THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAINn ST. Director and Manager. EXCELSIOR I AUNDRY 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22 Years in the )'' CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, Nto. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP VOLUR ACCOGUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVJI2G$ BAflI{+ Car. Main and Washington Strerts. A. L. NOBLE, Prenn Moo a PSa, (Cashr. The )3 & Mi. Prkig Store' Ia the place to boy anythian n the Drag liar. Medieinen, Sponges, Hrushes, Etc. Etc. {. ]E, JOLLY & Co.5s When youawant a iure boxofo Fine Chocolate Candies. Statioorry at coot. igars, Tobacco,t tigarettcs and Ike Fines Stock of P'ipen in tine City. LADIES' and GENTS' LUNCH ROOM. J R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St., DAN CING and DELSARTE MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER 46 8. State Street. MIOND5AY-ii p. in. Advannced CII ,s los 5.-. die.sandGnteelson. M1ONDAY 7 ep. In. Ladict' ticisocic clans.. TUESDAY7inp. sm. Genn~lernncntdancinng class.t SATURIDAY-10 a.ino. Gentlemen's Scocitac 2 p.m. Chlildren'snknnscing clnss. 4ano n. Ladirt'nlancinnglanss. I Private lessons by appointamnnt. U. OF M. CALENDAR. tNTER-COLLEGIATE. good auediencesa lt thne opera houne _____every evening by their grand produe- Fr.EeNv aAeln ncini lsn In the last lcn years Yale's eleven tiona of famous senoationsal comendies. Fri.Eve, Nv, 4-Aeplii eetngin oomAs evidesnce of the lpublic's apprecia- 0,08 p. am. have scored 5,514 points to oppoo- tion of this company worth the audi- Men., Nov. 2'7.-Miss Jessie Droon, of lev e- ent 2 nceso increase nightly, and to judge of land, on Child Charactert in Dickens. atcos92 the hearty applause thant greet their Inland League. The American Republican Col- efforts, Mr. *Vaugnt sod Isis troupe of Toes. Eve., Nov. 28-.Thanksgiving recrss he- lege League, which wan organized at talented players are genuine favorites gins. with St. Mary's people. Fel., Dee. R.-Martea, the greant violinnist, in Ann Arbor last year, now numbers S. L. A.couse. 72 colleges and noono members. HUStNEdSS LOCALE. A Liberal Offer. The University of Cairo, founded t A.D. hshelrgstat T-he J. T. Jacoba Cu. have received a A.D97 hste3agstatn fine line of nekwear-the very latent. The Iolander has now a larger dance of any college in the world, LOST-A Chain. Three gold -2oina suhscription list than ever before in the number of students being ith the heads of thne German emper- ors. The finder will receive a good the history of the magazine. Yet it 10,000. reward. J. E. SCHMIAAL, does not reach all the people who . 23 N. Univ. Ave. shoud red i andwhowoul he On Midway Plaisance. The canvasser wino received a photo shoud red i andwhowoul beto he enlargeid, of Mrs. Jones, No. 26 sure to enjoy it if only they had it. Strange as it may seem, this fain- 14th st., yesterday, will please return In order to reach some of these ous street is now in Ann Arhor in it and receive another, as wvrong pie- ture was given. people, the management has decid- the midst of all its former glory. A WANTED-A good solicitor in each ed to offer a prize for newsshcrip- single visit to the Guards Armory department of tine University to work lioswill convince the most fastidious of odNou rs. Good wvages guaranteed. Lions.No hinbt gonid solicitors uneid apply. They have just received from the the exactoess of the reproduction. Call at No. 7, N. Thnayer st., Saturday JohnF. Sraitn copany NewAll of the interesting features of the looning befiire 9 o'clock. JohnF. Sraton cmpaylNwnHve your photshtkein at Raltdnoll's Fork City, one