THE U. OF M. DAILY. C'J. of 1W. "IDart. Pubhed Daily (Suadlays ecptd) during tbe Coee year. by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Suscriptioa price x:5.0 per year, invariably in advance Mic l9copiena0cents. Sbcrip- ton may be left at te office of tba DAILY, at Stofflt, with any of te eitorn or authorized olicitor. Commianications sold reacb te office by 7 o'clock . m. it they arr to appear the net day. Addrena all matter intedd tr publica- tion to the Maaging Editor. All buntesn cotmmunicationnnshuld be snet to the Bi- nes Manager. THE U. f 1M. DAILY Anna Arbr.15tlh. EDITORS. C, A. Ensoz, Lw '4, Managing Editr. H. A. SADNG, Lit. 'l, Asistt. J. L. Loam, Lit. '95, Asiatn. F. WLTERaSLaw'9, Anitant. J. A. LennY, L1.1.0'o, Athletic Editor. S. IV. CUTSS, P. G. Li., Buinens Managr. I~s. A. Moa, Lit. '0, Asitant. H. B. Gamnon '.4 I. 1. Hai. 's. t. . Atiti. MDIAL F. P. Sdrr . L'96,idac '4 Anes uoiiry, '9i H. D3. 1siubti, 'l. DENTAL.. t0i(OPlOATitl. L. E. Coordt, '5. . G. Jenin, '. All cpy mist-ibat thocbef core 8:0a. c at the dy of publictio. The Editors do at hold themelve repon- ible fr the opinion or tatenct of eorre pondents, appearin in the DAILY. TBio Thankgiviag number of the Univerity of Chicago Weekly in a very creditable number. Now that list football seaolisi ovr, the college editos wilt have to ek newvo in psture new. TiHE new 1frifze Memorial hal is a fitting tribute tothe memoryof anion whone eve ry effort wo for the suc eons of niusic in te tUniveysitv. 'to Prof. Staneyshould asooe asrbed great praise for in untiricg efforts in behalf of higher musical culture in the University, which resulted in the establishment of the School of Muic. 'ihie future of the nesly establiohed school eems the bright- est and the time io not far ditant when Ann Arbor will be known throughout the whole land an a muical cent:er anowel as the eat of the greatest University of the Wst. lNAfAsutd as the editors of the University of Chicago Weekly could scarcely contain themselves when our team was defeated by the U. of C. eleven some time since, it will be interesting, now that the tables have been turned, to notice the change of tunie.' We have neer assumed sch a spirit of boasting, nor will we now, as the result was confidently expected. We will, however, quote the flo- towing fronm the editorial columns of the Detroit Free Press, which applies forcibly to the present situ. ation: ''ft was the height of presuimspions for the buddiiig Uivesity of Cicago to thiiitk thiat its representatives oi the gridiroitfield could defeat the veter- iis of str own State Uiversity. They know a good deal more now than they did 'T'hursday morning." Too Anie, of Minnesota, makes use of language, editoriallyin speak lug of our recent proposal for a 'Thanksgiving gam,which is entirely uncalled for, coming as it does from a neighboring institution. The language referred to is as follows: "Wisconisni vs. Miehigan 84 to 1, Mitnesota v. Wisosin 40 to 0. Atd now Mihigani wants to arrange aggame withs us for Thanksgiving day. Grit atnd determinaltion are good qualities to possess, but there is a great differ- etice betweeni grit sld foolisiness. Some people never learni titythiig from expeienee." And again in the samie issue we discover the followig meaningless sentences: "The U. of M. Daily editorially mn- tiots their glorious victory over the strotngest football team us the West- tiealing Purdue. We fail to disern the ratiocitation of their syllogis." 'rhe above reflections need no answer on our part, as the record of our team, with its five successive victories, is sufficient ansser. It is more than probable that if our team should met Minnesota, victory for :Michigan would be the reslt. Mti. Editor of tlic Ariel, the fact tat you tiefeated our team onice is not conclusive that the ame result would folosv should wenmeet again. If this be the case, then yot will findh discreton the better ipart of valor. Poou: Conl is being trn to pieces, so to speak, on evry side by the western cllege press. We had thought that we wold iot further disturb our Eastern neighbor in the profound lassitude into which she seems to have degenerated, bill the following clipped froni the editorial columns of the