THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGANIZED 1886. INOORPORATED 1886 U. OF M. CALENDAR. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIN ST. Director and Manager. To e.Nov. 28-MissBrownw, ott Heroes san ______________________________ tero uses of Geotrge Eliot, int Inland League E XCELSIOR LAUNDRY series. 20 EAST If CRON STREET. Tues., Nov. 28.-School of Music dedication. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for Tues. Eve., Nov. 28-.Thanksgiving recess be- and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. gins. rFri., Dec..-Marteau, the great violinist, in 22 Years in e h e aS.L.S . cours-. CITY LAUNDRY, Sat., Dec. 9-Judge Ewing,ofChicago, on M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. tite, in law lectore room. KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE sAVIfGm BAnK+ UNIVERSITY NOTES. Cor. Main and Washington Streets. i A. L. >tinsa Pren. Ronns Pnll nAPoCash'r. A section quizz in the second five lectures of evidence is announced STAR STEAM LAUNDRY for next week. Finest place in the city. Prompt in gettingE out work and delivering. Office, 1i East Hu- ron St. Telephone 83. We are here to stay. We are prepared to give aclass of work to the trade of this city unequaled by any other house ever located here and not exceled by any City Tailor in America, and at prices governed by goods or- dered. Suitsfrom $30.0(thirty doiars)to any price desired. lineustomTailoring by No. ANN STREET. DANCING and DELSARTE MRS, ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 S. State Street. MONDAY-8 p. i. Advanced Class for La- dies and Gentlemen. ONDAY p. to n adiet delsrtelast TtIE8IAY 1tt. i. GctttlestettSdaintg class. SATURDAY-10 a. i. Gentlemen's dancing class. e 2 .m. Childreestdancittgclsts. 4n t. Ladies' dantinagelass. Private lessons by appointment. A. J. Purdy, '94, has been taken to his home in Buffalo, and will not return this year. A large number of students expect to go to Chicago to witness the Thanksgiving game. The library will be open during the vacation as usual, except Thanksgiving day and evening. The Saturday's Detroit Journal and the Sunday Chicago papers had lengthy write ups' on the U. of M. team. The Choral Union was led last evening by Mr. H. A. Zeitz in place of Prof. Stanley. Every :one was urged to sell as many tickets as pos- sible. Next semester a two hour course wiltbe given in the institute of The University of Pennsylvania is having a new launch built to be used in coaching the crew. The annual catalogue of Bowdoin, to be issued next week, will show an enrollment of 316 students, the largest in the history of the institu- tion. Of the 119 in the academic department, 47 are seniors, 51 juniors, 50 sophomores, 66 fresh- men and 5 specials. ,Polumbia college is to be moved out of the center of New York city. A new site has been secured on Cathedral Heights and as soon as money can be raised and buildings put up, the college will leave its old quarters on 49th street. However, it will probably be several years be- fore this will be entirely accom- plished. At the State University of Illinois credit for work on the college paper will be given under the following conditions: The editors or associ- ates will enter as regular students in one of the classes in English com- pcsitiin, and do the work of the class. For the required themes, however, printed matter or manu- script for the college paper will be substituted. -rre------. Literary Comment. it XjG HI GAN ETZAL Time'Table (Revisei) Spt.2Sth, EAST. WEST. Mail. ....... .. 27 ltail............... 92 Day Express..... 530 Day Express ..... 819 N. S. Limited. 08 N. Limited.... 945 NY.Lioted. I45P.M N. Fals Special ..11'12 Chicago Express.. 1 50 N. Y. & Chi. Lim..1231 G.R.kKal.Ep1608 A. M. Chi. N. Express... 8010 Atlantic Express. 5 33 Pacific Express...10 20 D. N. Epsess.... 1 G. H. Espress..15 44 O. W.RUGGLES, H. W.lIAYs, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS PRINTING and - - PUBLISHING Student Work a Specialty. Best Workmen and Lowest Prices in the City. G RANGER'S. CLASSES IN DANCING will meet as follows: Getntlemetn, Sattteday mosrninstgo10 and Thursday evenings 8:0; Ladies, Saturday afternoons 4. Ladies and Gentlemen, ad- vanced class, Tnesdav evenings 8. Griond foor, G Maynard street. Tuititt. one term Itwelve weeks$35. Pupils received at any time. In 1?ictur -f'raming a t T 3.. z,. . IleadI.atrters for Sisns. 