VOL. IV.-No. 51. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A ROUSING WELCOME. sary. Contributions for this num- IS IT A BRUTAL GAME? "UWE VE GOT EI- P' The Team Heartily Received irs her, which promises to be the best Severe Criticism by the Press of A CAR LOAD OF Kansas City.-All Enjoyed of the year, are now in order. the Students' Favorite Sport, a Fine Trime. Competition is still open for the Football. ERIE + PIA N OS Yesterday noon saw a tired but two newly added places on the The annual outcry about the bru- JUST RECEIVED. happy crosvd of football men re- board. The sale of the Thanks- tality of Rugby football is now going Casesa OakSlaligony WalnutanSBiaek. turn to Ann'Arbor, and a very en- giving number was unprecedented the rounds of the press. In some To Rentor forSale. Price .ight. That's fair. thusiastic, if small, crowd met them being scarcely less than the whole instances, even, there is a demand at the depot. edition of 1,200 copies. for legislative enactment forbidding The men 1 reported~at t tSauda' The men reported that Saturday's All Aboard for Chicago. the sport. It is a noteworthy fact game was their hardest game this that such demands in every case 51 South Main St. season and were very proud of hav- President Shields, of the Athletic come from sources where very little, ing shut Kansas out after so hard a Association, is laboring hard to if anything, is known of iwhat foot- game. briing about the success of the ex- ball really is, The reception the team met with cursion to Chicago for the Thanks- That the game is a rough one in Kansas City was certainly a very giving game. A good time limit none will deny, and naturally, since warm one, and it should shame has been secured and every arrange- the season just closing has seen present U. of M. students to think ment made to make the trip an en- twice as much football playing as that the Michigan alumni in Kansas joyable one. The route will be any other season, more accidents City displayed far greater enthusi- over the T. A. A. & N. Al. R. R. to have resulted than ever before, due asm than they themselves do. Mr. Milan, and from there to Chicago in most cases more to the inexperi- t esi < air ss in mos casesmore t the iexperi of $ As-Sc$ priĀ¢,es sendo t Osr atpaisgr Iess Wollman, president of the U. of M- by the Wabash road. Two of the than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to ewho were new at the game It is Alumni association in Kansas City, best coaches on the Toledo road will ence ne ac f sienae. p s and other prominent alumni there, be at the disposal of the excursion- worthy of note that scarcely ever do spared no pains to give the boys a ists, and 150 names should be read- we hear of serious accidents in the 101. 183-185 WoowAnD AVE., rousing welcome. The Kansas City ily secured for the trip. games of the best Eastern college DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. alumni deserve great credit for their A Detroit Game at Last. teams. Take, for instance, the co-operation with the Michigan r Arrangements have finally been Yale-Harvard game of Saturday last. R, '. JOLLY & management. No game was ever more stubbornly, when yourasta pure ox of Fine Chocolate After the game was over, the p C Candies. Stationery at cost. Cwars. Tobacco, ond eleven, for a game on the D. nor yet more scientifically fought, Cigarettes and the Finest Stock of Pipes in team was given a box party at the theCity. Ninth Street theatre and then fol- A. C. grounds in Detroit, Thanks- and yet it was a game without those LADIES' and GENTS' LUNCH ROOM. lowed a reception at the Kansas giving, with the teams of the D. A. features of slugging and gouging R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. City club, everything filling op the C. and M. A. A. combined, and and without any serious accident. took the train a good contest should be assured. It was a game between gentlemen, time well until they to h ri for home on Sunday morning. The D. A. C.-t. A. A. combina- one that was decided strictly upon The Kansas City papers of Satur- tion is a strong one, having played a the merits of the opposing team, by day and Sunday contained good tie game with the Cleveland A. C. superior skill and strength alone. last Saturday, and the second eleven No respectable college team of the write-ups of our team, and all ac- counts unite in declaring them a are working hard to get in shape to present day considers a slugger a Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST. foots t e irst oher, win. desirable member, and the remedy football team of the first order, * ' for the so-called brutality of foot- HOT LUNCHES especially those after our game. The A Social to New Englanders. for to b r fo otd HOTprUNCbE , pont teynte npatcuarweeball is not to be found in prohibi- Lo ,ySqh olts points they noted s particular were The S. C. A. will tomorrow night tion but in an increased understand- OWney - h lateS, the great weight, the fine team hold a reception to students of the ing of the scientific points of the -A T L of New England states, to which all stu- game. 48 S. STATE St the eleven. While Kansas was dents from the East are invited. The School of music Opening. much disappointed at being sut The following program will be given: D 7[ Y \ out, yet they console themselves Toastmaster.............--......Prof. Pettee Tonight, the School of Music will with the showing made against our "New England at the U. of M.....--b------ _ e formally opened. A good pro- ---------------------President Angell team, which proved to be much "The Philosophy of Baked beans". - gram has been arranged, consisting than they had expected. 'w--- - Dr. A. A. Lliyd stronger they "New England Pioneers........Miss Stevens. of dedicatory speeches and music. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! The X i Music---.----......... ---- Miss Bailey Owing to the large number of pupils T he X mas Wrinkle. 'Witches and Blue Laws ----.-Prof. Ames "Our Puritan Inheritances" Prof. Dewey and subscribers, it will be necessary The Wrinkle board held a meeting Music..--- --........ .....Prof. Mims to limit the admission tonight to 300 New Sweaters, latest styles, just re- last night and determined to issue Their Thakging Trip pupils, subscribers and those espe- ceived at the next number of Wrinkle three cially invited. The reception be- weeks from date of last issue. The The Glee and Banjo clubs leave gins tonight at 8 o'clock. Tomor- next number will be the Christmas tomorrow for their Thanksgiving row the School of Music building 9 Wrinkle, and in order to make this trip. They will appear at Pontiac will be thrown open to the general number a perfect success, more Wednesday night. Thanksgiving public, and the public is invited to time was thought necessary, and the evening, they will give a concert at inspect the building. UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE Thanksgiving recess would mater- Flint and Friday night, the last -ially interfere with the regular issue, concert of the trip will be given at The Glee and Banjo clubs meet hence the extra time seems neces- Port Huron. for their last rehearsal tonight. sTATE STRET.