THE U. OF M. DAILY. GLOVE SALE! GLOVE SALE! The proprietor gradnoted in '84 dT Another lot of those Straet Gloves received, sold everywhere for $1.75, your ch ice this we I the prescrption clerk in '90. They for $1.25, all shades and sizes, have lea-ned their business hy hard CHOICE OF ANY HAT IN OUR WINDOW, $1.00. study, What they know is at your disposal at1 DOWPISH Q TTESON T EOUTFITTER,_2_3__S_ Calkins' PharmacyUE tTjA . o eeeoa o ee JVC OOI -&rWJ QI E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Ilave a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HAND BOOKS BOUGHT OR EXCIJANGED. CAZEUDs EGRAtTS1D =N WSE 2TEST hFTrYZI,2S. SHEEHAN& Co. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERS, TATE STREET. Special Sale of Writing Tablets. U Fine Linen and Wove Writing Papers, 25c a pound. Sweaters and Gymnasium Saits. Visiting Cards engraved on short notice. SHEEHAN& Co. University Booksellers, Stationers and Engravers, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A new invention for duplicating copies of writings and drawings. (Z)=T Does not char the tick. Htas no bad odor. Hras never been in barrels- It is pure carbon. Delivered promptly. Does ot smoke cliomseso. Gives a pure white light. Is as white as distilled water. Giles light without smoke o, aodor. Sold only by Deat & Co. . rItl meet arny piree made on oil. 44 South ainen Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. From an original, an ordinary paper with any pen, ioo copies can be made. Fifty copies ofntypewriter manuscripts produced in 155minmates. We will sell this machine for only $5.00. which is way beiow cost oe manufaoture. The Printer is new and can be seen at the office and tried. O. K. BARBER SHOP. htln eonnectioi: Fine Sbower Baths. new por- celate tis. '0 baths for *5.00. Ladies' Hair Dressing- Parloi upstairs. .RH. TRitOANowei, 00 E. Washingrton d. PATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP, No. 4 East Huron Street. FIRaT N ATION AL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $M1.000. Tranacts eign esehange .bnught asd said. Letters of credit procured for trasveIersabrnad. P. BACH, Preas. S. W. CLAEKSON, Cashier. ANN ARBOR KE)IJ4 Ji1IUNDRY G0 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SEnviss, - Manlager. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Prof. Stanley is still confined to the house. Dr. W. A. Wehe, '93, has located at Topeka, Kansas. Miss Edith Jones, '96 lit, is teach- in at Dowagiac, Mich. Mr. Lovett, '93 law, is located at Huntington, West Virginia. D. J. Moyer, '93 medic, is prac- ticing medicine at Ottawa, Ill. Midway Plaisance at the Guard's Armory is proving quite an attraction to students. J. W. Morrison, lit. '92 is princi- pal of Hickory Flat Institute at Hickory Flat, Ky. The junior laws are having quiz- zes in Stephen on Pleading under Prof. Griffin this week. The new School of Music build- ing will be dedicated on Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clock. The printed lecture controversy in the law department will be defi- nitely settled in a short time. Six men under Prof. Cooley went to Chicago this week to pack up the U. of M. exhibit at the "Fair." There will be a meeting of the inter-university debate committee, Friday, at 1:30 p. m., at the usual place. It is reported that Dr. L. B. Humphrey, class of '93 was acci- dently drowned in Indian Territory 0 which place he had gone to ac- cept a position as an instructor in a college and to practice his profes- S5an. U. of M. Philological society will meet tonight in Room E. Papers will be read by Dr. Leser and Mr. Meader. Dr. F. B. Powers, '93, has been appointed Professor of Histology and Pathology in the Tenn. Medi- cal college. Hahnemannian society met last night at 8 o'clock in Newberry hall. A good programme was enjoyed by all present. The S. C. A. reception to New England students will be given next Wednesday evening. Prof. Stanley will act as toastmaster. There will be a meeting of the senior lit independent "co-eds" on Saturday to choose three members of the Castalian board. Some of the senior electrical en- gineers go to Detroit this week to assist in the testing of a new electric lighting and power plant. A new plan for calling the roll in the law department is being dis- cussed and considered by the stu- dents and quizmasters. It is aimed to save time consumed in roll call. There are six members of '93 medic class in Ann Arbor. Miss Bishop is assistant to Dr. Dock, Dr. Blair, assistant to Dr. Herd- man; Dr. Roberts, assistant to Dr. Huber; Dr. Muirhead, assistant to chair of Materia Medica; Dr. Sauer- mann, assistant to Dr. Carrow, and Dr. F. D. Patterson is taking P. G. work. ©:WMR. FUL DE,Ia FIR1STr CLASS TAIL.OR[, Wiliamstreet, Firstdoor WestofeState Street. U. OF M. FLAGS. Sterling Silver, enamelled in yellowe tind loe, stick pin or catch pi. Price, $1.50. W31. ARNOLD, Jeele. FLOW S, FrOWZI 9S FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY.COSN HA . Fws aGl 3dSk n'S. .1ldl5 Capital, $30,100. Surplus and Profts $$,000. Does a general banring busiaess. Pays inter- eat on Savings Desits. Ilas Safty Deposit;Boxssfonerre. R. KEMP+,P 'ies. F.RH. BELSER, Cashier. Bank open Saturday evening. ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS who are will- ing to pay a litte moerelthan eke price harged ei ytr teordinaiytrade Cigarettes, willand THIS BRAND superior toaliothers. The Richmond Straight Cut No.1 CIGARRETTES ae made fromthe brightest, most deicate is faavor, and highest cast GOLD LEAF grown in Tirginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that ike name ofthe nianuacturers as kelow is on every package. y v G1 M Oneco co C*BRANC ,lCt1 NDsV1AG1N1A The Leatdingj .404T AILOR Has the newest Saland Winter Wooten and largest stock in the city. You ean get any seleetion you are looking for. COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington St., near Main.