THE U. OF M. DAILY. *C. of *1fiF. IhL. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Cllece year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price 2.5O per year, invariably in advance ingle copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the ofice of the DAILY, at Stoffiet's, with any of the editors or authorized solicitors. communications should reach the office by 7o'clock P. m. if they are to appear the next day. Address all matter intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business omnunications should be sent to the Bsi- sess Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor.,Xich. EDITORS. C, A. DENIsON, Law '94, Managing Editor. H. A. SPALING, Lit. '94, Assistant. J. L. LoaIE, Lit. '95, Assistant. F. WA.TEss, Law '91, Assistant. J. A. LEROY, Lit.'96, Athletic Editor. S. W. CURTIsS, P. G. Lit., Business Manager. WM. A. Mo3GK, Lit. '7, Assstant. LITERARY. LAW. H. B. Gammaon, '94. 31. '. Hll. 'sO. R. o. Austci,, - MEDICAL.. F. P.ade E. L. Martindale,'94. mP.soleyl, '9. H. D. Haskins, '91. DENTAL ' H. ( It. L. E. Caascdt, '. .6f. Jcakinis,9. All copy muastbe atthe office beforet 30a.m a of the day of publication. The Editors do not hold themselvestrespon- sible for the opinions or statementts of corres pondents, appearing in the DAILY. THERE is now a vacancy on the DAILY staff to be filled by a lady. REPORTS will be received at this office tonight from the U. of M.- Kansas game, also from the Yale- Harvard game if suitable arrange- ments can be made for telegraphic information. THE enterprise which the Har- vard Crimson shows in issuing a ten thousand extra edition this after- noon, giving full details of the ' ale- Harvard game, is a notable event in the history of college journalism. Arrangements have been made, by which news will be caught on the fly, as a telegraph has been estab- lished on the field. This shows that the college press is in line with the metropolitan dailies in spreading fresh news before their readers. A LARGE number of students should make arrangements to go to Chicago and witness the Thanksgiv- ing game. The low rate which theCen- tral offers should be an inducement for a large crowd to go to the garden city. A fine time is assured to all who go, as a special train will be run under the control of the Athletic association, providing 350 signify their intention to go. It is neces- sary in order to secure rates and make the necessary arrangements that all who expect to go should see the committees of the Athletic asso- ciation, having the matter in charge, at once. Let everyone who can go to Chicago, do so in order that the Yellow and Blue may be seen way- ing triumphantly over Chicago's field. SOMETIMES we are inclined to deprecate the lack of college spirit in the U. of M., but the following editorial from the Cornell Sun shows that we have nothing to complain of: "The proposal for an inter-colle- giate debate between Cornell and either Michigan or Pennsylvania has practically been rejected as far as Cornell is concerned. The general feeling among the members of the Woodford Debating club before whom the matter was laid seemed to be decidedly against the project. The great objection is the one we hear every time a new outside in- terest is brought up at Cornell: "No time." As our best debaters are unwilling or unable to spend the time necessary for such a debate, the course taken is doubtless the wise one. On account of her inex- perience in debate, Cornell would certainly need her best men to repre- sent her in order to make a credita- ble showing. It is unfortunate that the pressure of University duties makes it necessary to give up an un- dertaking that would without doubt result profitably both to the Uni- versity and to the participants in the debate." Important DailyMeeting At a meeting of the DAtY board held last night, two resignations were received and accepted. One, that of Mr. Choate, was occasioned by his joining a fraternity; the other, that of Miss Lois Janes, was caused by a pressure of university work. F. Walters, law '94, and substitute assistant managing editor, was elect- ed in Mr. Choate's place, as third assistant managing editor, and Miss Agnes Morley in place of Miss Janes. The campus editors were also assigned special days and work. Cornell Philosophy. The Cornell Sun has the follow- ing to say in regard to their suc- cesses in