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December 04, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-04

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518So. MAIN ST. D~irector and Manager.
Goad Work Guaranteed. Goods coiled for
and deliveroed. A. F. COVERT, Prop.
f ~ 22'ears in the Jusinees. '2..
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. ]Fourth Ave.
Car. Main and Washington Streets.
A. L. Noos.E Pres. ROBEaRPnuetCa~sh'r.
Fietplace in tho rety. Prumpt io gettng
outwotrk and delivrieng. SOfie, 10 East idu-
oun St. Telcehone S3.
We are horn to stay, We0 are prepared en
give aelaeeof ework toc the tradeof ati city
anequoaled b~y any other eause ever located
Itere and seek extolled by any C'ity Tailor in
j merchaand atpriocesgovern d beygooda or-
dered. Saits froa NOWo (thirty doltars) t0 any
pricedesied. FietCuse-tomeaioringby
46 S. Stnte Street.
MONDAY-8p. m. Advaede r Clast for ta-
dies seed Genttlemet.
;MONDAY- p. eet Lies Itoti-t class
{ TIJESIIAY- I.tn. Gtetncttttle tt eanintg
SATURDtlAY-101 a. eet. Genttlemn's daenet

Mlote., tec. a, CUniey Cluth, 1ev, izid tlewart,
sec-t, "Mohamed"
Thuga., Dog. 7.-Schtool 01 Music. faculty
'cri., iDec. 0.--Mertoote, thecgrteviolineist, in
S. L. A.outase'.
Sat.. Dec. 9."-Scool o of luie'.Pupils' e-
St., iDec.9--Jodge' F titer. atf01 ictoo, o
"Oratory.' hefore lte'IOatoricel As'sociae-
tione, islwhewcrtaurerm.
Michigan the Victor.
(Continaued trustfirt peago.l
Chicago made 35 yards before it
was stopped, beit Villa, D~yer and
Griffin almost regained the ground.
Dyer and Neel exchanged punts and
Hlollister by a 40-yard run scored
the fourth touchdown in _f5 uin
ut G oal. 24 to 0.
Chicago carried the ball down the
fiold by short rushes, and after los-
eng tier ball on a fumble and regain-
ing it in the sater way, carried the
ball over for a touchedown. Goal
by Sikes. 2010o 6.
Thecusual scries of ruselsc and
fuenbles eiedo witlh anotther totuche-
dlown by Chicago. No goal. 24
to in.
:Michigan tookekther ball and in 6I
milsutes scoreed anotheer touchtdown,
Shrrman taking the ball across.
No goal. 28 to so.
Chlicago had the beall again, belt
the timue was 100 shlort, and at I1:40
tinec xas calli d, with tier ball so
yards from Michigan's goal.

ceived and eatertained by the Des-
mond club, many of whom are
alumni, and shown around in the
most courteous manner. The clubs
arrived from Detroit Friday night,
They will meet for rehearsal tonight
at 7 p. in., sharp.
Princeton the Champion.
Princeton defeated Yale by 6 to o
in the annual Thanksgiving day'
game at New York. The cause of
Princeton's success woas its magnifi-
cent defensive work, which offered
an impregnable wall to the assaults
of all the Yale backs, including the.
great line-bucker, Butterw'orth. The
desperate work of Yale, whenever its
goal wyas threatened, several timesi
prevented ltrinceton from adding to
its scorr. lPrinceton's goal was
nrver in much danger, and Yale
playred on the defrnsive throughout.
Other Thanksgiving day games
xverr: Harvard 26, Prennsylvania 4;
Danl:.e'llllh 22, Union o; Rochester
6, Seiamuse o; Jefferson 56, West
Virginia o; Virginia s6, North Car-
olina o; Southern A. C. 24, Missis-
sippi o; Vanderbilt 10, Sewanee o;
Purdue 42, D~ePauwv eS; Lake For-
est ao, Chanmpaign in; Notre Dame
22, Hillsdale z n; Cleveland A. C.
14, Detroit A. C. o; Chicago A. C.
8, Boston A. C. 4; Nebraska 20,
Iowva iS; Missouri 112, Kansas 4;
IBaker 32, Denver A. C. o; Stanfortd
6, Blerkeley 6; Idaho S, Spokane 8.
Games on Saturday resulted as
followvs: Annapolis 6, West Point 4;
Yale Freshneen 5o, Hlarvard Fresh-
oten 4.
A Vermont Banquet.
'flee stugheols of ther U. of M.'l
front \ermiont beel their seconii
annual banquet at their club rooms
on Thiursdlay evening. A. V. lDwodl,
acted as toastmaster, and the follow-
ing toasts svere responded to:
'Old School Days in Vermont,'
0. B. Conant, '94 law; "The Pos-
sibilities of Vermont," 1). E. Porter,
94 law; 'tThe People of Vermont,"
G. WN. Howvey, '9 laxv; "Vernmont's
Legal Talent," P. D. Durand, '95
laxv:"Vermont at the U1. of M."