of that well known original Midway may he seen here before line i isof Ch ristmaits. firms nnMonarchi" banjos, a fiue in- including: the great Ferris wheel, Two mnewly funishnedltrout suites of rooms, firlnl ce eat ainid oil, very strumeul, eleven inch head, german the Algerian zinsscle dances, the cheap. Also gonoi boarnd nt t$2.50 per ulcr rns nikelgrove hopIrish village, Old Vienna, and niany week. 1, S. Inigalls. hirt hrakcts slohic vireedge enrbiiovc ciand interesting features Martlin Hailer hisreceived a large thity racets doblewir edeissortmnent of Rattan Fuirnitinre, of black wvalnut heel neck, ebony finger whitchn sill wvell repay a visit to Ann which it few of lisla ltest patterns sre Arbr'sMidayPlasane. exhibited in is ltolow oindosw. He board, inlaitd positions and nanme, AhrsMda liac. slays, however, that this is onily a part scrollhead, while trimmings-listed - --' - of lils stock for Christmass.,Ile ex- n wholesale catalogiie at $24. I GRAND OPERA HOUSE. eapeswmore large shipnmentswt- This superh instrument sill he .MICHIGAN (JENT1 L 'line 'inniie l(Revised)llBecpt. 24th,, l89t. tail....4 hayil. e..S..... ll2 N. L nlited. OR.6(8N.S.. Sinslteni. 94.0 N. Y, initenl.1.945i.A. N. Fanlls Specinni...11 ii Ciica-o Express..1 55 N. Y. & Cki. Lia. .12 31G.It. & Stal, op..6it8 A. Al. Chi. N. Exptress... 8..11 Atlntic Expiesa. 6 33 Ptacific Expres' ?5 T). N. Exprects.lii0 0. RI.Epress...104 0. W. EcinoLnS, it. W. iHAYES, 0. P. & T. Agt., Chnicagnt. A--t., Anno Arbor. THE ANN ARBOR ARGUE PRINTING and- - .PUBLISHING Student W6Vork a Specialty. neil. Workmtentanti Loest Prinesin iheCnty. GRANGER'S. CLASSES IN DANCING still meneitn- Iollomncs:t.'wtllen, it. itilay ninnninis's10 and Thoetisy esciniltcn 08:01); Ladies, Stunrday~ anterioonis 4. laties annGetleen, nad- vancedcdrios, Tunesdiayevenilngs S. Gesani o, a Maysnaed Inc I ITnitin. on.leron (twelve es) $5. t Itl l cevediat Tiny 10 1-itlceslseO'.- Ila~iresfr25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. given as a prize and preruium to that student in University or An Arhor High school who shall first bring in thirty newsvubiscrihers at $i each. All contestants wvho fail to win this prize wiii receive a liheral conm- mission on all suhscriptions secured. For fall particulars call on or wrile G. XW. Harris, editor of In- lander, 58 South Division sireet. Literary Comment, To those who are seeking for a primer of the Greek language which msakes use of the ever popular induc- tive method, we cannot reconimend too strongly the new work of Profs. Harper and Castle, of thc Univer- sity of Chicago, which has just ap- pearedi from the press of the Ameri- can Book Company. This work posesses many improvesnents over other treatises of its kind, and sve note among thsem thne follosving: i, the lessons sre shorter; a, the notes more copious; 3, tine references to gramnmers are most complete; .I, the exercises are simpler; 5, the pupil is taught to read Greek accordling to the inductive method. All these qulalities, as will he readily apparent, makes Harper & Castle's Inductive Greek Prinmer, the hest work for beginners which can he obtained. Thie svork is well gotten up with a large vocahulary and copious nsotcs, making it complete in every way. The price of tlhis hook is $1-25- WOINDERFUL s.T'RIiNED HORlSEtS. As nlreadyannouncetd iosir col- amns, Icrof. I). M. Biristol aind iss scinoiil of thirty educated niules and ponies wvil exhibit in the opera hotise, two nights, ecnimeneing Fridany. A mnntinee xwiii he given Saturday after- noon. Tine followving is froni tine Neswark (N. J.) Daily Advertioer: "A large and appreciative audience greeted P'rof. I). M. Bristol's Eqises- Cuirricuslum at Minerstheatre last evenisig. Almnost everyone is aware that this remnarkable troupe coinsists of about thirty wonderfully traiined and bieautifunl horses, the tricks andt antics of swhichn ace so nuimerous ansd vacied that thney are able to eintertain an ass- dience fnr it whole evening. Tine openm- imig of the shosv takes ,tine.form of a scihool, in whnic'hnvariouns tasks andn du- ties tire assiginedkni tine: norses. 