Cardinal, of Wiscon- sin, is too pointed to be left un- published: "The Corteli Daily Siin has an riito- raitin last 1riday's issue pitching itut Michigans without gloves iii regari to the football diffculties betweeiiCr- nel and Miinesota atd Michigat. It seenis that Michigan embittered by Coriell's refusal to play a Tanikgiv- ing game at De troit, has beeti takiig the part of Mintesota and jutpnhg oii Cornell withi spiked soe. U. of M. DAILY remarks that 'Coriell' bluff is tp,' and ays very reasonably too that Cornell reftsed to play Michigan for fear Of getting beatei. Te Sn says, considerinig the fact that the Mieii- ganu eleven has beets defeated tsot oiily by Mititesota who rans up a large score against her, belt lso by the itnferior teamo of the Utsiversity of Wisconsin, this eertfiinly does taut appear except to those who see with the visioti of the Michiganl representatives.' "All u-a have to say in regard to .this is that we would like to get just one whack at Cornell. We would pulver- lee thens, put them to sleep. Cornell's football team lion had much more nitoriety thsan is good for it. They have degenerated to the rank of third class football colleges and should keep quiet for a few years. In the language of the present day, inelegattbut forc- ible, Minnesota, Wiscunsin and Michii- glan could each knock the tar out of Cornell, to say nothing of Purdue atid Kansas. 'And we wanit to advise Cornell to brinm alone uplenty of sithstitutes if she -, ,_t Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS an SSHORTHAND. togiltccatbuiidin;nine tecer;lrue attendance 00gtoddicipliine;taper- io cii twelaspplied reading roost; daily letrn' Saturday eveii ececpiionsa; open hIsonresyear Excepiiiinalfaciltis.forplaig sud~iet npoi- tioes-shtandogiidatieagiaraiitedthiem.iLiciac eeies 52 1o $2.T:5 perweek in private families. Far -Ncw tiaialagoc, address P. R. CLEARY, PaES. t ever com1es out this way with her foot- Time Tabe takigeffect Sudy Nov 5,i1893 ball team. Cornell kid glove athletics stdard Timc. NRH o' ohr. :5a.SUH d tgohr.7:155 . cm. 7:15 a. Mo. _________________________ 015 p. cm. I11:30 a. ct. ------- --- -d- :153p. en. 9:00ip. M, *Trains run between Ann Asrbatrind Toledo enly, All11trains daily i eept Sunday. *-90tR. S. GRIEENWOOD, Aaen,t.At-nArbori 1fld~esi~a.# WH. SeN rTb, G. P. A. Toldo.d Ann Arbor Savings Bank Aniti Arbor. Michi. tijitol i-toc-li.$50t000. Oreanicri uiidt'r teetneraolBaninig Laws HO>S I''SAci Po 0ha eoftheils State. iReceivte-.deposeits.busuiaand si0 Iet],els ge on the'pr-incialt cities of the Hcrsords Aid Posp Unitd tats.reto catsird upion proper identiication. Safety deposit bolestti reli. Is the~ most effective and age-Ocestes: Christian Maic, Pres.; 1V. 0. age-Harriman, Vieers.; f'bas. tE. 511cotb., Ca- oier- 51. J. Frntz Asst. C ashier. able remedy in existence for p-a preventing indigestion, nnd re- G PD0PID1E 1 k OUS1E lieving those diseases arising ONE WEEK. COMMENCING from a disordered stomach. Mfonday, December 4 Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield,__________________ Mass., says: "I valorei as anetxcellentA f preventatitetf a idigestion, and a pleasatrA waler, antd sweetened." _____________ 'addolate deltA wets itraiccly dilted will StIll A It.51A."--llotdaytotruiag aud~ct- Oteriliiurpaompale-t eree sin applicatilittu e-day lot iit,'. '-01510LE OIlOIA.'-Tto-day lEveniog. Rfumford ChemicalWoeks, Providene,R.I. 'CHIMES (OF NORMANI)Y7 -Itrdtisioy Ev-enig andSaturduyMatinete. Bewareoat Sabetitateestaid lemitations. "PRINtESS O' 'rltldlffaOi-2."-I tiotndtuy tO i,e% For Sale by all Druggists. (-I01 ol-co OIL'tA."-t'ridoy Fceing "tOHEIOIAN fIlItL.. "-S'atuurbay Evening. i CROWN PEN CO.' FOUNTAIN AND GOLD X75 STATE STREET, PEN MAKERS. CHICAC r AWARDED THE rte- 3 , AT THE ,CONCESSION TO MAKE WORLD'S FAIR, " AND SELL PENS IN MACHINERY HALL AND CHICAGO. MANVFACTURERS o. BUILDING 1893. prices, - 15, 25 and 35 Cts. JMR W711 . GOOD]tEW, lorist. Ortow-re of Rsne, Carnaionis tid Fltiwets of nil vari- ety. Floralids-ignas aade opon eshort tiotice. N'o. 1 Observatovy street, app. cemtetry gtite. iN O4 ATERUIERL, i~ii $fiiii{{ a,1%2o. Washington Street NOICE __ We cani neaelyaoy tntke it a (ireat Reductio.( ll at TEFDAILY O1fice.