewriter moanascripts prodaced in 15 nminrutes. We watt nell thtn machtne for only $5.00. which in way below coat of manufacture. The Printer in new and can be seen at tahe office and, tried. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Igua connnrction: Fine Shower tatas.n.aewatr- cc-taan tcbs. 30artser $rr 5.00. Lardies' iair Dressintg Paarlr ptaurs. f.tR.Tuartar-cawara, cc E.Wnathington St. FIRST N~ATIONAL BANK ,F ANN AJIROR. capitcct,$50,000. :Snrptlusand PRinlsr, ItRWtOR C5Traiisacta a geralutbankingbuianssIar- caggnecange' bought and rald. Letters oR ereditt rortared far travreters abroad. P.IRACR, Pres. S.W.CLARKSON, Cashier.; PALACE + BARBER.*. SHOP t.J And Batlh Roonms. W. It. OWEN,Peacm., NO. 4 East Moron S Wt.. Oppaotite (tlart House. Hotr, Cotld and Seta Salc Baths. Pora etain tuba. .ANN ;:ARBOR- 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. F. S. SERVISS, - Manage.' UNIVERSITY NO CES. Whrilr e eriks tate turkley srert, Anadgiveugnreic Ttrhakgivinag. te's crat eral foraccercanetRnear. Andrt rlra hali'srcliving! -ActIana c Urctit calera Mica Canmpbell, mtedic 'c}6, wsa visiting with old friends last week. Thse football field on the campos Rasc beets converted into a skating rink. A. E. Rose, of Rtse Golden Eagle, Detroit, will be at the Cook House tomorrow.l A. J. Purdy, '94 lit, whroavas taken Raome to buffalo, is not ex- pected to live. Pcrof. J. Erich Schmaall spent Isis Tthanksgiving vacation wits friends its Milwaurkee. D~aily stodent revival meetings will be Iheld at S. C. A. building fronm 1:30 to 2 p. m. H-orace H. Loveland, '94 medic, now of Detroit, spent psart of the vacation visiting friends here. Union revival services begin to- night. The first service will be held at 7:30 in the Presbyterian chords. Miss Agnes O'Neill, of South Bend, Ind., who has been suffering valescing. At the Unity club, this evening, Rev. Reid Stewart, of Detroit, will lerture on "c Mohammed." Mr. Stewart is well known in Detroit as acn able 'anti interesting speaker, and PL msost interesting. evening may be -expected . I Room A. The California will be thre attractic tis week. H~igh cc tpopuslar proves wiii Thre Alpha No-Ad was enjoyed by all murrsic by Mr. IV Fishter was thre feat iug. On Thsanksgiving thse second eleven d bined D. A. C., Ma. troit High Schsoo score of 12 to 2. At Flint, Mr. 1 acted as referee,a '95 lit, an umpire, football between school and Orclhard giving day. Mra. Prof. 'ira trame last Friday twvo weeks' vinitw Indiana. While al two readings, one; and one at Richmo. Prince Wolkonsk the guest of Pres.. day, Thursday ant week. He spent th World's Fair, havin Russian Bureau of has been giving let and Harvard, andc tare here. He 1 home byway of, Jal There will be ant co-eds for positions liars tomsorrown aftet ra4WM. R.FULDE, u FhIar T eaAs iIAliI.on, _J iwiaceSteetc, FrdcrW esrtaof tate- Sara-et. iacaaryn. - U. OF M. FLAGS. ied artea . I t S92Dk8 0'-- 5cr Strise OSilsver, enamerlled in snook-vor oat-. c yellrwarilrrrRblur. sttck arta t Co.a or catch pina r ic c, R1.. RU7M. AlRNOLD, Jrecrier. "OMPANY. FLOWEfR5, Fj( OW RS Lother clectiort of CUN iiHLL F~li "Te crpho'e Arc. Son 'The Casta- TeYahie a nootn at r2-;o in " Opera conmpany ac aitrcl, 5i, c. srrrae rrt lProalasy,otda. arc at thre Gratnd DoRta ere raraal al~ieaotrnsPays tnter- etaonc e-riar'csareposits. HannSnfeers :lass opera only at D ~t~araeoitRrrB oxe r rn. tL IIN ,Pes. 5'. 11. BELER Cascrier. be tpresented. RraoenrSaturdlay ac-ruing. elphsi programme l present. the 'atson and bMiss , - - oure of thereven-- gday at Detrott,1 1MHON it- efeated the cons . A A, and De- T ABDE THE BEST. / >eleven, l? , CIDAR ETTE SMOKtRS aetro are Watt- y n tapap a lttltemore tan arte prira etharged errtaerordincary traeC gaere ttres, will inld THIS BRAND supercor courtlothrers. iceplple, 'g; law, The Richmond Straight Cut No, 1 end Mlr. Varian, CG R:T at the ganme of are madetfromtthe brighttest, tost dctee the Sliut hih intfla, and highest cart GOLD LEAF g g rown in Vcrgtnaa. Lake on Thanks- BEWARE OF IMITATIONS,.and otsre tt thae nanme ofthe maanutacturers as eblood returned brian in an every package. evening after a Te t e?' ee M~t~ 1B000c rith relatives in r BRN~CH Z3, RscaeaONsVI1i15 bsent alto gave _ = 7=7 at Terre Haute, - Ind. :y, of Russia, was The Leading A n g e ll W e d n e - j r d y o a tT I O .summer at the g in charge the Education. He Hus the newest Fntl and Winter Woolens ard largect nstckin the city. You cassgetanay tures at Cornell selection you are loohing tar. expected to lec-j COME AND SEE US. pan and India. j2E. Washington St., near Main.