'lie moot initelligent nsnd nacomplisined tin tine horses is Snultnm, iineautiful and high-spiritend amnil. winise matinemat- icaol education swould cohmpare favoras- bly wvithn that of malony nachnilci.lHe tells time andsI sorks sums in artmse- tie, aisd evein gives the prinper anwers to ipiestious proposed by persons inn tine atidiemnce. 'lie most conispicuoss anii hardest worked niember of thse compansy is Deunver, it smle. Ife is nt once tineemcoediin ndicpihilosopher of the sinosw. 'lie seecomnd tart of tine entertnain- nientcinsnists minly sit fets of ploys- ical skil timid balaning, nmnynit whnichm unidoubtendly requmire tine exer- cise tnt asreasosninn fcunilty. Amnong tine mo-e pleasmnlg exhibitions niceno gams' of leapi-frog. anditine wanlkingnof tine tight rope by Dynamilite, at diimitu- tive munile. 11 brilliannt effect is ceaented by ai military srill, Ipartinipattet inusby mll tine horses." See these remarkable iorses at the Grand tonighmt. It'sill pany you. .1 1.1 I.5AN TUCKdERtNEXT IWEEK. min a nesw weeks. 47-49 ATTENTION-Do you thnk of buy- ing a type-swriter this yenar) Then call at the DAILs oihice if sou sh nebe how cost. -iionbe Hlandsonme Rtttancoucehes at thie Popular Funrnitnure Store of Martin Haller. 47.49. For Itent. -'Two single rooms, one siie, fiurunaine heat, ighnt, not aind cold weater banthi, twon dollars and three dhol- hats. 20 IfJeffersoun st. BRcACE Ui' with no goondpatir of shiounl- der brnaces. A large socek at low prices nt Birowmn's D~rug ';tore'. A fesv shuop woorus bracssatt301-. Hanve youi beeinnoIHazlewood's Bil- liard Hall yet? Everythning unice, pleas- ant antd quiet; uso boisterousuness. Go to 13lunow.N's IDiic'ctSTOutE for all Laboratory supplies. IDissectiung enases, apnromns anthsleeves-hto Praces. Students and Societies, AttentionY innsportunity tin secure ine fturni- ture nthose prices. A hanndsome wah- lmit bookease and cassend library table. Revolvinng bsook shelves, nimoyehiairs, sofa, piano1, tnedroom sets, &e. No reassounable oiter denlineni. Inqtuire aot No. 30 E. .leffesnst. Students' Thanksgiving Rates. Tine Tioled'n ltn aii Arbor & No. Mich. Ry. wtill sell ticetes ll studuents of thie U. sit M. aimn] Ylnoilnti Noruinailnt one aund one-thjidfare for ronndut trill, to aill poinitosciitinelimes if Glue roand oniits 'loelte ncniecio nns. excepnt thin Lake Shon'. ''ickts will be sold oun Nov. 28, 29 andnu30, gnod tno returun until Mous- dany, hDe. 4. Studeunts must be iro- vidledlwithn luopercemriensates. hR. S. 6C ,itlNl'luli, .Ageunt. Granger's 'Waltz Oxford." Lnilliani Tuciker and her compalony ap~- peaors tnttt'e GrtandlOpnerasIhumse next Mr. iris Bner intrmduceeditani tauight wseek, begihnniung svithmMondaty, -Nov. liis5j)n', n I ncbiimtiinhh instfhmnoemehits, 27, in a well selected repetoire. Speaok- time nnaylz ;, xtornl," uat time elnass nmeet- mug of her, thin St. Mary's (Cnanda) hug Tinesnity evening, amid it svas pre- homuirhal sasys: nnt'his secek Miss Lii- Ihoanced bymyanunny of thne class thne liain 'Tucker sand Chans. C. Vasihlts 1 prettiest aindiIhmst gralcefuhi(lanuce of Conmpany of ilayers are attrancting; I the season.