25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. Gains and Justinian. The Latin The American Book Company is text will be used, but especial at- issuing a series of English classics for use in Schools. The latest work in tention will be given to the law this series is "The Abbot," by Sir vocabulary. Walter Scott, which is complete in -- ---- every respect, having copious notes INTER-COLLEGIATE. and a glossary of words not generally understood. This work will meet the The boxes for the Yale-Princeton demand for the classics in a cheap game are being sold at $30 each. form, and at the same time in a well edited edition. Botundt in boards tile The state universities of Alabama volumes retail at 60 cents eaeli. and Tennessee have decided to admit women. Tie College Publication Complny, The funds of Yale t niversity of 1222 Broadway, Nev York, has have increased during the year by issued a handsome booklet containing beautiful half-tone group pictures of over $290,000. the 1893 Football teams of Harvard, The undergraduates of Columba Princeton, University of Pennsylvania will produce a play called "Joan of and Yale and statistics and records of Arc during Easter week. the individual players. The booklet also contains five half-tone plates of Ohio has 36 colleges and univer- the Harvard and Yale 1893 crews and sities. Illinois comes next with 28, the athletic teams of Columbia, Har- while Missouri is a close third with vard, trincetos and Yale wit.statis- her 27. tics and records for tle ye.r. Tie players in the football groups are The current number of Frank numbered so that by reference to the Leslie's Weekly contains a number text each ones name can be ascertain- of instantaneous photographs of the ed. The pictures are 4x6; uinches, Yale and Harvard teams at practice. printed on heavy plate paper 6x9 inches, and altogether the booklet makes a It is claimed that it is the inten- most delightful and interesting sou- tion of the Yale authorities gradu- venir of college athletics for the year ally to give Greek an insignificant 1893. It will be seat post-paid on place in their curriculum, and finally receipt of ten two cent stamps. to abandon it entirely. An attempt is being made at GRAND OPERAHOUSE. Brown to hold ten public debates, LILLLkA TUCKER NEXT WEEK. the debaters being chosen from the Lillian Tucker and her company ap- various fraternities from the Non- pears at the Grand Opera house next fraternity tDebating society. week, beginning with Monday, Nov. 27, in'a well selected repetoire. Speak-j ing of her, the St. Mary's (Canada) Journal says: "This week Miss Lil- lian Tucker and Chas. C. Vaughts Company of players are attracting good audiences at the opera house every evening by their grand produc- tions of famous sensational colnedies. As evidence of the public's apprecia- tion of this company worth the audi- ences increase nightly, and to judge of the hearty applause that greet their efforts, Mr. Vaught and his troupe of talented players are genuine favorites with St. Mary's people. The Lillian Tucker Company opened a week's engagement at the opera ouse, Monday evening, presenting the ever popular comedy "Fanchon the Cricket" before a large sized audience. Both star and company are excellent and the performance gave unbounded satisfaction. The specialties were lib- erally encored. The company is com- posed of ladies and gentlemen, who are artists in every sense of the word. We predict for them crowded houses during the week-Bay City Daily Tribune. BUSINISES LOCALS. Take your Tialksgivitg Dinner at thte Cottage Dining Parlor, 26 Huron St., 51l1tf Fare. Soup- Cream of Tomato. Olives. Celery. Roasts Turkey, with Cranberry Sauce, Ribs of Beef with Sweet Potatoes. Vegetables Sugar Corn. Peas. Boiled Potatoes. Mashed Potatoes, Pastry. Homemade Mince Pie, Lemon Butter Pie. Cheese. Crackers. lea. Coffee. Cider. Dinner served from 12:30 to 2 D. m. SoLID CMPORtT in the Cigars bought at the B. & M. Drug Store. The J. T. Jacobs Co. have received a fine line of neckwear-the very latest. Have your photos taken at Randall's before the rush of Christmas. Two newly furnished front suites of rooms, furnace heat and oil, very cheap. Also good board at $2.50 per week. 37 S. Ingalls. ArrTENToN-Do tontihink of buy- in~g iatype-wtriter this ear)'lTlen essit at the DALY ofilice if you wish one be- low cost. For .Rent.-Two single rooms, one suite, furnace heat, light, hot and cold water bath, two dollars and three dol- lars. 20 E. Jefferson st. BRACEL U' with a good pair of shoul- der braces. A large stock at low prices at Brown's Drug Store. A few shop wornb races at h5c. Go to BltowN's Drto S-ortE for all Lahoratory supplies. Dissecting cases, aprons ,and sleeves.-Lsic-Ptiles. Students and Soieties, Attention I An opottnity to secure lite futri- ture at low- prices. A handsome wal- nut bookcase tud catssed library table. Revolving book shelves, easy chairs, sofa, piano, bedroom sets, &c. No reasonable offer declined. Inquire at No. 10 E Jefferson st. Students' Thanksgiving Rates, The 'Otot, Anil :Aror & No. Mich. Ry. will sell tickt sto students of the U. of M. and Yp nti NlNorml at one poill~ 1 the thtetts of oui- ria and ito 'loledoss ensiws-t-ios except tie Lake Shore. Titkets will ie sold on Nov. 28, 29 and 30, good to return until Mon- day, Dec. 4. Students must be pro- vided with proper certiicates. R. S. CSENswoou, Agent. I A