thoese initeeosted inl the susbjects which
it treats. Some tinsiseee a review of
this work was glen ies 'li I)AILY
columns. It will hoelenteresting per-
bcaps to give soe otf the, xearm com-
enedatitoes it is receiving. Speaking
of tisxvork teniry Waie Rogers ot
Noerthwvestereievrsity sass. "t am
aware of the stanldin~g of thi enthors
in their professio aleel I should have
expected it to be a s-cry excellent work
oni the aubject at xvwhici it treats."
Chancellor V It. Payne of the Uni-
versity olf 'Iennessee writes: "It is
admirably adapted for the ends propos-
ed and a great credit to its authors."
Says Prof. Miller of thee State Nor-
mal School: "The definitionstiteouegh-
Giut are not arbitrary statements, bat
broad principles, pat in most clear and
ronecise language. It is at onece simple
'eiouigh tee be grasped by the ace-rage
mind and philosophsical enough to in-
terest and charm thee seceolar. In my
.judgment it is unlqestiollably the best
test-book ever published oet the sth-
ject of eloeution."''hlese are beet a
few of the many xwarm commenldationls
the atthors leave received.
10M10 llIiFU TOUARC1'101l.hl ICEs.
' The famocus Californtia Opeora Co.
seemis to hsave caitght thte poplar favor
lee Micheigan, judegig froin the highly
eonmmentdable reorts of press aend pub-
lie. This nmeritorius organlization,,
consistling of 30, xviilIpresen~t for the
first timee lin Aiin Arbor, at the Grasnd
this eveningStalel's romnsetic opera,.
"SalidtPasha." 'le Prima Donna,.
Miss .osepliie Stailtole, a new stellar
light in the broadl field of operatie sing-
ersis a beautifeelslnd virracious actress,
possessing a chtarming voice of cx-
el-caite correetniess, wvondterful range,
and in the chasrac-ter of "Serenae," pcre-
serits at lictueofttide-ai loveliness.
Notably, the coedy roles xvill be sus-
talined by those ceve-r sieegig comn-
edianes, Misses Siouiders aeid Blnder-
salt, xxhoefccse-verai years assumietd
first parts witie Cocurad's Opera Co. and
E. E. IRicas producettionts. A brilliaent
repertcire 11hoc-tienarranegedI for the
week, the followxing coperas xtill be.
sunrg: "Saidl Itolti," iroflcGleolia''
"Cheiieoef Noreiaeiel,' '"rincesslof
Trei,.olleo.' 'llcleiaelilGir," etc.
Mally fatvorites ipealr inite edifferenit
teustes, leavingeg lightced the Iceolele of
Ann A crbocr last seasont withe tieNtdsn
Opera Co. Itige elassllerfolttal ices at
rematlrkablly saeill pries-15, 25 and0
SOcLID Ct51 IOicrithle 11Cig arsbWughit
at the 13. k M. D~rug Store.
Thle I. T. Jacobs Co. leave ree-ived a
fine line cef eekwar-thte very latest.
't'ie boot dessed sltuetsaillAinn
Arbcr ahe those thaet xsear clothees made
Icy theto uldee Ehagle, of D~etroit. Mr.
Rosecef tie-firml, still beo at te Cooke
Houels-tomottrrcow, thle 5th ist., pre-
parcel teeeleotepriceso(ltwxieter sut-
iegs. overcocats, dresosceuits, or any~
thinrg lin his lislec that crc calculatecdtco
harmoiz'eswithi the finanelcial depres-
shore. Calltecedlset-slim if youe o
thtinkingt. olftetlclee ..tnow .in..

