THE U. OF M. DAILY. MUNIa The proprietor graduated In '84 and the prescription clerk in '90. They have lea-ned their business by hard study, What they know is at your. dispasat at JCalkins' Pharmacy. The LARGEST Line of Fine NECKWEAR to be seen in the City. Those New SHAWL MUFFLERS are the latest. Youman's, Perri.S Silverman's, 11ATS. GLOAIE Roel,ff sz Dent's AT THE OUTFITTERS, DE I\IDISH ( MATTESON33, > E TA T . .. JNE OE &W--EWJEO REJl, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUI)ENT' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND hAND LOOKS BOUGHT OR IXCIIANGED. CARELJS ET AVE:D =t ='=E :E3IS'sW SZhZS. SHEEHAN& CO. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERS, STATE STREET. Special Sale of Writing Tablets. t Fine Linen and Wove Writing Papers, 25c a pound. Swcaters and Gymnasium Suits. Visiting Cards engraved on short notice. SHEEHAN& Co. University Booksellers, Stationers and Engravers, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A new invention for duplicating copies of writings and drawings. MFrom an original, air odinary paper withs any pen, 100 copies can be made. Fifty copies of typewriter manuscripts produced in 15 minmates. We will sell this machine for only $5.00. which is way below coat of. manufacture. The Printer is new and can be seen at the office and tried. O. K. BARBER SHOP. In connection: Fine Shower Baths. new por- eelain t bs. 0 baths for $5.00. Ladies' Hair Dressing Parlor upstairs. J. R. TROJANOwsKn, 30 E. washington St. FIRST N ATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $50,000. :Surplus and Profits, $35,00. Transacts a general banking business. For- eign exchange bought and sold. Letters of credit procured for travelers abroad. P. BACHt, Pres. S. W.CLI KSON,.Cashier. PALACE + BARBER:+ SHOB!, And Bath Rooms. W. H. OWEN, Pron., No. 4 East Huron St.. Opposite Coirt House. Hot, Cold and Sea Salt Baths. Por- celain tubs. ANN ARBOR- II{JVI h7UNDIRY 06 28 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. . E. S. SERVIsS, - .Manager. OIL - OOI- Does not char the wick. Does not smoke ciirneys. Has no bad odor. Gives a pure white light. Has never bemn in barrels- Is as white as distilled water. It is pure carbon. Gives light witrout smoke or odor. Delivered promptly. Sold only by Dean & Co. Will meet any price mare on oil. 44 South Main Street. fOWPANY. Antn Arbor, Mich- DEAN & COMi~ur N.ix UNIVERSITY NOTES. mORSE POWER. 'Tis strange, to say the least, In this advancing hour, The grinding mill of cor ege Is ortilruntry lioreepower. -Brunonian Dr. Novy will give a quiz to the medical students on Disinfection and Sterilization. Mr. A. H. Hopkins while on his way to the library, yesterday, slip- ped and fell, injuring his right wrist quite badly. It is announced that the Califor- nia opera company will be in Ann Arbor all next week. High class opera, only, will be given. Prof. Griffin delivered his last lecture on evidence today, before leaving for Washington to take his seat in the House of Representa- tives. A series of institute lectures on Hebrew literature, similar to those delivered here a few years ago, is to be given at the University of Wisconsin, Dec. 15-17- Lewis F. Fost, editor of the New York Standard, has consented to deliver a series of lectures in the University next January. His sub- ject will be "Taxation." There is no doubt that the Oracle will appear before Christmas. All copy is to be in the hands of the printer Saturday night, and the con- trat calls for the complete book by Dec. 14. The prize banjo offered by The Inlander for the largest number of subscriptions taken by any one solic- itor is on exhibition in Calkins' IDrug store. It is a fine instrument. Dr. C. N. Sowers, medic ' , who has been visiting friends in the University, left yesterday for his home in Hart, Michigan. The doc- tor expects to locate permanently in a short time. Judge Ewing, of Chicago, will deliver a lecture under the auspices of the Oratorical association, Dec. 9. Tickets for Ewing's lecture and the oratorical contest may be had for 50 cents. E. B.Gower arrived from Chicago yesterday, where he has been in charge of the U. of M. exhibit. During the past month he has been helping pack, and says that all the University exhibit is ready for ship- ment. Miss Jessie Brown, who was to trave lectured at the Inland League, last night, did not arrive in Ann Ar- bor in time to fill her engagement, owing to a failure to make railroad connections. She will lecture to- night. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will speak next Sunday morning at the Uni- tarian church on "Rev. B. Fay Mills and the State University; or Ought Revivals and Meetings for Sectarian Propagandism to be held in a State Institution of Learning?" Evening subject, "The Resurrection of Jesus." -WM. R. FUL.DEe VII S' (LASS 1AIL5OR,,Firstdoor WcstofState Street. U- OF M. FLAGS. SterinSilvr, eurnamelted rn yellow aiirlu5,htrick tthpio or catch pin. Price, $1.50. TV. A ROLD, Teweler. ffJ/OW IRS, fLI2OW ES FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY. COUSIM N I ALL, FloriitT, Telephiine 116. Capital, $5r,rO). Surplus and Profits $7,000. Does a general bankinnebusinens. Pays inter- est on S:,vinis Deposits. Has Safety Deposit Boes for reir,. Pt. KEMPP, Pret. P.RH. BaIStostsCashier. Bank open Saturday evening. 5R ARE THE BEST. CIGeARETTE SMOKERS who areh i chage fr ts dnary treigare tttes, The Richmond Straight Cut NoI are made from the brightest, most delicate in avo, andirg hest cost GOLD LEAF BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that the name of the manufacturers as below is on events k n a G2 e E nea Ma lSargest stoc n tecity.You cangetan selection you are looking for. COME AND SEE UTS. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.