THE U. OF M. DAILY. JC. of IF. Dad Published Daily (Bundays exceped during te College year by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION REPORTS from the U. of M.-U. of C., Yale-Princeton and U. of M., second eleven,-D. A. C. games will he received at the DAILY office Thursday night. WITH this issue, the DAILY 5SU- prods for the Thanksgiving recess. Pnlication will e resunid Mon- day, Dec. 4. The DAILY wishes one and all a pleasant vacation and rest from college work. ARRANGEMENTS have almost een completed y which the DAILY ex- pects to get the score of the Yale- Princeton and M. A. A-C. A. A. games Thanksgiving day. Those interested in the results of these games would do well to note this. WE think a large crowd should accompany the team to Chicago Thanksgiving day and imitate the ex- ample set hy Yale and Harvard last Saturday. If Michigan had more of the college spirit which animates the contests htween these leading universities of our land, athletics would flourish here. A crowd of thirty-four thousand people is suf- ficient in itself to stiulate the teams to iteir est work. Of course we can never expect to see athletics as well supported here as at the older institutions of the ast, ut there is certainly room for great im- provement. All aoard for Chicago. IN AS MUCH As hundreds of muiners in the northern part of this state are suffering for the necessaries of life, and some even on the point of starvation, would it not e well to make some effort to raise funds or clothing for the suffering people? We know of no etter way of offer- ing thanks for our welfare aid suc- cess than hy aiding and assisting the needy and suffering people. Stu- dents, as a whole, are in a position to give something to alleviate the wants of the people who are suffer- ing near unto starvation, and should feel it their duty to do so. Let a liheral contrihutation e made for the unfortunate and we are sure the donors will e well repaid y the feeling that they have aided those in distress, and cast one more gleam of1 light into an existence which is clouded hy all that is discouraging1 in life. Athletic Restrictions. oo0,ooo; Darwin, in a generalwy The students interested in athlel- placed it at 200,000,000; Gelkie, a j s ics at nearly all the lar.'er collegen 73,000,000. Other estimates range are hitterly complaining at thse ac- fo o~o,0 o600000 tion taken hy their respective facul- years. At the rate of deposit in the 0j tie inregrd o laveof hsecesocean today it would require, Prof. for the various athletic teams. Cor- Walcott calculates,rI,2oo,ooo years to nell attrihutes her failure in the deposi the6oofetflisonIlb LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS which cover an area of 400,000 ad SHORTHAND. Magnifieent building; nine foothall field this season, to a great teacihers; large attendance; guns discipline; super- exett aut etitosadsquare miles on the plateaus of terwoerk;ewell supplied readingereom;daily lectnrew. extet t facltyresrictonsandSaturdayeenisngreeptions; open the eneyear Utah and Nevada, that were for- Exceptiosnal fcilities lee planing studensi s ie- at Lehigh, where 20 hults in one tions-shertband rauaes guaranted tbem. Living merly a sea hottom. The sand- reen~ses $2 t o 2.per wyeekinIsprivatefanmilies. semester means suspension, thae Far New Catalogue, addres Burha h flown o a: ttstones in the same region, and P. R. CLEARY, PRsES. seems to us that it would he more shales, are 15,000 feet thick, and in accordance with the University for their deposit he assigns s6,ooo,- TOLEDO spirit, that our heneficient faculty ooo years. would allow the foothall team a lit- Yale University received firt5, nisq r tle more latitude with respect to 5ti _ ,lt a cuts, when it hecomes necessary for prize at the World's Fair for its cot- thn olaeo rpdrn o-lection of photographas and charts Time Tsble taking effect Sunsday, Nev, a.12 themto eaveon tri duing ol-Trais leave Ass Aebor by Central lege hours. Their requests are illustrating equipment