the line-up:
COHcrsel P">e'ilttt
Iett'pp lhe'-.__tiht Taekle'
hRatlkettco Ict t Otane..._
Aoclen ---------et Fuel....
Nih. ti _.._W ht IHalt
N -._-Lf Hlfc...

-- - --Villca
-- -- - illisl
-- -- -- yetr

'ieo'relle (Reied)cNev. l19thc, 1893
O.N. Fypressc- 54'E ItN. Y.C0'. 81l1. 720
Atlaentic Expes. xli''cl& Exp .. 80
Fast Eat' Fl)i)45 N. S.Limitced ...OD3
N. M..FlesteStod Ill:Exp t 55
Mail aee aldEp...4 185G(U. it. Sp l ...6080
-1.Y. &l t-os.Cl.. 5s08 leeN Express... 8e5
O.WE UGL , 1.00. 1hievs,
G.P p&rP.Al~.,Chiou.ee Ant., AnnArbor.
Student Work a Spemialty.
Best Wtorkmentaund Lowext OPc e n thCit ey.
foloews: Gentlemte, S tanday mornings l10
and Titraruee inlgs 8010; Ladies. Sateerdaey
atteors 4. aLadle, aced etirmotad-
vanced class, Taeedao evnings 8. Gounscd
floorn, 6 Maimadetrnet.n'ru Titions. oeterm
twoeve oteelc-;i)t. Pupils etcoeivedat amy
25 S. Fourth Ave, - Ann Arbor.

Glee and Mania Clubs' Trio.
(In Wednesday muornineg thee Glee
and Banjo clubs, 31 men, left for
Pontiac where they gave a concert
in the evening to a rather asmall
audience. On Thursday they left
for Flint, arriving at noon. 'Thery
drove through the town giving the
U. of M. yell and singing. They
were greeted by a large and ap-
preciative audience as is evinced by
their receiving four and five encores.
After the concert the clubs woere in-
vited to tier" Blue's " dance, and
enjoyed a very pleasant evening.
The concert at 1F11n1 was pronounc-
ed by the press and public to have
been the fluent given in the city for
On Friday morning the club start-
ed for Port Huron, arriving at noon.
After reaching the town it was learn-
ed that the church lead potuponed
the conert. ':The-clubs were re-

G. F. Waters, '94 laxw; tThe Green goodsi It wvi101ayyoll.
Mountain State,'' 1.. Fiske, '9'4 law- Ictlt hRNI-n NENT-On 51Sigle arid 0o10
Doule Rcoofurrnishiedluend evell
t"Vermout justice," I1. IB. Howe, heatedh, reliC reasoniable lt 14 North
'94 law. Thayer St. 52-54
Dave youer pheotos taken' at Ilndall's
Officers were elected andl the oc- before thee eteie of Chlristemihs.
casion was one long to be renmember- T'rENTIccN. -15cc 'eln thinrk of buey-
ed by those present. St te -witeriedue- ii .WhnVoll
- 'law th ,11 -oll i uwish one be-
Literary Comment. : iscoctE: Ci'extwit agoad piair of slloll-
der latee. rA herge stecek at loy prices
at Braon':;lDruigStare. A foxy shop
jwe eiote xvithe pleasure thea favor 'iprll braces at S5ir.
with whiche Fultoen aned. Trueblood'4 Ga teo Blto-vN's D 4Srt o E for al
new work entitled "Practical Elacu- Laboratary suptples. Dissectineg eases,
tion" is beinlg received on every hasnd by aprons ana lees.--Lone Prices.


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