w . THE U. OF M. DAILY. , C o . C~L ties for physical development should ",'"' not discourage them so long as the PubisedDaiy Sucias xcpte) urnggymnasium, descrihed in another Publshe CDalyeundyseeer, i)b urngcolumn, exists for the students use. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION IT is certainly time for those hav- ing the inter-class games in charge, Susciription eice $2.50) per year, invariably t uk ragmnt o ein in adivance Sinle eopies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the oftcr of the DAILY, ning them at once. Frequent at Stesifet's, with any af the editors or inure r-onigt h AL authorized solicitors.inurear congtthDAL Communieations should reach the offilce by from the different departments ask- 7 o'clockp.ss. if they are to appear the neat ing why these games are not being Jay. Address all matter intended for publiea- tonn to the Managing Editor. All bussness played hefore the winter weather he- commnunications should be seat to the Busi- gns. Now thatth'Vriyea HesManager. g h Vriyta THE U. of M. DAILY, has finished the local games, the Ann Arbar.Itichs. class games should hegin at once, and there seems to he no reason EDITORS. why class pride should not run C, A. DENsISON, Lair 05, Managing Edtor. high. Inter-class foothall teams play H. A. IrALessoi, Lit. '94, Assiosant. J. L. LORI E, Lit. '95, Assoistsant. ball WV. N. LonstE, Lit. '96, Aossittsst. __________ F. WALvcl,Los'94,Susstitute Ansistlaol. Graduate Reception. J. A. LEnnY, Lit. '96, Athlctic Editor. S. W. COnoos, 1P. G. Lit., nosiness Manager . The Students' Christian Associa- I'ls,. A. MO1ixs, lit.'E, Asiotant. tionll vi give a reception to the LITERARY. I LACY, graduate students in Newberry Hall, H. B. Goasmos, '94. j0. F. Hall. 'y5. Mtisn LoisJanes , '4. ,,rOny AL, this evening. The followving pro- R. 0. Austin, 95 .I. Oaridl F. P. yeSadlerd. H. D. Horsis, 5.gram has bees arranged: IMusic; DNTL. OMWOPATIII5.i talk, "Our Graduate Department," L. E.. CoosidI, "'9; c.lG. Jenlbite.,'94 President Angell; "A 'rypical Ccc.- Allecopyminstlse-ot the office bor 8.30a~ m man Seminary,'' Prof. Hudson; nfthoe day of poblicatiots. music; "Co-ordination of Subjects'' The Editorsodo not hold themselves reopon. Pr of. Adams; "Graduate Clubs," sible fee the opinions or statemento of corres General Secretary Manny. After pondests, apperinlg in the DAILY, the program has been given an ef- fort will be made to organize a Grad- A Valuable Man in Athletics. MEETING of the DAILY board to- The new mn Holister who has night promptly at 7:30 o'clock. been put on our football team for Every menmber is expected to be on the Kansas City trip, does not seem hand promptly, to be generally wvell known here, Ir secms that a false impression andi his history and charactcristics as to the attitude of the University will be of interest, is name is senate in regard to athletics has John W's. Hollister and he registers been spread abroad, from Cambridge, N. V. He is 23 The facly has taken a stand to yearn old, weighs 163 pounds and encourage athletics, instead of dIs- stands5 feet 7 inches high. It will conragmbeng theni, as is llnderslaoodb emeel that he was here by somse. early in the oeason and wasot at The niew plan is to exercise a di- practice for a fewv weeks. He left, rectory control instead of the ad- however, to take a position on the visory influence formerly pursued. team at Willianms college, from That the new plan will be beneficial which institution he cmne here. He and instil into athletics a more played end with Williams in tile vigorous life at the U.. of M.I is ceec- game against Cornell and in several. tain, other games this season. He re- UNIVERSITY NOTES. H. D. Curtis, '91 lit, is visiting friends in the city. Two new cases for cataloguing books have been received. 'The average age of the men on the Yale 'varsity eleven is so years. It is a little peculiar that Minne- sota will not play our team and pre- fers to go out of training and lose its Thanksgiving game to do so. It is true, however, that Minnesota has everything to lose and nothing to gain. Owing to the number of articles which related directly to Thanks- giving, and which therefore had to go in the Wrinkle this issue, much good material not so pertinent to this holiday was left over, which wiii appear in thse neat number. Among these articles is the sketch by Kellogg and thse local rub on the Inlander. Horsford's Acid Phosphate Is the most effective and agree- able remedy in existence for preventingindigestion, and re- lieving those dis 'isses arising from a disord.'red stomach. Dr. W. W. Gardner, Spriogfield, Mass., says: "I value it as an eacellent preventative of indigestion, aond a pleasant aeidulated driok owhen properly dilutesd willh waler, aod sweetened." Dreripstivepaomphlet fIee assappslicat iosnsts Rumford Chemical Works, rovidtenceR.I. BdesaosSbstboitutessand lositatioso. For Sale by all Druggists. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY Fisest plaine isty.lPromsptsins