of work. NOTStnadim.OUH moderate, as they never have occa- --- - --s--- *:ap. am. siSa. M Sion to ask to he excused msore than *Trains run betweenesAss ArboreasndTeledu once or twice a year, and it is he- aeltainy iyecetSudy they io/ci~ eIt. S. tGiRENWOOD, Agenet, Ann Arbor. caus ar :5 lum li LI /~f w.H. BENNETT, 0. P. . .Toledo. Lc/hizg/ prominent in athletics that A ~ C Ann Arbor Savings Bank we think thseir requests justifiahle'' Ann: Arbor. Lvinis. Capital Sanckd$,000OS. We hope thsat we shall never heb e :asizeilunderthe Genrssal Hsstkieg Laws A of this Slate. Receies deposits, bays and called upon to voice a similar rum- Horsford's Acid Phosphate ellserxchangeonathe pincipal clties soste plaint, and look forward to the idetification. Safety deposit boxes en rest. OF UIR:yhistian acan,Prens.; W. 0. Board of Control as an institution Is the most effective and agree- Harriman, Vice Pren.; Chas. E. Iieeck, Ca- whic isto ave mot slutay i-seierM. J. Feltz Acs.Cushier. whih s t hvea mstsautay n-able aremedy in existence for Q fluence in athletics. It rests with G131TPD OPIEI{71 iOUSK this hoard either to huild up or de- preventing indigp stion, and re--/ stroy our athletic teams and field hvn hs i ses .rsn ONu WEEK, NOV. 27 to DEC. 2. sprsand if they realize, which no -eio tceds-rsn doubt they do, that the foothall and from a disorder-ed stomach. ; LILLIAN ,TUCKER hasehall teams are tegreatest D.X.X.Gadnr pigllSupportedby CIhas. 5C. Yo::gl~ t;loman~y "ads' which a University can have, Mass., says: 'a ratue itus ana excellent cnomediesnd:::amats. the former will he their policy. peplls faiesis nlspese op:ile'sPplar 1,2 nd 0 ts Wisconsin's Atlendunce. acidulated drink when propeely diuled wiih MONDAY -A Womn's:evenrge. TUESDAY.-Po:lice Ala:rm, watere,ansetened." WED)NESDAY.-Lfsily Aud:lry'e Seeret. The forthconaing directory will TH_ 'IURiSDAY.-Fas:ln, lleCrislkrt. FIDAY.-Ch~ip, llhe serry N silt. show the following as the registra- Descriptive pamphs~let free o:: applican::lto: SATUtID Y-Es Lynne:. lion of the University of Wisconsin: Rumford Chemical Wos, Prviene.R.a. tGrandslTlansseisinsg MatineeTssrsiy. Fellows........................ 10 nrwaremofSubtitutsland eImnitaions. EXTRA TO THE LADIES. A., e eare desirou s:so aisn a fusl l housre Resideiat Grasduates.............. 3s For Salfe by all Druggists pes::neye Senior C olass ................... 138 ___________wi________ ll be entlitledl tosone reserved setickDet Juinior Class ................... 164 CROaN PEN Ca. FOUNTrANAND GOLD admnittin:gA LADY 1F11E7 Os iAtliR. lReseve seats en sale at Wats' Jewelr'y Sophomore Class................ 182 78TAETRET EN MAunES. Sto:re. Freshman Class.............. 288 sCHIAaO. Q Adul Spcia..............21 ea-- JAMEIS W. GOODtIIEW, Fieriet. Orower of Adut S ecil ............... 1 ( 77- -77 .", f.Mosera nat::ions snd Floswers of all vani- Pharmcy VSensior ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .103, f '-l fgr ty. Flral designs ma:de uponsho~rt ntire. AWARED TE S T TH an. 1 Obserrsaanystreet,(7pp. cemetery gste. Pharmacy Junior ....... 51 saeON,,,SIN TOrMAKE neLDS)AIRas. Pharmacy Sophoiuore............4 eN MCHNERY ALL.ND HIAGOsaea. Az' E Law Senior .. ..... ... .... .... .. so sBUILDING I III. 6 Ia, E. WashingtsnStreet. Law Junior ..................... 81 TIotal.....................10o35 Countedltwice...............i1i Total nusisber of students. . 10258 -Daily Csardinalt. The Age of the Earth. . GUITARS, Mandolins, Banjas,'Zithers. Al the recent meeting- of the ' Best in the World." 'e Aioerican Association for the Ad.- - -5se :s eelrss:ssi vancemeol of Science at Madison, the product ursci hijnn- W.,Prof. C. D.Walcott placed letOie Mt ' tvte our reputtin Win., P. ssr essir exslleesA be~astiful the age of the earth at ahout 45,- eontals-jpjotrats of esdsa 000,0O00years. Winchell placed ssens o s nruessss rs. CnEae aeeSnCHItCAG the age of the world at ahout 25,-_____ 000,0oo years; Lyell nade it 240,-- Tiie Anse Arbor organ Co., Sole Agents, AN N4ARBOR.