THE U. OF M. DAILY. GLOVE SALE! GLOVE SALE SThe proprietor graduated In '84 and the prescription clerk in '90. They Another lot of those Street Gloves received, sold everywhere for $1.5 your chice this week Shave lea-ned their business by hard for $1.25, all shades and sizes. I study, What they buow is at your CHOICE OF ANY HAT IN OUR WINDOW, $1.00. disposal at YBO PISH W MATTESON THE OUTFITTERS, Calkins' Pharmacy- , . ~I\/ ~[ & WEW]~_/,-E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. Have a Full Assortment of UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THE USuAtL DISCOUNTS GIVEN TO STUDENTS. SECOND HAND BOOKS BOUGHT OR EXCHAtGED. C.A.IDS 1L't3 VTA VUBJ =NI3 ZTESWED 3RSW S SrEY'JS. SHEEHAN& Co.. UNIYERSITY BOOKSELLERS, STATE STREET. Special Sale of Writing Tablets. []Fine Linen and Wove Writing Papers. 25e a pound. Sweaters and Gymnasium Suits. Visiting Cards engraved on short notice. SHEEHAN& Co. University Booksellers, Stationers ands Engravers, STATE STREET. The Simplex Printer. A new invention for duplicating copies of writings and drawings. Does ot char the wick. Does not smoke climneys. Has no bad odor. Gives a pure white light. Has never been in barrels' Is as white as distilled water. It is prure carbogi. Gives light without smoke oror.n Delivered lromptly. Sold only by Dears & Co. Wilt meet ray price made on oil. 41 South Main Streeti.DE N & C PA Y 44setAnn Arbor, Mich. DEAN & COMPANY. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Subscribers to the football fund The Castalian board will meet are requested to pay up their sub- scriptions at once. The association this evening at 9 o'clock. is in need of money. The sub- Rev. Elliott will speak tonight in. scription may be paid during chapel Newberry hall, on "Why I am a time in the Stevard's ofdlcr to S. Catholic."a From an original, an ordinary payee with any pen, 105 copies can e mode. Fifty copies of typewriter manuscripts produced in 15 minutes. We will sell this machine for only $5.00. which is way below cost of manufacture. The Printer is new and can be seen at the office and trie d . s 0. K. BARBER SHOP. In connectiftiuFine Shower por- celan tubs. < baths for $500. Ladies' Hair Dressing Parlor upstairs. J. R. TROiAmowsr, I0 E. Washington St. PATRONI'.E OWEN'S BARBER SHOP No. 04East Huron Street. FIRST IN ATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $30,000. Transacts a general ba king business. For- eign exehanrge bought and sold. Letters of credit proured gee travelers abroad. P. BA H, Pros. S. W.CL 4IKSON, Cashier. ANN ARBOR- ITKEIJ4 sLiUNDRY60. 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. E. S. SERVISs, - Manager. John Temple Graves was enter- tained by the Kappa Sigma fra- ternity while in the city. Revival meetings will be con- ducted at the Methodist church next week, beginning on Sunday evening and continuing every even- ing of tlhe week, except Saturday. Some of the graduate students are discussing the advisability of an association of graduate students. The matter of organization will probably be brought up at the re- ception Friday evening. The law committee on Washing- ton's birthday has appointed a sub- committee to visit Detroit and se- cure the influence of Senator Mc- Millan, Gen. Alger, Hon. T. W. Palmer, and Mayor Pingree. The Philosophical society will meet Thursday evening at 7:45, sharp. Louis A. Strauss will read a paper on "Egoism and Altruism." The place of meeting is Room 21, and all are invited to attend. The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra- ternity has donated a tennis court to the Athletic association. This will be put in at the Athletic field, and can be used for contests with outside players, to which it is de- sired to charge admission. C. Spitzer, Financial Secretary. It is somewhat doubtful if ex- President Harrison can be secured for Febuary 22, as he will begin his lectures at Leland Stanford, Jr., university the first of February, but the committee is diligently at work, determined to make the occasion equal, if possible, to that of 'gz, when President Cleveland was the speaker. Mr. Herbert L. Rice, formerly with '92, having taken his degree B. S. in the Columbia university, of of Washington, D. C., has been ap- pointed instructor of Astronomy in that institution for the coming year. Mr. Rice also holds his government position in the Nautical Almanac and has recently received an honor- able and lucrative promotion in that office. onWM- R. FUL DE,:- FIRST~ CLASS T'ALOR, William Street, First door West of State Street. U. O F M. FLAGS. Sering Silver, enamelled in - ye'llowc anrd blue, slick its or catei pis. Price, $150. 1W'Z. ARNOLD, .Teccer. FLOVWIERS, F OW ES FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY.26S O'Og evns-irsr Aic ever e COUSIS W A iL ori i Telephone .i1. iheJiers' arid c11a ric&'3apt Capital, $50,s. Surpss and Profs $17,000. Ooes a general baninlbusiness. Pays inter- est on svings eposits. lias Safety fDeipositcBoxsnfonrrnt. it. KE PFF, 'is. . H. BIELSERd, cashier. lBank open Saturday evening. STRA16 ARE THE BEST. CIGARETTE SMOKERS who are will- ing so pay a little morn than the price charged ion the ordinaryltrde Cigarette, willind THIS BRAND superior toallothers. The Richmond Straight Cut No.I CIGARETTES are made from the brightest, most delicate in flavor, and highest cost GOLD LEAF grown in Virginia. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that the name of the manufacturersas below is on every package. O ]x 4TERICLWC0AC O p1 "BANCH Z, i 1iM0NDJQIgoNlA ... .. 7=1 Members of the class of '93 who have returned to college are work- The L eadin ing together with their usual classseTy e a n o spirit. They are planning now to -mtoT AJL OR give a class banquet, and will meet this evening at 7 o'clock in Room 9 to consider the advisability of this Has the newest Fall and whiter Woolens and y hi, largest stock in the city. You can get any and to make arrangements. All selection you are looking for. graduates of '93 and those who were COME AND SEE US. formerly members of the class are invited to be present. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. i ILI,