THE U. OF M. DAILY. % T of " men will go through their line Sat- ~ ~ urday as if thsrough paper, and if PubisedDaiy Hu~las xcpte) urngsuch user-training continues the the Cedecge year, by men will have no base 00 which to THE IU. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION depend for Thanksgiving day.. ___ At Princeton a similar state of sutscription price $2.50 pee yeae, invariably affairs exists. The following clip- in asevanre Single cepies 5 cents. Sabarrip- ped froml the Daily Princeton gives tos may be left at the otitte se the DAIsY, at Stoiltet's, with atty at the editora or a good idea of the condition of their authorized solicittors. team: t'emmunieatisns should reach the eiltee hy 7 e'cloch P.M. tt they are to appear the next The 'Varsity, yesterday, gave the Jay. Address alt matter inteaded tee piub)tira- poorest exhtibitisoi of football seen on on to the Managing Eiditor. Alt busineaa the University grounda for some time. cemmunicationa ahoald be aent to the Bust- The ment sheoved none of that energy nss Manager. THE U. at M. DAILY, and vigor which has eharacterized Atnn Arbar, Mines. their work for some time past. The _____ ball was fumbled oftens and was usu- ED{TORS. ally secured by the Scrub. The inter- 0, . tcssux Lw 'o. laagig dttr. ference was always well formed, but C, A. SeEN eNo, Li. '94, itndt. Its soons as it got up to the Scrub lite, .T. L. LottIE, Lit. '95, Assistant. it seemed to opent and the runner was w. N. COoArE, Lit. 'ei, Assistantt. tackled with a gain of but a few yards, F. WALTvERS, Laws '94, Subsititute Assis-tant. whetn there should save beeni long ritns. J. A. Lest's, Lit. '9li, Athletic Ettitor. RTe backs were slow its starting anid s. . v. tinCKs, . .Lit., eAsins anager oftens failed to take their opentings. sIEA. 'a ill. Il sittt The protectiont afforded the full bace H1. B. Gammoln, '94. I1. F. Hell. 'q5. wvas so poor that lie vwas titiable to get Mils Lois Janesi, '94. MtEDIC.. aniy force its his icks. FRP. .Sale adler,'96 'C- E. L. Matindale. '94. E. Y'. Lyle, 'lie. - H. 0. tilthins, C9(i- ETLy. nI~osttAvti-I. The P. D. Q. Society. L. P.. tCeetradt. 95 C,' G.Jenhicns, t94.__ Twventy-five per cent of the Fresh- All copy me-it tie at the oftier betore 5:30t 1. i oc thte day elf publicaione. man class at Wesleyans are ladies. As a result of this increase in tht The Editors lie net held themselves respen- sile tsr the epinioes Cr statements it corres number of co-edt the opposition to pondents, iatpertng in cte DILY.s' co-education has greatly increased. The female students have been de- am - -nominated as "quails," and their TH en U PUBLSHIN Hasn Ua nt.. dormitory as the "qalsroost." EVER meberof iseDAIy saffIt is also reported that a society is expected to attetnd the meeting to- known as thse 'P. D. Q. Society," msorrow night, 7:30 o'clock, sharp. (meaning put down the quails) has - be en fornsed. This is eertainly an *THE commnication which up- ugetstlemanly and tunmanly way of pears in anothser colintn in regarti to shtowving their opposition, and taken thse establishet of an antiual by totgethser tvith the history of the tiun- the senior law class is vell wotrths jdergraduate rule'' tnigit lead a pes- the consideration of Ite senior law simist to wonder witetiter thse much class. 1vaunted manly spirit of American THEo Wrinkle attd Intlander haive college students, is not at least in prepared exceuptionsally fine -tlais . some sections of the country, merely gtvtng and Christnmas nunmbetrs at a tuty lnvriyCuir on the appointed day. A great game is looked for, and from all ap- pearances today the honors will he about even. Cambridge men are already be- ginning to get excited over the com- ing contest, and as utual the ma- jority of students think Harvard will win-Special to the Detroit Tribune. A Banquet Ansured. A goodly number of 93 nmen attended the meeting in Room 9, to make arrangements for a class ban- quet. As there is a large number of last year's class in college this yer twas decided to hold a bn - -1 Is thr LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS attd SHORTHAND.CtaMagicethbuitding; nine teherst large attendanecteesottdicipltne;supr- iorwtorh; tel stuppliedrading roomt dailyletrets Saturday evenaingrececptions; oheatthe cateyear iExceptionat faciitiesfor ptacing atudetnts ia peat- tiont-shershaed gradasgharanteedsthem.Ltvtng exese s $2t $2t75per a-et ia privateafamilies. Foar New' catalogue, aditresa P. R. CLEARY, PatS. Tt-- ii quet somttme alsert ..trtstttas andTt'ime Tabte takintg erectSundaiy, Siv. 5,1893. its success is assured. An execu- Trains leave Antn Arbrby Cntral live committee consisting of Messrs. iijoxi.m. *Sw. Mayhew, Wright and Richardson ht2:15tPhl. 1sta. m 4:15 p. m. 3:60 p. M, wsappointed to make all the neces - Trains ren between Ann Arbor atnd Teledo salarrn(emets orthe banquet. All t-eais dolly except Suttday. sa arrneetsfrR. 