THE U. OF M. DAILY. The proprietor graduated In '84 and the prescription clerk in '90. They hare lea-ned their hasiness hy hard study, Whsat they hnosr is at your disposal at 1Calkins' Pharmacy \GLOVE SALE!1 GLOVE SALE! Another 'o, of those Street Gloves receivedt, sold everyswhere for $1.75youar ch )ioe thswcek for x+1.25, all shorten and sizes, CHOICE OF ANY HIAT IN OUR WINDOW, X100 EO PISIILt MATTESI,-THE OUTFITTER, - 828. STATE. &W2Mr-lvO EJ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kitnds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THtE USUAL5 t iOsit (N'r GIEtN TOI STUDENTS. SECOIND) tAND JtOtERS 1BOUGHjt'OR E IiIANSIIO. C.ALRDS E AVREXD1-)SN'TBL E ESTr Sc'ZSIEJS_ UNIVE RSITY BOOKSELLERIS, STATE STREET. Special Sale of Wsritin g Tahlets. 0Fine Liness and Wore Writing Papsers. 250 a pound. Sweaters and Gymnasiuns Suits. Visiting Cords engraved on sort notice. SHEEHANT& Co. University Roohsellers, Statiossers and Engravers, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A new inoention for dlupicating copies of writines antI draweings. Hocs sot c/soc I/se tick. JDoeosotss/cce c/s Hso sbhostodor'. Giceosa prcwhile Jfs vr c bceersinr bms" s o s ilo as disti It is 5pur cacrcbors. Gieisliyt//sthi/out Delivecrd 1r'osptty. Soldlonrly by Deasn will mtt atiricssyermade ouseois. 41 South Mlain Street. E N Ann Arbor, Mich.D A From an original, aru ordinary paper withls any pen, 100 espies can he made. Fifty' copies of typewriter manuscripts produced in 15 minutes. We will sell this nmachine for only $5.00. which is way below cost of manufacture. The Printer ia newl and can be seen at the office and tried. 0. 1K. BARBER SHOP'. to cosnetion: F inn Shower Bathss. new por- aelass tubs. 3it s oforMOO.0.Ladies' Hair Stressing Partor rstairs. J.R.TeROJssoswsr, 3asE.WashingtsonSt. FIRST NJATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, &50,000. :Surptus and Profits, 8;30000. Transacts a5gfnnenalhbaning husiness. Fer- eign exchange bought and told. Letters of credit proured for trasveleroshroad. P. BAChI, Prens. S. WCLARKSON, Cashier. PALACE + BARBER"+ SHOP 0~ And Bath Rooms. W. 14. OWEN, Prep., NO. 4 East Hurona St.. Oppoite Court House. lint, Cold rind Sea Salt Baths. Por- celain tobs. ANN ARBOR- 1TM7IJA hJ1tND1RY 600 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.-, ; E. S. SaRvoss, - anager UNIVERSITY NOTES. The football team will arrive horne this noon. There are 5-50 voices practicing in the choir for the Mills meetings. A nusmber of Kansas City boys won bets on She Michigan-Kansas game. Mr. Lloyd spoke at the Voung People's Vespers of St. Andrew's church lust night. McMillan Hall is open from Still G p. tm., instead of from2 till 5, us stated in the DAILY of last Friday. R. R. Merrill, lit '92, is a mem- ber of the Merrill, Ring & Co. wholesale lumber firm, at Toledo, Ohio. The Sunday Chicago papers con- tained write-Bps of the Michigans teams, with cuts of some of the players. Rev. A. S. Carman, of the First Baptist church, yenterday preached his farewell sermon. He goes to accept a pastorate at Springfield, Ohio. The independent co-edo of the senior class will meet this noon at half past twelve in Room A to elect representatives to serve on the Cas- talianboard. The S. C. A. will give a New Entgland, reception on Wednesday evening at eight o'clock. All from New England states are cordially in. 'yittd to be present, whether they rbcthive'a special invitation or not. The general Thut (of the churches wil (Presbyterian church Rev. Mr. Youngc church will preach1 Miss Jessie Itros will lecture this eve land League coui Characters in Dick also lecture tomor the same course. Rev. Ohlinger, sionary, has placed ly Marl in the librai It will be interests studenta and Shoo( missionary work. A meeting will b( Room A at one o'cl intending to accoml Chicago on Thank; will be necessary ft order to secure tht $5.00. A nssmber of stt: taking cross-counts few Saturdays. 'The about five msiles in The participants pleased with the have organized the and Hound club. was elected presid Wilcox, treasurer. become a member I itiation fee of so cE urer at 96 E. Ws This entrance fee i. providing scent for W.R. FULDEa --1-IVWilia t ret,,is t. dottt r t rlofStrateStret ;istriscs. U. OF M. FLAGS. i/lcd wte/r., sosolt~ ~-. ~ Sttrlni.Sitsver, retetted its t m p-(. o oeor. -- yr-itto rtd hlue. -Stick pin a & o. !or cratch pii. Price, Sl.t0. TVX. ARINOLD, Jewelerc. )OMPANY. FLOWER, f, 2 O9~S FO555EVER5YTHING0A50 'EVERYBOD5Y. nsgiving service COSIS ,HALL. rloiits,26 l. . sss.As's. 1I be held in the COUSIpNus [i at sri o'clocke. W if ,, of the Disciples Ie. Jilri lU1flllljJll the sernmon. Capitalt, $50t,00Xt. Sucrlus ant.Profitso$17,00. SDnes a neneesirseninis.bsinvas. Pays intr- n, of Cleveland, ettos.+ins Iseposits. Hsmhafety Muing at the In- it. KEhsls,s'Pres. S. . ELSER, Cashier. rse, on B hld lanhksopen Satrary es-rniag. ens.'' She will row eventng tn a returned mis the Japan Week- fHOD- .i' ry readsng roonm. G AETlEBS sng 'to Japanese -r A .AETE ET tuiterested Sn CIGARETTE SMOttRS wtho see will ing tn pay a litte morete hun tse prise sctarged toe the ordinary trade Cjigarettes, ec held today sn wiland THIS BRAND superior to althrs. lock of all those The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 puny She team to CIG AIE'TTES are made tram the brigtst, most delicate ogiving day. It is Slavor, and highest most GOLD LEAF sr 050 to go in grown in Virgsnia. BtWARE OF IMITATIONS, and ohserve ereduced rate of thsat the same of 5he manufacturers as helow is on every tahkae. dents have been Or U &Gl1/s ? MER4IC~a 5tOiCOC ry runs the latan BRAN~CH RICHMND 'lItA e runs hsave been length thus far. Op-, :.. -;7-I.~ were so much thing that they The Leading e 'Varsity Hare " ^ .' L. Hubbard -ul l i/i V T IL letand F. B. Any person may paigtei-Has the newest Fall and Winter Wooelens and by payng th in- argetatockhin she city. You ean get any rents to the treas- seetion you are loohlng for. ashington street. COME AND SEE US. sto be used in the chase. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.