football during the past season: "The lesson of the past season is this: That in order to accomplishs anything at football, as in other under- takings, we must begin right. In order to succeed next year Cornell must have more coaches, must have more and better material for the coaches to work with, must begin training earlier and must map out a system at the beginning of the season to be followed without deviation. In order to establish football on a firm basis, we must also pay more attention to the preparatory schools, and must bring men here who have already had some training in football." Cornell Will Not Debate. At the meeting of the Woodford Debating Club last evening only one member of the committee appointed to look up the matter of an inter- collegiate debate betweenCornell and either the U. of M. or Pennsylvania, was present. The matter was some- what discussed and was finally left to a committee which will decide to- day. In view of the general feeling against this project the committee will doubtless decide adversely to it. The greatest objections seem to be a lack of time and a lack of men who are willing to take part in such a debate.-Cornell Sun. ____ I Horsford's Acid Phosphate Is the most effective and agree- able remedy in existence for preventing7indigestion, and re- lieving these dis'tses arising fross a disordered stomach. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield, Mass., says: "I value it as an excellent preventative of indigestion, and a pleasant acidulated drink when properly diluted with water, and sweetened." Descriptive pamphlet free o application to Rumford ChemicalWorks,ProvidenceR.. Beware of Substitutes and imitations. For Sale by all Druggists. STAR STEAM L AUNDRY Finest lace in the city. Prompt in getting out work and delivering. ice, 10 East Hu- ron St. Telephone 83. is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORTHAND. Magnificent building; nine teachers; large attendance; good discipline; super- ior work; welil supplied readingroom; daily lectures' Satueday eeningareceptions; en the entire year Exceptiaaal tacilities tar placixg tudents in pnsi- tions-shorthandgraduatesguaranteedthem. Living expenses $2 to $2575 per week in private families. or NewC Catalogue, addres. P. R. CLEARY, PaES. TOLED O Time Table taking effect Runday, Nov. , 1893. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Statndard Time. NORTH. sadrdTm.SOUTH. i:15a. m.noc15a. *125. . 1:30ta.nm. 4:151p. m. 9:00p. M, *Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only, All trains dailvexcept sunday. It. 5. GREENwOOD, Agent, Ann Arbor. W. H. BENNET'', G. P. A. Toledo. Ann Arbor Savings B3ank Ann Arbor. Mich. Capital Stock, $50,000. Surpluss,50,0005. Organized ader the tGenersi banking Laws af thin State. Iteceive-sdeposits, buys and 'als encthange an the pincipal cites at the United States .Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent. OFFICERaS sC'tiaii Mac k, Pres ;v.D. Haurrsman, Vice Pres.; than. E. Hiscocka, Ca- shier' 1.J.Fritz Asst. Cashier. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVE., NOV. 24 AND 25. Family liatisee,Ssaturday,at:30p im. THE B-G CITY SHOW eappeara.nce in this city of the Famous Prof. D.M. BRISTOL'S 6QE URRWULUM of the Finest Edseated Horses known to S xhibitors. The Largest and Best En- tertainiment of the kind in the world. tigh class.retised and intensely interesting. This same troop of horses have apspetred with ("eat success in the 5s'dingtheatres of New York, Boston, Phl1iladelphia, Washington, Chicago, and aill the large cities. Precisely the sane Exhibition will be 'iven in this city. i raveling with our own train of Palace cars. complete in every department. Prices, - - - 35 and 50 cents. Children. - - - - 25 cents. tatine' Prie s the same. Seats on sale at Watts'Jewelrystore. LAMES W. GOODIIEW, Florist. Grower of J oses, Carnations and Flowers of all vari- ety. Floral designs made upon short notice. No. 1 Observatovy street, opp. cemetery gate. 1%Ewsigo tet GUITARS, Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers. " Best in the World." Evtery "Wautisibn" tntruesnnt it the piucti tfur specialsisehii- cryandiiese salblrliuesa'tse- sio's. c stakule oiriiepsutiosn aeiiai1astei xclence.dtsbetdcie enie HCG containingnportraitssoieleaing tiousofthese Anru r Ot r Co.s e smFnE s e AG Tile Ann Arbor Orgati Co., sole Ageints, ANN ARBOR. i