5. OGREENWOODS, Agent, Aets Artier. W. H. BECNNE~TT, 0. P. A. Toleds. A.nn Arbor Savings Bank AA r.-leM5lih. Capital1Soeck, 050,000. Oram idundsr thinc:enerlBianking Laws /g'~~f//O hi cs Stac teRcives depoesits, buys and Iselsee e aontehe priancipal cities oftthe Uitted States.tiraftsi cashed upon proper t idetin. Safety depisit boes to rens. OFICERteS*.lCiri-stian taek,Prert.; W. D. Harrimaet. Vii-e Pres.; Chash. E. Hiscock, Cs- -shier'- M. J. Peit AsatCashier. Horsfords Acid Phosphate tGll I1ID OPIIA 1 O I1S1 Is the most effective and agre I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVIE., gre1 NOV. 24 AND 25. able reluedy in existence for Fam1Iilt mtineie, SCurdaytat :2 preentng nd 5 ITHE BIG CITY SHOWAC pI'e ening ndiestin, nd r- flv IsO atnesn ais city otitle Famlous lieving those diseases arsisng Prof. D. M. BRISTOL'S EU froml a disordered stomlach S t1NJRICULUM Dr. WV. 'WV. Gardner, Springfielit, E30 E~lib~~it ;:lieLresti:andjBhtyt,- Moss., s-is-: "Ivalite it as on esceltrts t eied n inensely iiIbii-Id ~in1loit peeventattioe of ihdigestion, oant a pleosanttIA , 005liis5s- ltp-lrhil aciddilatesd drinksh ilensproperlydiltited ith itioil,.Bost,e lh PIiidclii:t 55il'tm,i Cldegoa d ll ire lie cti'tis. iir-cisiiy. wateransteneed." Itiesrc5's- o iliioxisiett ive Pin 111, i-tyr.. Ciiiiptli is. evi-ryiti-p:itiio sin I 1Prices, - - 35 i- td 3(1cents. Deit--rptiv- pamhilet free oii spiati-i toii l ('ildreit, - - - 25 cedits. Rtumtord ChemicalWarhs, Prsvienceto.I. Ma~tinee Pur ile sue. Seats on Site its Bewalre of Substitutesantd Imitatilons. Wli- .l -iie-try 5Sore. For Sle b allDrugists oNES v. 0OO0IIEW, Florist. Griiwer cf For ale y al Drugisi. Hsues, Carna~tis aiid Plowersofetalt vani- ety. Flsol idesigns mode sipoti short tiotice. STAR STEA LAU DRY No. i Ubiervatovytreet, ole. cermetery gate. C'itest pla ciithcit ly.'retmpt ill gettig C -F1,T v eatultorkatid delivetring. Oftic, 10dEt Hu.Ci- *BP~I i E. Washing5ton Street rnSt. t'elephoine801 great expense. As a result of muds hard wvork on the part of the board of editors, ltst two publications, of which wve are proud, are very fine editions. It is to be lsopedl that tise students will give tlsese publications the very liberal sup- port they deserve. Get a copy to take honse with you and show your friends what is being done at the U. of M. itn the line-of literary and humorous publications. Yale-Princueton Teamn. It is interesting to notice the con- dition of the two great football elcv- enns as the time for the Yale-Prince- ton Thanksgiving game approaches. The Yale News editorially speaking says that the men are already over- trained and unless they are given complete rest this week the Harvard Yale-Harvard Game. jItostots, Nov. 22.-On Saturday, jX'ale and Harvard meet in battle ar- ray for their annual game. As the tinie draws near the interest seems to grow more and more intense. Will Harvard lower list blue colors for thse second time in the history of football between the twvo great colleges, or can Yale uphold the enviable football reputation so de- servedly won on the gridiron, and wvhich she has enjoyed for so many years? This is the all-absorbing question that rests on every one' lips whso feels the slightest interest in the sport. For either team it tmians the struggle of its lift, from start to fin- ishs, and every ounce of strength and skill will be pressed into action I .;z GUITARS, Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers. "Besh in the World." U~ey babnn ntunn si tte proctP tou petilt chin - eranadcsents nobehrcter- 1ostc. -w1e sta0ehue repntation ,tionather sort) are. A .eautiful -. vathbttr Settvenir Catalogne," eontaingportraits hi leadtag aetist ,ad Ie tand fattdesorip- tienheofthese tsstrumts, Iree. COn. STATE & MoNROnaSen., CHICAGO. i The Anon Arbor Organ Co., Sole Agentis, ANN ARBOR.