THE U. OF M. DAILY. T t In'4- n GLOVE SALE . GLOVE SALE Teproprietor graduated n8ad Z the prescriptiott clerk in '90. They Another lot of those Street GlOVOS received, sold eerywhtere for $ 75. your cht)tee thit e-k ha lea teir hosiness hy hard C OC for $1.25, all nhaden and sizes, Istudy, Whtat they hnosv is at yourCHIEO AN HTIN URW DW,$. . disposal at L O PS T~AT_____ Calkins' Pharmacy 30,DS ,LTEO 'T HE OUTFITTERS, - 3S.3 STALTE. J~OQE~ & WE~J~AOE&E, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, Have a Full Assortment of UJNIVERSlTY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' W~PPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THlE UUl.' IsCo t - TSGIVEN TO S UDENTIS., SECOND IHAND L B iOO OUHIT ORl: ECIANtGio. O.A.IDS GEEJVN]D 3SFTI==hE] HRJHT hdr-T.-IE]S- CNlYES 1TV ltO)KSIO1LILRS, STATE STREET. Spreial Sale of Writintg Taldets. rFine Linetn and Wove Writing Papiers, 25e a pound. Sweaterooand Gymnasiouo Suits. Visiting Cards ensgraved o0 shotrt notice. SHEEHAN &Co. Utniversity Boosetlers, Sttioners anti Engravers, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A new inventiort for duplicathng copies of writings ant drawings. F"I .u a a o igiiar, au a timarp paper with any pen, l00 copies coo he made. Fifty copies of typewriter manuscripts produced in 15 minutes. We will sell this machine for only $5.00. which is way below cost or manufacture. The Printer is new and can be seen at the office and tried. 0. K. BARBER SHOP. In connertion: tnShowrBIathsrnsewpor-r rolain c be. I30 ratter forXS0it Ladies' Hair DrensingPlolrr nii. i J I.t. ikravoriom, .10 E. WashingtonaSI.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Pttst, $30,It0. Transults s generul banhing businress. For- eignreechange bouoht arid sold. Letterso credit iroonred ten trrvelers abroad. P. BACII, Pres. S. W CL NltKSriN, Carshier. PALACE + BARBER~+ SHOP a And Baeh Rooms. WV. H. OWENt, Prop., No0. 4 East HusroniSt . Oppioite Court blouse. -1ot, Cold rind Sea Suit Baths. Par- celain tabs. ANN ARBOR- 28 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SEEVISS, .- Manager. Dogs. tot chr itirewicik. flaso to haid odor. 1-fioneorob een itn haros It is pore carhorr. Deliverd promiptly. i I jI..IGWM_ R. FULDE, S T ~ ~ I2III...---1-SWitliiii St reetirs.tldortt.St o~r Sitite Sirt cv Doeicof rtprr c thu yh. - U- OF M. FLAGS. Gives t r ie whittigt. a Isers W/hteaedisilledl trter. Starrine Sse, eaireltledlin Glvesli/g/rt without sokoroodor. _ yrttiic iritnd le. stick inn Solel only hy Deain tt-Co.! or critch pin. Price, 1.50. rent oary t ire macedni oil. TVil. ARNOLD, -Jeweler. Will n; 44 South Mltain Street. Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. FRitErRiYTINGoirANDrEVEiRYBODtY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Dean D'Ooge in reoponoe to the }} t T ~n 'Telephone 11,4. Any. Mark Sands, law '93, ts located tacit wisli of the facutly is retusiog P .. ...o Tipoe n iChcg.many requeoto for excuses for going , gJ5 . ~i , inlhir. orn,9,i oae thome, prior to the cloor of colege, tsiflrs anls. iC~alllSdrs ' Tuesday. Capitil,.$50,0o. SrpluiriandrPrfijts $17y0r0. Durand, rMich. 'There are, in thte literary depIrt-lines a gene-rut rning-,bvioiee. Pasointe- A. J Pudy, 4 lt, i cofine toerr on in ittrIteperiti. liar Safety A. J. Purdy, 94mli t, iscnie t et2 one hoor couses: i S ten DeEE postoxes for eriet. loi R.1, cnnre. F. R. IBELSERI, Cashier. hsroom with grippe. hour, 45 three hour, 23 four hotir, Bankb orrn Satrary evening. Dr. Thnomas Johon, law '93, is o-6 five hoor and 7 courses of more nicely situated at Provo, Utah. titan 5~ hours. Dr. Carrosv has been confined to A mtember of the Pat Upsilon fin- his home, for several days, by sick- ternity attended the celebration of- ness." the sixtieth anniversary of that chap-=- R. J. Barr, from the University of tec, held at the Hotel Cadilac in Rw"ION , Iowa, will enter the law department Detroit, last night. ~ rt$~ Monday. Tihe University exhibit at the $TfRt'A ARE TILE BEST. / Prof. Novy has an article on "The World's Fair is being packed up CIGARETTE SMOKERS who arc witl- leg to say a little inns than the price Nature of Ai/rroic Germs," in Cen- this week, preparatory to its return cbargebfribhe ordinary teade Cigarettes, williud THIS BRAND superiorto alothers. tralblati for September. to the University. Messrs. Whit- Th .icmn SrihtCtNor.I P rof.. Demmon is giving a series man, Cook, Lute, Purfield, Mark- ThRimodtrgt of lectures in the Y. M. C. A. cx- ham and Prof. Stevens went to Clii- QIGARTTES sreenude fcon the brightest, mar t delicate tension course at Adrian. cago on Monday for that purpose. in nlavor, and highest cart GOLD LEAF gron in Virginia. Meeting of the Mathematical club The U. of Mr. exhihits at the fair BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and obsirve tonight, at eight o'clock, in room are now being packed and will be that the name of thenianufacturer as no,. Engineering Building. it me in a few weeks.' The geologi- aeo so every package. Fred Codding, dent '94, is very cal and zoological specimens were in TOPt14& GIY?~ 1, rMEA 1tO o sick at his home at Dowagiac, where the Michigani building with thte cx-. BRANCH "'s'. SFi~tn1SVIltsINlA he had goine to spend the vacation. ception of Prof. Steerens Philippine Mr. Manny, Gentl Sec'y S. C. A., collection, which was in the Liberal - " O will speak at chapel, Newberry hall, Arts building. at 9:t5~next Sunday morning on B. At the Young People's Vespers, The Leading Fay Mills, the evangelist, on Sunday evening next at 6.45, J. A. Pratt, '95 medic, will spend Prof. Lloyd will be the speaker. _4_ + TAI1LOfR the Sunday in Jackson. His place At the service in the church imme- in the Congregational church will diatly following, Rev. E. M. Duff be taken hy W. W. Pepple. will give the last of his series of lanrgetsok t in the acity. d Tou canngtnen The faculty at the Normal school talks on "The Gospel in its Early srelection yes. are lnoking eer. have not assumed a hostile attitude Years." The topic for the evening COME AND SEE US. toward football, hut only object to will he I"The Defenders of the Faith the hoy's playing on frozen ground. in the Second Century." 2 E. Washington St., near Main.